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Signs you have been on Steptalk too long.....

aggravated1's picture

1) You see a license plate that spells out “luvsthemall” and you are immediately taken over by a homicidal rage.

2) You consider the word “sarcastic” to be a compliment.

3) You get in an argument with your DH and your first thought is “ You are about to get some mashed potatoes to the face, buddy.”

4) Your kid doesn’t like first grade, but you just tell him “You knew what you were getting into” while offering no support or advice whatsoever.

5) The sight of Thumper the rabbit makes you sick to your stomach.

6) Barbies are no longer allowed in your home, especially if they are the bitching type.

7) Anytime you come across a spoiled adult female, you think “There goes a Tatum.”

Dirol You briefly considered cutting and pasting pictures of your stepkids onto the family photos you already have, but decide against it and spend the money on tequila.


dragonfly5's picture

Love it all but this is the best. 2) You consider the word “sarcastic” to be a compliment.

It is isn't it????

Rags's picture

I don't think this a related to step talk so much as to being a step parent with a kid with half of their gene pool being shallow, toxic and polluted.

Classic. I did lol.

Shaman29's picture

Okay....this one cracked me up! Smile

5) The sight of Thumper the rabbit makes you sick to your stomach.

Auteur's picture

--You wonder if "Zippy" ever made it out of teenage toddlerhood and how "Endora" coped with it all.

Auteur's picture

--You rush to read any of Starfish's comments, because you know they will be an "in your face guilty daddy/bratty skids" throwdown!

--The word "assgnats" makes you giggle!

SteppingUp's picture

-- You accidentally refer, out loud, to her as BM
-- You say to your SO during a discussion, "Well Rags said ______ and that really made sense" ....and then you realize SO doesn't know who "Rags" is.

alwaysanxious's picture

LOL! Sometimes I have to catch myself right before saying SD's name so that I don't say "SD15" instead.

starfish's picture

i have to add that everytime mil goes back to kissing bm's ass, all i can think of is:

Golden Uterus Syndrome

think that came from Aut long ago.....

side note, i got to use that phrase with mil this morning, but she didn't get, but I DID!!!!

caregiver1127's picture

As always A1 - you are spot on - this is why I consider you one of the wisest women on here - there are a few of you out there and you all know who I mean - thanks for the laugh I needed it today!!!

Another one is that you have a countdown calendar on your computer bookmark bar and when your DH asks why June 2012 is the end date you quickly think up the lie "Oh that is when SS graduates from High School but we all know on here that you are thinking that is when the CS stops and I can resume my botox - Praise Jesus!!!" Wink

dragonfly5's picture

You refer to the people on steptak as your support group because you really can't tell your SO and your friends that your advice on being a step parent comes from an internet group!

BM is forever in your use it in conversations.
And even though you maybe one it doesn't have a good connotation.

You read all blogs concerning not wanting your fskids at the wedding to see who will attack first...and watch for the words " you knew what you were getting into"!

And if anyone says these words even outside of steptalk you just want to say HELL NO I DIDN"T and beat the crap out of them!

twopines's picture

>>>You read all blogs concerning not wanting your fskids at the wedding to see who will attack first...and watch for the words " you knew what you were getting into"!<<<

LOL Yes!!

FML's picture

Lol! My SO knows where I am but to everyone else....this is my "support group" Very "non-conservative" bunch!

BSgoinon's picture

When you relay a story that someone has told on here you start off by saying "I have a friend who..."

Because really... that is what I consider most of you.

alwaysanxious's picture

ha yes!

ErinOnTheEdge's picture

I haven't been on here all that long, but the one thing that it has really changed for me is whenever I get tempted to snap at SD, I hear a voice in my head saying "DISENGAGE... DISENGAGE..."

CalgonTakeMeAway's picture

ROFL...I LOVE this post!! I laughed out loud when I got to #4 of the OP...

4) Your kid doesn’t like first grade, but you just tell him “You knew what you were getting into” while offering no support or advice whatsoever.

I haven't been here very long either, but I am referring to it a LOT when I talk to DH. This isn't a support group??? LOL

DaizyDuke's picture

4) Your kid doesn’t like first grade, but you just tell him “You knew what you were getting into” while offering no support or advice whatsoever.

I seriously busted a gut for 5 minutes on this one....I can't wait to use it on DH when he is playing his "you hate my kids and knew what you were getting into" game

Oh and luvsthemall!!! Wonder who she reincarnated into????

poisonivy's picture

When you can't get to an internet connection and start going through STWS, bka StepTalk Withdrawal Syndrome!

Love, love, love this post!