Garage Sale = Child Support.....WTF???......UPDATE
Update.........having a nice dinner at home when DH gets another text from Rotten Uterus aka BM.
" My money order needs to be here by the 17th, as I am going out of town. Don't try to cheat me out of any of the money either....I know more then you think I do" don't know too much BM, or you would know we aren't sending you a freaking penny!!!
What a pathetic loser!! I wanted DH to text her back but his response to me was " I'm not even going to dignify her texts by responding"
AAARRGGG!!!! He always ignores her, but I wish he would let her have it. She will text a few more times and then she will get the hint , although I don't know why she ever bother's always IGNoRE, IGNORE, IGNORE......
I just feel like texting her back myself and saying " you are a pathetic piece of shit , stay out of our business and our lives....oh and you must really idolize me since you went out and bought the exact same car I did the other day.....thanks for the compliment"
Of course, I never would respond to her, but I can dream can't I ????
We had a garage sale this weekend. I did spring cleaning and finally after several years my DH decided we could sell his furniture from his home we had been storing in warehouse. There was a lot of good stuff but I had a houseful of furniture when he moved in, so we defiantly had no place for it.
SS 12 was here and in hindsight I should not have had it on a weekend he was here, as he is a little spy for BM.
I advertised on Craigs List and it was Friday through Sunday.
DH forwards me a text this morning.....spelling errors are BM's.
" You are intelligent enough of a man to realise ANY income is to be included in child support. You owe me 30 percent of what took in for your rummage sale. I'm not going to bicker about can mail a money order out this week, and I won't be accepting a personal check"
LOL!!!! That is a classic!!! I almost wet my jeans on that one. I guess she really needs money to come up with the payment for her car she bought the other day ( which is exactly like the one I bought a few months ago )
I don't know why she bothers to text or email DH , he never responds......
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Holy crap really??? I am
Holy crap really??? :jawdrop: I am kind speechless right now. I have to think on this. but OMG what a money grubby witch!
that is hysterical!!! ~ she
that is hysterical!!! ~ she really feels entitled?? then the stupid bitch should have fought for that stuff in the divorce.
on a serious note, that is the exact reason dh & i always play down income and act like we have none, otherwise bm thinks she should get some. so, in the future i advise to do money related shit away from the little spy.
You are right....I totally
You are right....I totally goofed!!!
It probably wouldn't have upset her so much except we literally sold 5 bedrooms sets, 2 living room sets, dining room, kitchen set w hutches, televisions etc....
Lol....I wonder if SS told her we even sold DH riding mower!!!
BTW....this was all post divorce stuff DH bought!! She got ALL the furniture in their house they had together.
She is the greediest human being I have ever encountered!!!
Hope she isn't holding her breath on getting a PENNY from us.....
Well, YOU could claim that
Well, YOU could claim that since YOU held the garage sale the $$ is yours. where we live any $$ made by spouse IS NOT included in figuring child support. Even if you sold his items, you held it and the $$ is yours.
If you really want to get funny with her stupid greedy ass.....send her $.30 tell her that is her 30% LMAO
That is UNBELIEVABLE!! What on earth is she smoking?? I'm always so impressed when our DH's (or DW's) can just ignore messages like that. Mine can and I just admire that. I'm ready to spew out curses and nasty responses to stupid messages like that, but he just ignores it and it all just goes away...
Me too!!! I'm ready to cuss
Me too!!!
I'm ready to cuss her ass out and freak out on her....I never do....I have never even spoken to her!
DH is really good at ignoring her.,..I think it is because he knows how much she hates to be treated indifferently.
I am beginning to really dislike ss12 too!!!!!
What money? Didn't you donate
What money?
Didn't you donate it all to World Vision for the poor Japanese to buy them a few cases of water? And she wants to take it out of dying peoples mouths?
Wench.... Bitch ....
Lol......yep, she would most
Lol......yep, she would most certainly take it out of dying people's mouth's if it had to do with money or anything of value.
That's the funniest crap I've
That's the funniest crap I've heard in a while. These crazy exes are too much. Did she ask your DH for 30% of whatever gift money you got from ya'lls wedding??
Oh, she would have but we
Oh, she would have but we asked for no gifts on the invitations and since all 4 skids were there, I guess they confirmed we didn't receive gifts!!!!
Wait the things he sold were
Wait the things he sold were things he bought with HIS money left AFTER CS was taken. So that money was already counted. }:)
YEP!!!! She is a total piece
She is a total piece of shit and I get tired of her being in our business.....I guess I should be flattered we have so much control over her life, but I'm not.
It's really funny, but it gets old.
Hilarious!! Send her a check
Hilarious!! Send her a check for $1.25 or something ridiculously low. Dh can tell her it was YOUR garage sale and all he sold of his was an old whatever. The rest of his stuff didn't sell but was donated. So the 1.25 was her 30% of what he sold. Ha ha!
dont' let her scare you, she
dont' let her scare you, she cannot claim child support from income from a garage sale because it is not "normal income" if she can, i'd get the f out of that state cause their family laws are fd up
now THAT is an
now THAT is an it!!!!
bahahahahaha that is good
bahahahahaha that is good
Exactly!!!! Thanks for that
Exactly!!!! Thanks for that reminder!! We have been paying 365 a month for about two years.....we actually LOST money when I calculate it!!!!!!
have to give it up to blender
have to give it up to blender on this one~~ funny stuff!
She is forever taking us to
She is forever taking us to court but she lost the last two times so she wouldn't take us to court over garage sale money.....I don't think anyway......she is a complete nut job though, so anything is possible.
She never fails to surprise me at how low she will sink to get $$$$
Wow.. I wouldn't have been
Wow.. I wouldn't have been able to hold back a snarky reply!
This is truly one of the
This is truly one of the funniest things I've ever heard!
Ok, this would be the
Ok, this would be the accountant mind working:
A) you said it was warehoused. That means there was a cost associated with it's storage.
Please take you "income" from the garage sale, - subtract the cost of the warehousing (the total cost), subtract any cost associated with holding the garage sales- please don't forget to subtract the cost of transportation of said furniture to the "yard sale", or meeting the perspective buyers at said warehouse.
I'm sure by now, you will have negative profit/income from your garage sale. (if not please subtract out any minute costs associated with using your cell phone for the interest calls).
Please put together an invoice asking her for her 30% of the loss incurred.
That is what I would probably do
^love this^
O.M.G. - just when I thought
O.M.G. - just when I thought I heard it ALL. I thought OUR BM was a greedy bitch!
That is completely and totally insane.
Don't you WISH that she would take this to court so the judge could get a good laugh out of the deal?? (Or a crabby judge would give BM a good ass-chewing!??)
Wow, my jaw about hit the floor on this one!
I GOT IT I GOT IT.......................GIVE HER MONOPOLY MONEY for her payment!!!! bahahaha if no one else thought that was funny...i sure as hell did

hell, hand her a 500.00, she might go try to use that to buy her booze!!!
Anything from the garage sale
Anything from the garage sale was bought with Money after the child support was paid.
She can not claim this as income.
If the state or federal government does not enforce taxes on income earned nor can child support.
Do not pay!
Our BM tried this too, and was brought up in court, the judge laughed.
now i can see if cs payer is
now i can see if cs payer is BEHIND and CHOOSES to use garage sale to HELP PAY on already owed child support.
but seriously to add this to income??? i'm laughing so hard at this one it's making my tummy hurt
Not only is BM greedy she is
Not only is BM greedy she is an idiot. She gets CS against payroll income based on a CO not based on garage sale proceeds. If I was DH I would throw down the gauntlet and tell BM that I would see her in court if she wants part of the garage sale proceeds and that she should be prepared to share in the loss of money between what was paid for the items, what it cost to store them, insure them, the time it took to pay the storage bills, setting up the garage sale, etc, etc, etc.
As others have suggested you should be able to send her a bill for several thousand dollars and tell her you take cash or secured funds only. No checks.
You can't fix stupid and she is beyond repair.
I read this to my dh and he
I read this to my dh and he just laughed he thought it was a joke at first. I told him no this woman was serious. He responded with a blank stare like seriously? WOW the update is just showing how stupid she really is!
I think ignoring her is the
I think ignoring her is the best way to go. It will drive her nuts!