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Small Rant--BM and Sugar Daddy Snuffleupagus

Auteur's picture

Living HIGH off the hog while GG and I scrape for every dime.

We NEVER eat out b/c it's too expensive. I can, bake, freeze, dry food, have my own large garden.

We can't afford a heating bill so we burn the abundance of wood that we have on the property.

We never go on vacations; always work at home. No 'toys' like motorcycles, boats, snowmobiles, etc.

And then on the Snuffleupagus' FB page there are tons of pics of the Behemoth (uber PASinator BM) and Sugar Daddy Snuffle, visiting fancy restaurants, going on expensive cruises, vacays (no pics of the three "angels" though; they are always dumping them off on relatives and friends)

I get a warm fuzzy thinking about how GG is paying half his salary in CS to her so she can go on snazzy vacas and burning up the Snuffle's wallet at the mall, while I buy my clothes from the VOA and haven't bought "new to me" clothes in over a year.

Does anyone else think something is severely wrong with the "Old BM System" when they see this?


AlexandraL's picture

I'm on the other side of that...I get CS but my exH has all the toys and vacations, and I work and care for our children and have nothing while my ex owns a home, new cars -- I have primary physical custody. Guess my lawyer wasn't good enough but at any rate, I want to make my own from a divorce only ties you to the past but being a SAHM for 10 years means I put my own career on hold and it is going to take some time.

To be honest with you, what you're describing -- the inequality of CS and the lazy BM stuff is a big part of why I got out of my relationship. I can't be ok with it or not feel angry the inequalities or the expectation that because I am a hard worker and responsible BM that I am supposed to pick up the slack financially. F that! I'd rather be broke on my own minus all the blended family, BM, SD, MIL drama than broke and dealing with a ton of shit on top of it. I want something more than scraping; sounds like you do too, but you can only get it if you "get out".

Done WIth It's picture

Alexandral,kudos to you! My friend did the same thing after her bastard husband did horrible to her.

AlexandraL's picture

That makes total sense. I do feel frustrated that I have paid for decisions we made together as a family but really, my exH's money is his and mine is mine -- I expect him to care for his kids financially but not me, otherwise I wouldn't have waived alimony. You're right, your exH has to pay into his part of the deal too. You shouldn't feel guilty about having a good job and enjoying life.

DaizyDuke's picture

I just hope that I am still around for the day that skids turn 18 and no more CS... what in the world will these bitches ever do without their extra spending money every month??

aggravated1's picture

Me too!!! I am having the biggest party. And then I am going to sit back and enjoy watching BM find a big enough cardboard box to live in.

Auteur's picture

Don't be so quick to look forward to the "magic" age of 18. . .more and more states are starting to make it 21 AND BEYOND!!

I think if a BM is collecting CS for a skid who is over 18, then said skid should not have voting or alcohol privileges.

AlexandraL's picture

Yeah, in MA you can be responsible for kids through their masters' degree or 26 from what I've heard. :jawdrop:

the_stepmonster's picture

BM gets $1600/month from us and has a new car, a new house and goes on all these vacations. I wouldn't even care except that the SK's NEVER have new clothes, are NEVER showered when they get to our place, and their shoes are perpetually worn to the soles. We even buy them their school supplies! I understand sometimes CS isn't enough to cover all living expenses, but in that case BM shouldnt be going on vacation on our dime while we still care enough to ensure they don't go to school looking like little hobo's.

overit2's picture

I know it sucks now and it's hard not to resent it....but you know for next time ....go for a nice KIDS free sugar daddy yourself..and let GG see you BOTH living it up...that'll be sweet!

I also live paycheck to paycheck-it's tough. And I receive $500 month and support two children. That's 6k a year right? I spend about $3k a year just in child care alone (after school care, summer camp). This doesn't include expenses for groceries, misc,increased utilities, school supplies, presents for othernever have nor intend to go after (he skipped at least 2 yrs in payments)-but I can honestly say I put in 80pct or mor kids bday parties, medical co-pays (I also pay insurance), bday parties, shoes, clothes (list goes on)....ALL of which I get for my kids. It sure does help, the CS....and my exh is thousands in arrears which I e of their support-and I don't make a lot of money.

Sometimes it's unfair on one side or the other-but I think in the end we will receive our reward based on our actions in'll all "evens out" at some point. God/life/has a way of eventually catching up with us-of that I'm sure. And it will be the same for you one day also Auteur.

Auteur's picture

I guess the thing that is most annoying is that I raised two children without the benefit of CS (back in the day when dads could easily get out of it with zero repercussions). My bios are well adjusted, respectful, did well in school. . .on the other hand, here's the Behemoth. All three children miserably failing school, free ranged, chimps on crack and NEVER her kids in tow.

You'd think SOME of that money would go toward a TUTOR yet it all seems to be going on kid-free vacations in paradise. At least TRY to raise your kids right if you're getting massive CS!!!

DaizyDuke's picture

she is seriously in the boonies...she hunts, grows food, does not buy electricity...produces it herself...does not buy gas...uses wood and propane (not delivered - she picks it up)...yeah I don't see it happening.

HUH? So WTF does she need 21K a year in alimony for.. GrapeNuts?? OMG.. this makes me even MORE angry for you and your DH.

B22S22's picture

DH's ex actually admitted she puts 90% of the CS she receives into a retirement fund for herself because she's never worked. But has the big titanium balls to tell SK's to ask us for things they need because she can't afford it.

Disneyfan's picture

Crazy BM was awarded $700 a month for CS back in April. DF missed the court day ~dumb move~so the judge based everything on what BM said. When we found out the amount, he told BM he could not afford that amount. Her response was "I know you can't but the bitch you live with sure can." We went back to court last Friday. She did not show up. The judge agreed to listen to DF. After showing his pay stubs and correcting the lies BM told in April, the order was lowered to $360. I don't have a problem with him paying a reasonable/fair amount in CS. It just drives me crazy that we both work while she collects welfare and foodstamps. I think some of the CS money goes to the state because she won't work. My son's dad paid CS. I will admit some of the money went toward vacations and nice things. However, I worked to help pay for those things as well.

Auteur's picture

I feel for you Maux b/c no less than THREE lawyers had to tell GG AFtER THE FACT that he SHOULD HAVE hired a lawyer for the divorce and not just roll over and take it up the tailpipe.

He would NOT listen to me about getting an attorney. He screamed at me, spittle flying and turning purple. . ."I WILL NOT GIVE ALL MY HARD EARNED MONEY TO AN ATTORNEY"

This was at a time when he was taking home maybe $120 a week after CS and taxes were taking out.

I countered with "so you'd rather pay the Behemoth 10,000 times what you'd have paid an attorney over the next 21 years?"

And the answer is so many words was "yes" b/c it was "for the children" :sick:

If only GG could see the Behemoth and Snuffleupagus living it up like a king and queen! (He refuses to go on or look at FB)

He's perfectly ok with me supporting him while he supports the Behemoth. He also has ZERO qualms about getting an attorney right away in a workers comp case.

Things that make you go HMMMMMMMM!