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need honest oppinions

LPowers's picture

okay so back when school started I went to pick up SS6 and SD8 (from 2 different schools btw) and couldn't find SD8 anywhere. So I'm driving around the school, freaking out, having a heart attack, for 15 minutes. I cannot get out to look because I had SS6 and our 5 month old daughter in the car. So I pick up my phone to call DH to tell him someone has kidnapped SD8, and I get a text saying BM decided to pick her up. It was 15 minutes before she text DH to tell him! So while driving home and cursing BM under my breath, I text her and kindly ask her to please text me to let me know if plans change so I don't think someone abducted SD8 and have a heart attack. She responds by telling me "if her father cannot pick her up then I will be picking her up, so next time u change the plan let me know, thanks" so it was made very clear to me that I shouldn't be picking SD8 up anymore. okay so down the road 3 months and BM puts SD8 in dance class, but wait BM cannot take her because she has a class. So who does she think of to take SD8, ME! I should pick her up after I pick up SS6 from school and sit in the parking lot for a 1/2 hour until her dance class starts! oh and make sure to bring her a snack. So DH has been working from home and has been able to get SD8 and take her to dance, but I would have started doing it this week. Sunday night I told DH that I feel used and pissed off that any other day I am not allowed to get SD8 but because BM "needs" me to get her I am good enough. So he talked to BM,(I have no idea what was said cause I told him I don't want anything to do with her anymore) and told me yesterday that I never have to get SD8 and I am off the hook. I started feeling bad but it's not like I have nothing to do. I HATE loading the baby and SS6 into the car and driving across town to do a favor for someone I despise! So should I feel bad? Am I being ridiculous?


purpledaisies's picture

Nope do not feel bad! that hid has 2 parents and it was made clear that you are not one of them. Plus she was using you, do not let her do that to you.

LPowers's picture

I feel the exact same way. That's why I said I wasn't going to do it for BM. she makes me feel like a damn babysitter instead of a SM. Plus I have my own baby girl to take care of, of and let's not forget SS6.

LPowers's picture

DH doesn't understand. He thinks because I am a stay at home mom that I should be able to do all these things. I went from having no kids and a full time job, to having 3 kids and no "job" all in 2 years! I didn't expect any of these feelings after I had my daughter. I am finding it hard to cope with SD8 and SS6 all the time. And SD8's BM has done a 180 and become a monster. I lost it the other morning and told DH that this is MY first baby and EVERYTHING is new to me so cut me some slack. I am slowly going more and more crazy I think. I'm losing it.