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That old BM Chesnut

Merrigan's picture

SD17 is here for some quality time with Dad (SD20 is in uni and living her best life, SD17 comes over a few evenings for dinner, and sleeps over a few times a month. Things are chill). She gets a call from BM, groans, and answers. Lots of "uh huh" and "ok". She hangs up and says flatly "good news. Mom doesn't have rabies."

The jokes just write themselves. 


Rumplestiltskin's picture

I just came to say i'm so glad things have calmed down for you. I don't remember which SD it was but one of yours sounded frigging terrible. I'm glad you are in a better place!

Merrigan's picture

Aw thanks. It was SD20 who was a nightmare for me, around the 14-17 years. She's grown up a lot. Moving to on campus housing has also helped a lot.


hereiam's picture

"good news. Mom doesn't have rabies."

"Oh good, I was worried about that."

I mean, really, that's all the world needs, a rabied BM.