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Why would you lie about signing up your kids for summer sports activities? Ugh BM has no excuse!!!

SteppingUp's picture

FDH to BM: Why didn't you take the skids to gymnastics last week?

BM: Because I didn't sign them up

FDH: Then why did you SAY that you signed them up a few weeks ago?

BM: I never said that.

FDH: Yes, you told me you were going to that same day I sent you the info, and the next day I heard from SD6 that you signed them up. You also saw that SteppingUp put it in the Google calendar and you never removed it. SD6 was so excited to be in it again that she told me you signed her up early so she's going "for sure" this time. [FYI, this is not our first time around with BM lying to her daughter that she's signed up and never did it]

BM: Well I don't have the money right now for it. [FYI, she spent over $300 on a weight loss/diet pill system, she bought dish network and Insanity, she has gone to Chicago & Minneapolis this summer, she is about to leave for NYC this week, and she just got a pedi/mani/highlight/brazilian on Saturday, and she paid her car off recently...and got $4,000 from FDH's taxes this spring which she said she would use to put the kids in activities this summer]

FDH: You have told me many times your mom is always willing to pay for activities. What about the 4K you got from me this spring? What about the CS I pay you monthly?

BM: Child support isn't meant for extra curriculars [Yeah, I'm gonna go home tonight and look at the stipulation and find exactly where it says that she is to pay for them bc she gets CS]

BM: I just don't have time to take them to gymnastics

FDH: I have told you time and time again that WE will personally pick them up from your house and bring them there and bring them back. You have to do NOTHING in this situation except agree to the nights we can do this.

BM: Well gymnastics isn't really for SS3.

FDH: He's old enough for the tumble tot class now, he won't be in the parent tot class anymore where he ran amock...besides YOU took him to that class only ONCE, I took him every week because you couldn't handle him and he was fine for me. This new class is in the little gym and has lots of structure...he needs that. If you aren't going to 'let' him be in gymnastics he needs to be in something else, and everything else in this town is already done for the summer or only offered during the daytime.

BM: Well the class already started so boo hoo. (and she hung up) [mature much?]

I called gymnastics and asked if they have spots open. They do! I really want FDH to just inform her that we'll be taking the kids to gymnastics tomorrow and Thurs. I didn't even have the heart to tell SD6 she's not in it... Sad Why does BM lie to her all the time!?


SteppingUp's picture

YEs you are absolutely right. It broke SD's heart the last time she did this...we broke the news, SD went to her room and cried for an HOUR, no exaggerating. She was wailing, "Why does Mommy LIE!?" It broke our hearts too.

I don't understand what the issue is! We will take them everywhere they need to go, our schedule with the kids is just kinda wierd so it needs some coordinating with BM on these nights. UGH!

joanie's picture

email. no more spoken communication. that way se can't say "I never said that", because you will have it in writing. let her know you guys will only make plans by email from now on, so you don't "misunderstand" her again.

Auteur's picture


Period! BM is totally unreliable and a liar, so you have to get it all in writing. Not too much teeth in doing so but it establishes a track record and document, document, document (as long as you have DH's support, of course)