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Garden Party Screamfest

Merrigan's picture

Yesterday was a garden party style birthday celebration for SO's niece and nephew at the grandparents place. I didn't want to go due to all the drama that takes place when the SD's visit his family (PAS from BM, who hates his family and isolated him from them for years). SO promised me there'd be no drama. Sure. Okay.

SD17 did her usual thing from the start, offside complaints about the food, trying to dominate the conversations, pulling her dad away from the family over and over again. I hardly saw him the entire day. I had plunked my a$$ down on a lounger in the prettiest part of the garden with cheese and craft hard cider. At one point SD17 sits next to me and starts mocking the party favours. "Who gets THAT kind of chocolate?  And the candy sucks."

Her aunt, the mom of the two birthday cousins, hears this and loses it. "Nothing is ever good enough for you!  I spent so much money trying to get the candy right this year, and you still had to complain about it!  You've done this every year, ruined MY kids birthday parties because it's not what YOU want!  I'm sick of it!"

SD17 bawls and screams and runs off to hide in SO's car and call her mother. I open another beer. I can hear her screaming in the car with the doors closed. The grandparents sit down with me and say they wish she would learn from this but she never does, that she's been raised with no manners, and she is who she is now at her age.

When SO was getting ready to drop them back to their moms, SD17 complained about having to change out of the pants I'd loaned her when she'd gotten cold (she threw a nice dig in as well when I did: "huh, these are big on me. I thought we were the same size".  Girl, they're a medium, the same size you wear).  I got my pants back, and the skids eventually went back to their moms after demanding snacks and watching tv for an hour.

I told SO that what she said to her aunt today is the same thing I've been dealing with from her for years. He tried to say she doesn't know what she's saying and she doesn't mean it - she just has no filter and it slips out.  She doesn't mean to be mean. Same excuses as always. I said, "and does her mom say things to be mean?"  He couldn't defend it.

Like her aunt, I'm sick of it. I'm sick of hearing how I'm second best to mommy, that my clothes are inappropriate, that I'm cocky and accident prone (from a serious bicycle accident I had years ago before I met them and BM found out via SD17 what my injuries were).  All said while laughing so she can say "but I was only joking!"

She is who she is now. 


Noway2b1's picture

Horrible and unacceptable. Your DH is part of the problem. Though 17 is still immature brain wise. I'm just about finished (meaning he's moving out next year)  raising my youngest of 4 boys now 20, it's had it's challenges, but he's matured a LOT in the last two years and people do change. Admittedly some really have to experience some hard knocks to do so, some grab hold and grow from it, some just become victims. Your SD can/might change for the better, but then again she may get worse. Don't hold your breath and just work on having peace in your life regardless. 

Merrigan's picture

The family said this is a pattern of behaviour from her. She says something offensive at a family gathering, someone gets upset and calls her out, she throws a fit for an hour or so while SO tries to calm her down. After that happens, he brings her out to apologize and everything is supposed to be forgotten. Except her apology is "sorry if I upset you."  I've gotten this "apology" a few times. When she has a fit, she cries about how no one likes her, she can't do anything right, and SO has to tell her over and over again that everyone loves her, and he knows she didn't mean it.

Yes she does. 

caninelover's picture

At 17 her personality may be what it is but she can still learn and adapt.  The problem is that most give teenagers alot of leeway.  At 17 that grace period is nearly over and SD will find more and more people react the way her Aunt did.

Beer (and wine) are the perfect antidote to SK drama!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

In the future, I wouldn't loan her so much as a cracked button. She can wear what she brings.

Merrigan's picture

Right?  Who doesn't love being offered to borrow someone else's clothes?  It was my fave pair of vintage style Nike track pants. Instead she used it as an opportunity to dig at my weight. It's fine for her to make fun of me when I wear them, but then she wants to keep them?

caninelover's picture

It's not fine if her to make fun of you while you wear them either.  I wouldn't offer her diddly squat going forward.  If she asks just say sorry your clothes are too big for her LOL.

notarelative's picture

If SD is going to act like a toddler, she should be treated like one. As soon as she got into the car, her father should have taken her home and sent her to her room to nap.

MissK03's picture

Agree. Or just let her sit there. Do not loan her anything. This is twice in a week she has managed to take "digs" or offended you on purpose.

Spoiled brat. She will start to learn quick her age and the behavior isn't going to work for her IRL. 

Good for the aunt! 

shamds's picture

Their feral kids unacceptable behaviour with "oh she didn't mean it, she apologised" or the classic "this is because of how her mum raised her"

frankly you, me, you inlaws and other stepparents here are sick of hearing these pathetic excuses that are neverending.

it took me about 3 yrs after marrying my husband to firmly put my foot down

and say i would not tolerate this crap anymore, i would not be present at any family events or meets. My sil's actually came to me in private all at once to ask about the sd's shenanigans, they'd had enough and frankly wondered why they came if this was how they were gonna behave continually

blaming the bio mum is a cop out from the dad raining hell on their kid

Merrigan's picture

My SIL's keep coming to me at every family event too!  This should be the last time I go to a family event with the SD's. Every other event without them is relaxing and fun. The niece and nephew are so well behaved and fun to be around. Just like my own niece and nephew.

I should put my foot down, just like you have.  

shamds's picture

Is unacceptable and that their brother is in lala land imagining these issues don't exist.

he'll get a real awakening when things deteriorates so bad and all hell breaks loose or you put your foot down firmly saying you've had enough of this crap and resent being married to him.

i got to that point in mid-late 2018. Only when i made it cleat he was incapable of change and it was pointless being married to him where our 2 kids were repeatedly exposed to toxic abusive behaviour from skids did my husband start to grow some balls.

for my own sanity and hubby's sex life, he is to keep skids away from us. He knows i refuse to tolerate their crap and just because daddy likes to turn a blind eye and imagine the sun shines out of their arse, doesn't mean i stupidly need to.

CajunMom's picture

That's what these "events" should be referred as.  At this point in StepHell, I'd have done as myself another adult beverage. Then I'd have moved to preferred seating and gotten my phone out to video said rediculous event. Maybe even interview your DH....his enabling responses should be captured for future reference.  

Gawd. So glad I don't have to deal with DH's "drama" filled kids anymore. 

Kudos to you for grabbing that beer and clearly telling your DH about his kid's behaviors. 

caninelover's picture

Of taking a video.  Ideally SO would sit her down a couple of days later to view her tantrum and the pact it had on other people.