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Heaven help me not to strangle BM!!!

bayers44's picture

Where to start... On Saturday DH gets a call her but I take it because he is driving. We pull into a store at the same time. She askes to talk to the kids. Neither of them are with us, but I can tell she has been crying. sooooooooooo I try to help. The main reason is I would rather her talk to me than take it out on the skids. She states the the people she is living are telling her she is a bad mother because she medicates her youngest son. He has ADHD and a heart condition that he was born with.

A little backgroud on where is now living - she was just evicted 6 weeks ago from her trailer and most of her family will have nothing to do with her. So she moves in with a friend that already has about 8-20 people living in a 3 bedroom house. When the kids go over the sleep on the floor or a chair if there is one available. (yes we have thought about stopping visits - but realize that our kids will hate us even more.) THey are mommas boys right now.

So onto the phone call - she cries on my shoulder telling how mean they are. In the end she asks me if DH and I would take her youngest son for a few days just to get him away from the situation!! Now this kid (7) hates me - why?? His mother has literally been trashing me for years. Then DH comes up with another issue. BM used to do this a lot when she wanted to go party. "I can't take the kids this weekend because I am working, or I don't feel good or I have to help someone" Then we find out from her friend that she was drunk and high all weekend.

SO this wasn't even the worst of it!!!!!! I decided to tell SS17 about once he gets home. So he knows that BM is having issues. After a long conversation it turns to SS13 and he says well he is a lot like his dad. My response is DH was never like this....(I have know DH since he was 9) and SS17 says no his other dad - the one that died. I know that dad is not his real dad. WHAT????? He even gave me the name of the supposed othe "dad". How could this woman do this to this child! I think it is time to go back to supervised visitation!


bayers44's picture

I found out today the both skids have "known" for awhile the my DH is not skid13's "real" dad. WOW you could have let us know. But I think DH handled it very well he stated that if he was skid13's "real" dad then why would BM pay him child support for all these years. And they know we had a tough custody battle getting them - why did she not bring this up then? But the skids only want to believe BM - so I am taking it upon myself to find supposed real dad - whom she said was dead and get him out to the house. Should be too hard - I just talked to his sister today!

Back from the dead ~ explain that one!