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I am not a particularly Biblical kind of guy but ....

Rags's picture

I was looking through my hard drive files looking for material for a work project and found this verse in one of my files.

Proverbs 15:15, 'For the despondent every day brings troubles; for the happy heart, life is a continual feast!

This made an impression on me when I first saved it years ago and still does.

It in large part is indicative of my life philosophy including my Skid and blended family phylosophy.

Happiness is a choice, love is a choice. They are choices that are made countless times every day.

Generally I am a happy person. Even when I get pissed off I get over it fairly quickly and back to being the Rags I like. When idiots to the same stupid crap over and over and over again, I can enjoy that they suffer the consequences for their decisions over and over and over again.

When my son (SS-18) pisses me off I can address his behavior, deliver appropriate consequences, rant at him a bit, vent about it for a while (maybe for ever but not necessarily often) and get back to recognizing that in the relative scheme of things he is a fairly good kid.

I am a glass is half full and I can fill it the rest of the way up kind of guy.

I am over confident in my own abilities and have no problem stepping in to nearly any situation and giving it a shot.

So, I guess for today.

Happiness is my choice.

At least until I get home this evening and find that yet again the kid sat on his all day doing nothing.

Then I will be pissed until my bride walks in the door.

Then the kid induced scowl will melt in to a beaming grin.

Just a blog confirming my self delusions.


Rags's picture


Wow, you and your family have a lot of drama going on.

Hang in there. Things will get better eventually.

I would go ahead and report your dad's car stolen and get one PITA Skid out of your life and in to prison.

Taking some control is always a happy thing! }:)

At least it is for me.

skylarksms's picture

I feel bad for this generation of plugged-in kids who won't go outside and play. I think that being in nature is very healing and nurturing to one's soul.

I am glad you have a nice big yard to let your imagination run wild!

skylarksms's picture

I have always been an optimist. I was told by my friends when I was young that I was kind of Pollyanna-ish.

Lately, I have fallen in a pool of negativity that I am having a heck of a time pulling out of. However, I have realized (from the cold pit of dread in my stomach) that is it not anything to do with my skids - or even BM as much as she sets me off - but with my H. I never know what kind of a mood he'll be in when I get home so I never know if I am going to have a RELAXING evening or an evening of stress and misplaced aggression.

I can hardly wait to get on with my life and return to the happy, motivated, generous person I used to be!