BM wants to meet DH at SD's school registration
BM called last night and demanded to know what time DH will be taking SD to her school registration because she wants to meet him there to make sure the school knows "who the REAL parents are" what a joke! Like she is ever involved anyways. It makes me uncomfortable to know they will be doing that together. They will look like such a happy family. GAG. I hate having to deal with feeling this way.
- Soon-to-be-Step-Mommy's blog
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Why dont you go? Does you DH
Why dont you go? Does you DH give you the option to come along? Or does he just say "You know how she is, just stay here at home I will be back in a bit" DO you ever have to pick up SD or care for her at any time, if so i think you should go.....BM's do need help...even if they talk and act like they do everything themselves...I bet one day if the SD gets sick and she is at work and your DH is off somewhere you will have to go pick her up! It has happened to me, and then all that stupid "I don't want her around my kid stuff stopped" When she saw what a help I could be Im trying to get off all the lists they put me on ...(
I have to work. Otherwise I
I have to work. Otherwise I would go. DH's work is flexible and he can go in late that morning. BM happens to be off work that day. It's funny because I do watch SD and pick her up and what not. But BM only admits to needing my help when it benefits her.
Once DH took SS to the
Once DH took SS to the orthodontist and BM claimed that she had to work and could not go (we live 700 miles apart and were on vacation so of course she made the appointment at that time) well lo and behold the bitch showed up at the orthodontist and I was furious - but then DH told me it was so awkward and uncomfortable with her there and that SS actually seemed relieved when she left to go back to work - so I am sure that your DH will not enjoy her being there!!!
I know it bothers you...but
I know it bothers you...but honestly I could care less about goign to SD's open house or who her teachers are. I have my own kids to worry about. Let her mom deal w/that.
My exh has rarely if EVER been to an open house or school event. My bf I doubt will go to sd's open house.
Even in intact homes I rarely see both parents there...sometimes you do but not the norm. So you guys are registering the kid? Lives with you then? So mom is just going to make herself feel better and be territorial...who cares. Let mom have this...I"m sure the school will know they are divorced and who you are.
Not worth fretting over though i understand your feelings
We have a similar issue. BM
We have a similar issue. BM melts down if I attend 'parent' things but I told BF this year to set up a meeting with or with out BM and explain to the school the issues we had last year. BM wants everything to think they have a wonderful parenting relationship but they don't. I told him that he needs to tell the school that and not to send stuff to just her house or only call her when there is a problem because we never find out about it or we do when it's too late.
Let ur SO do the talking for you if you BM doesn't want you to go. Tell him all your thought and concerns. But make sure the school know that you are involved too.
Exactly! It seems that 99.9%
Exactly! It seems that 99.9% of all divorces/breakups are HIGH, HOSTILE, CONFLICT!
No one is mature enough to say "you go your way and I'll go mine."
I showed up at a "hearing" for VD (SD stb 13 at the time 10) to determine VD's so-called "learning disabilities;" the biggest one of which was the six footer sitting two chairs over from me (the BM).
Boy was the Behemoth INFURIATED when I was there and actually COMMENTED that I found VD to be a bright and clever child and no reason to be labeled "learning disabled" for the convenience of an excuse out of parenting.
OH our BM made me mad because
OH our BM made me mad because BF and I both have Learn disabilities, but during a parent teacher conference (the only one I went to) She refereed to the Special Ed classes as "the dumb classes" I am not saying that every child has LD but the ones that do are not dumb, she is dumb!
I ask BF why she was letting some one like that make all the choices for his kids.
And when the teacher brought up an attention issue alls BM said was he doesn't have ADD, rather than say why he doesn't have it, he just doesn't. lol
Ok, wait, registration or an
Ok, wait, registration or an open house? Or are they different? At open house we get to meet the teachers, find out which bus, which homeroom, etc. So you would spend a little more time there.
After all of the hassle, BM
After all of the hassle, BM texts DH this morning and says she isn't coming. She was off work today too but when DH asked if she wants SD for a few hours, her answer was OF COURSE no!!!!! She had "plans" that are always more important than seeing her daughter! The last 4 days SD was with her, she worked every day and her roommate put SD to bed. She barely saw her. And then on her day off the idea of spending time with her daughter doesn't even cross her mind. I will never understand it!!!!!!!!