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Godsgift's Birthday Weekend. . .Here's a Shocker. . .

Auteur's picture


Decided to take Friday off to shop for GG's "beer frig." I come home on Thursday to a complete inebriated GG who is "amourous." :sick: :sick:

He's cooking dinner and put WAAAAAAAAAY too much pepper in; I like spicy food, he REALLY likes spicy food, but I believe all the booze was messing up his ability to TASTE.

Throughout the weekend, life goes on as normal. The last of the kitchen cabinets come in and we install them (mostly him) I start to hook up the new outside light fixtures, do laundry, wash windows, cook for GG's "birthday dinner" on Sunday. Beautiful day I might add, weather wise. Nice and sunny!

On Saturday, we got into a heated conversation again about the Behemoth and upcoming college expenses for his spawn. GG actually thinks that the Behemoth has "moved on" in life and found "true love" in her well heeled hubby and has tired of PASing out the skids and trying to get "payback." That she has NO interest in going after him for 50% of college funds and that his kids aren't "college material" anyway so they'd flunk out. (uh, that's where the "higher education" racket makes its money nowadays; keep getting money for over half a decade to do "do overs" for remedial students)

Uh huh.

GG: "You OVERTHINK this crap because of ALL THE STORIES you see on the WEB!!!"

Me: "You can't fly in the face of 1,000s of years of human nature."

GG: (wait for it) "MY case is SPECIAL so that's not going to happen!"

Me: "Well I think you have to be prepared for the other shoe to drop"

GG: "The other shoe dropped a long time ago; quit thinking about it"

(Editor's note: If I had thought this way, I would have been BLINDSIDED by the phoney CPS report that the Girhippo had launched against us and that I successfully overturned)

Is there NO END to these men putting on rose coloured glasses about their baby mamas???


Auteur's picture


The RIGHT thing to say would have been:

"Yes, Auteur, you've been right in the past about the Behemoth's viscious nature and I see no reason to doubt that she won't continue to be viscious in the future. When that time comes, we'll get a bulldog attorney and see what we can work out."

BTW, he's STILL storing his massive 18 pack beer crates in the regular frig! I demonstrated how they should go into the beer frig I bought him.

GG: "There's plenty of room in the regular frig" (as I was struggling to put in all the items I was cooking for Sunday dinner)

IMMEDIATELY he spots a carton of Awesomeson's and wants to toss THAT as taking up too much room or expired!!!

Actions speak louder than words!!

Hopefully the house will come together before then, we'll have our final parting of ways.

skylarksms's picture

I once told NN that one of the things that REALLY makes my ulcer act up is pepper.

Not too long ago, he mentioned to me that he has (secretly) been trying different amounts of pepper in our food to see what my body can tolerate!

Ummm, excuse me???? It's my own HEALTH that you are messing with, buddy.

Glad to see that he is reverting back to his "head in the sand" ostrich way! Should make things a little easier for you.

starfish's picture

you should be parted by the time college expenses come around ~ leave it alone and he can deal with it all by his lonely self.

Auteur's picture

Yes, you're right! I might as well have some fun while I'm at it!!

I'd have to use a different topic though b/c we all know that even though he IS overpaying, NYS would find some way to jack it up higher. If he went in there and said that there are no more daycare expenses for the Behemoth, she'd whip out her attny and try to tack on some out of pocket bills.

But then again that would prove my point that she hasn't moved on.

He's thinking of suggesting to the counselor that he sign his parental rights away for a lump sum of CS

WHERE he's going to get the lump sum is anyone's guess.