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Anyone else have a "lovely" 4th?

goodwitch's picture

So SO decides to have 4th party, prep for hours, cook, clean the entire nine yards. Mostly all that show up are men. I have to deal with guns in my living room--my stepmom shot my dad so guns in the living room not my idea of fun.

Then that stops to the lovely SS showing up, walks in past me never says hello, plugs in his phone, opens the refrig takes a beer offers everyone one, doesn't offer me one, and he is not old enough to drink.

Well I've had enough and I left, I went and sat under an overpass near my house and called a friend. She came and got me and we went to another party.

I still can't believe I left my own house and my own eats and up and left. I feel bad because guests I like showed up late and I missed them. But I had promised myself that if either of his kids were disrespectful to me in my house I wasn't taking it anymore.

Boy I think he may have gotten the point, and it was hard keeping the fight that happened after I got back to the subject. No one disrespects me in my own home. And who plugs in their cell phone at someone else's house? Just curious.



stepsonhatesme's picture

I'm sorry your day was so bad. I wouldn't have left,I would've straight told SS to get the HELL out!! Its your house an you shouldn't have to deal with that there.

briarmommy's picture

I can understand why you left but I would have stayed and taken away his beer, I would have taken it and then in front of everyone say he is not old enough to drink and then thank him for getting me one as I drink the one he got out.

goodwitch's picture

Thanks for the comments. But I can't go back and redo it...I always think of the good come back 48 hours later. Any advice on what to do now? Or what to do if you're not the type to confront? I'm at my wits end...I've asked SO to speak to his son and ask why he behaves that way. I've disengaged and now I leave when I'm mistreated...which does get through to SO. The SS is 20 almost 21 and he has a job and does well in school, but the bottom line is I don't like him if I met him elsewhere I'd avoid him. I need help dealing with my feelings of wanting to stake him at an ant hill and watch him get eaten.