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?? Confused

marissamae88's picture

I have four skids and the two younger ones (ages 4,2) stay with their grandma during the day while we are at work and the other boys at school.By the way grandma lives in our same complex. Yesterday when I came home they were still with her and at the park playing. I guess she went inside the apt and this other kid peed on my poor little 2 year old!!!!!!!!!! I was sooo upset. He came to me instead of his grandma's and said Nikki peed on me. I took him and went to find this disgusting kid. I asked the boy if he did it and he said no. Other kids at the park said yes he did. This kid plays with our boys all the time but in the past his father has yelled at my SO's sister so we don't really like them playing together.He won't discipline Nikki when he hits our kids and then our kids hit him back he starts getting loud and ridiculous. So I asked Nikki where is dad was. He says I dont know typical child response. Where is your mom Nikki? I dont know. So I start looking for his apt. The kids show me where he lives and I go to knock on the door. The woman opened the door but locked the screen. I said are you Nikki's mom? She said yes. Well I am here to inform you your kid pulled down his pants and peed on mine and thats unacceptable. She says well I am sorry.....thats it. I know she cant really do anything but I was soo mad that she didnt seem surprised or disgusted or anything. My SO laughed at me and said I can't go around beating people up because they hurt our kids but that is not what I wanted to do. I just wanted punishment for this brat. Does anyone think I overreacted?? I mean I am not a BM so I dont know lol but I am very protective and sometimes I can be over dramatic. What do you think?


foxxystep's picture

next time you see the kid, throw some pee on him that you've stored in a bottle, and say "i'm sorry" when his parent inquire. See if they like that.

StepX2's picture

No you didn't over react. You did what any concerned parent would have done. Now if you took the advice given above, then that would be way over reacting and possibly even considered assault.
If this happens again or if you still have the clothers your 2 y/o was wearing, I would be calling the cops on Nikki. Some may think THAT is over reacting but just let the cops know that the mom didn't seem to give a damn and you would like to see someone try to put a little sense into Nikki.
I understand the frustration when your kid gets hurt and there aren't consequences for the other kid.

Willow2010's picture

Yes, I think you are over reacting. I also hope you do not take any of the advice given so far. Just terrible.

Kids will be kids. Gross and unacceptable, but still, these are kids that are UN SUPERVISED!! Were on earth was the adult when this 2 YEAR OLD was getting peed on?!

I would tell Gma that she needs to actually watch the 2 and 4 year old at ALL times. If she can’t do that, then be prepared for worse things to happen to your kids, than just being peed on by another kid. Sorry, but this seems like a no brainer to me.

manicmom's picture

I would think that what Nikki darling did, by exposing himself, would be "public indecency" (spelling is probably wrong???). And couldn't letting a little kid run around unsupervised in a public place be "abandonment" or something? Is it safe to let little Nikki darling run around when parents are no where near? Maybe let the apartment complex know that the parents are doing this and they will probably require that kids be supervised at all times. What if he got hurt or something? And what if he wandered off with someone other than you next time. His parents really should care. And you're a great SM by the way. I might have just laughed if it happened to any of my skids...

Willow2010's picture

And couldn't letting a little kid run around unsupervised in a public place be "abandonment" or something?

If she plays this card, she will then have to explain why her kid was running around unsupervised also.