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In Need of Some Advice.......

cookie29's picture

I need some feedback on how to handle my husband receiving a birthday invite from my SDs20 friend to her dad's 50th bday celebration (the invitation was addressed to only my DH)....First and foremost, I think it's totally disrecpectful, as he is married, and whether or not I want to attend would be totally up to me, secondly, my husband isn't friends with my SDs friend dad, as they've only met once, and that was in 2008. How would you handle approach a situation as such?


Done WIth It's picture

Either this was done intentionally to hurt your feelings and the friend is a real social boob.

Did you ask your SD why her friend would ask your husband? Is it a for guys only party?

In a very calm and puzzled voice, I'd want to know. So very strange.

But, I wouldn't let SD know that it bugged you....uh uh...that's probably the reaction she and her friend want. If you and SD don't get along, she probably put her friend up to it.

If there's no waves between you and SD....chalk it up to the friend not polished and a yahoo.

cookie29's picture

Yes, my SD and I do not get along, however; I feel that was pretty childish, if she did have something to do with it. It doesn't bother me, as DH will not be attending the party. It's called Karma, as my biokids & I will giving DH a 40th surprise bday celebration in January, and SD will not receive an invite.....

Done WIth It's picture

Oh yes, it was definately cheesy. So good your husband got to see how cheesy it all is....pretty stupid stunt to pull.

Yep, tew funny when your husband has a party and SD's friend's dad isn't invited.

Just my opinion and basing it solely on how my husband would feel, but he'd be hurt if I threw a birthday party for him and didn't include any of his kids. No matter how I can't stand his ingrates, I'd want my husband to really be happy on his birthday and so I'd have to include them. Would I like it, nope....but I'd do it for his happiness.

Chances are SD's friend will one day realize how used she was by SD and probably feel bad she did that to you. So stay cool, be puzzled and ask why (remember, you're pointing it out in a nice way what a couple social boobs they are) and have the last laugh that SD just blatantly showed her father how mean she is.

cookie29's picture

Yes, you truly have a point. I'll be the bigger person and invite her (SD), but she (SD) will not be a part of any planning, etc. Also, SDs friend's dad wasn't going to receive an invite to DH bday celebration, as they are not even friends, let a lone associates; as that is what's so puzzling to me. Why would she mail DH an invite in the first place?

Done WIth It's picture

Yeah...I'd want to know why they asked him. Be interesting to see what they say.....AND, you get to put her on the spot. Let her feel the burn. Be nice, but find out. Might be interesting what she has to say. Maybe the girl's thinks your husband is kewl and would like her dad to meet him.

Don't get me wrong....big social boob mistake inviting only the husband. But, there has to be a reason and I'd want to know what it is.

Yeah, you plan the party, SD gets an invite like everyone else.