I am starting to instensly dislike almost hate this woman.
I have only met her face to face once. In the mall when SO and I had the kids out running errands, at that time she extended a hand, smiled, introduced herself and expressed that it was a pleasure to meet me. That was six months ago.
Yesterday the security guys at the front gate turned her away twice informing her she was not an authorized visitor to my neighborhood. One visit was at midnight, another at 10am. The third visit they had HCSO issue her a tresspass warning that she was not to return due to harrassment and a refusal to follow the rules of the HOA that runs this community. The HOA president did call me first, I advised I do not want the woman allowed access to come harrass me at my home and they took it from there as she was apparently cursing at the guards since they would not let her in. Even if she had gotten in I doubt she could have found me. There are hundreds of houses in this community and my car is always parked in my garage.
Her arguement? Since the kids are supposed to have 'equal' living arrangements at their mother and fathers, she wanted a gate pass so she could bring them to our community pool during the weeks she had them, that it was only fair since they could use it on their dads weeks that they be able to use it on hers. Reality is fast slipping from this woman's grasp.
Her barrage of text messages to my SO have slowed down, no longer coming in at almost 200 in two hours, it is more like 100 per day. He was all kinds of irritated until I reminded him there was a little red button on his phone that would shut it off so he did not have to deal with it buzzing. The texts? They advise she will be sueing him for ruining her credit, since apparently now that she has to pay CS she can not afford to pay her bills. The next will state that since he can not afford to pay for his kids she will be keeping them full time, that 'the law' states that fathers have to pay to see their kids. She called HCSO and had them do a "Wellfare" check on my house, and on SO's at the same time. The sheriff's office seems to comprehend that she is not acting in a mature or responsible manner.
Yme, I did take your advice I have call numbers, event numbers and in the case of the tresspass warning the case number for the events. SO also printed out all of the text messages she has sent him. I also had the skids delete my phone numbers from their cell phones. I do not need this woman getting ahold of my phone numbers and calling me!
Snarky, I am taking your advice as well. Will be having my attorney cert mail her a letter stating no contact ever or I will pursue an RO for harassment. Considering the HOA already tresspassed her from the community can be nothing but a help should I have to attain a RO. I am having the attoreny write it because I doubt a letter from me starting off "Dear Dumbass" would hold up in court and at this point I am irked enough to write a letter like that.
SO is dreading taking them back to her house this evening. I advised him call the HCSO and ask for a deputy to stand by at the drop off so she can't start anything and he is seriously considering it. He is also fairly sure that next Sunday there will be drama since her text messages are resounding in their theme of since he isn't paying she will not let him see them. He will be calling his attorney Monday morning to see what if anything can be done.
What slays me is this: She hasn't had to pay a dime yet. According to the attorney it takes about 4 weeks to set up a payroll deduction through the state, so she isn't out a penny yet. If she is this bad now at the thought of having to pay, I can only imagine how bad it is going to be when she gets the first paycheck that a deduction has been taken out of.
- SASX's blog
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Glad I could offer some
Glad I could offer some helpful advice......I would be scared to have SO take them back to BM....she seems a little out of control...I would be a little leary....your in hillsborough co so I know you saw the press related to the BM who just killed her bio teen's.......not to scare you but this BM truly feels like she has solved her problem and is content to have offed her teens....it is a sick but VERY REAL situation...BM in your situation seems out of control and FAR from rational....
Is there anyway for your SO it get with his attorney...NOW....let him know what's going on and SO's fear of putting his kids back in this situation?? SO NEEDS get in front of a judge NOW to protect these kids....THEY are the main concern right now...BM seems a little unstable right now and maybe a cooling of will help her see reality....
I know this is asking you to help SO jump through many hoops in a limited time but I would think that a call to his attorney could give him clarity....also CPI (child protection) might be of some help in this too...DEFFINATELY if SO thinks it is best to return skids to BM he SHOULD by all means call for HCSO for an escort...I have had to do this...it worked wonders....SO will need to call ahead of time and set the meeting point up as the HCSO can be busy at times...They can also refer to the event numbers on their files...call the non emergancy number and have SO explain what he needs...They will get him with the right person in your area...wish you could set a video cam up for this exchange...nothing better that catching bad behavior on film....
Good Luck!! I wish you the best! And the best for the safety of your skids and SO!....
hope drop off was good...I
hope drop off was good...I hate to say I looked at the news this morning to see if "psycho mom goes nuts on exH's girlfriend....Runs through gated community's gates to use the pool" or any thing like this was the head news......lol!
Wishing you the best!!
LOL! I do not do drop offs.
I do not do drop offs. Never have. I am of the opinion that it is not my place to be there especially at this point. SO had HCSO meet him there, he was 15 minutes early dropping them off which apparently threw her off guard, she wasn't standing outside pacing and working herself up. Apparently she walked out with her mouth open to start complaining/yelling and saw the squad car and turned around and went back inside.
He did receive a phone call from his daughter today during school hours. She called from her guidance councilors office, apparently the kids are forbidden now from calling their father while at their mothers house and if she finds out they called him they will be grounded. Yes, the GC wrote a letter documenting that and faxed it to the attorney today. SO also called the attorney, who is pushing documenting everything, apparently SO can not get a court date for her threatening to not uphold their CO, he has to wait until she actually violates the CO to request the court date.
Other offenses that can get them grounded at their mothers seem to be coming to my house, talking to me, having anything to do with me and that list continued for quite awhile, does not matter if they are at their dads for his weeks, they are not allowed to have anything to do with me. I honestly do not know where her anger at me is coming from. I did not lay SO off his job. I did not even attend the hearing with him. I did not have the trespass warning issued to her, my HOA did due to her cussing out the guards. Apparently I am just a handy target for all of her rage at the moment.
I did speak with the attorney regarding sending her a letter forbidding her to attempt to contact me, but since she has not returned to the community since being trespassed, I am hesitating. That might be throwing gasoline on a fire that is already roaring unnecessarily. If she manages to get ahold of my phone numbers/ email or show up at my work I will most definately have the letter sent, but for now I am holding off and hoping now that the kids are with her for her week, that she might start settling back down. She is not normally like this at all. She's pretty stand offish, never calls, texts or emails unless it is communicating about kids school events. She has never been nasty prior to this, so I am hoping that this is a one off and she will regain her grasp of reality.
Thanks for letting me
Thanks for letting me know......was worried....I had the issues with MY exH and needed the HCSO......same reaction....his face looked like this :jawdrop: whne he charged out the door to give me a peice of mind!
BS on the not getting into court....Dont the kids have the ability to ask for DCF/CPA or the school to help them with the BM's issues? she is causing a bad environment for these kids to be in at home...all kind of scary things loaded with rules and threats...Maybe there is more than one angle that can be looked into....do the kids what to stay at the mom's? or would they want to go to dad's until BM gets a grip?
Sad situation....dont let your guard down...BM's like the sneaky approach sometimes more that any other type....The list of "rule's" indicates BM blames you for a lot...I bet according to BM: "you must have told BD to not work so he could get more education and so BM would have to pay child support....you (GF) are behind all of this!" BM is not right and surely blames you to the kids and must believe her own lies herself....LoL!
Keep a thick skin and a sharp eye....think your gonna need it b4 this cools down!
Good Luck! Keeps us posted please.....