somebody please give me help!
I have no idea what to do my son is finally expressing his feelings and now my step daughter and her dad are really mad and hurt but I am stuck in the middle from What happened the night before with my son! But it seems like I am always putting up with my man and his daughters issues that now that my son is acting out now my man doesn't think that he has to deal with my son like I have had to deal with his daughter! Omg I am so lost right now I don't know what to do I feel like I'm the only adult I missed work today at both my jobs and It's just not getting any better because I know that I have been going through a lot with my step daughter but just the same I just got custody of my son back and he has only has been with me since October of last year and I have been dealing with step daughters issues that now its getting to my son! So can anybody help me out with some advice or some reassuring talk please!
- lakotasioux_73's blog
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What exactly is your son
What exactly is your son expressing to you?
I'M sorry about the
I'M sorry about the confustion I am just new to this site and I'm still not familiar with all abreveations but I'm on my phone and at work so I will answer when on break and at a real computer!
What?? Please use punctuation
What?? Please use punctuation
I don't know what happened,
I don't know what happened, but I can tell you that I put up with a lot of disrespect from my skids and the occassional nit ppick from my DH about my kids over things like turning off lights or forgetting to empty the dryer. When his daughter and SIL moved in for 6 months, rent free, mooched off us and didn't lift a finger to help with anything, I mentioned it and he started to pick a little more. Not a lot because there wasn't a lot to pick about. I decided not to sit quiet about his brats (all adults) any longer and started speaking my mind.
Eventually he came around to seeing what it felt like to have your kids nit picked. He didn't like it. I've since disengaged.
So my advice is to hang in there and don't back down. Let ds speak his mind as well and everyone get on the same page.
Thank you So much and I am
your focus should be your son
your focus should be your son if you just regained custody.