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I get married tomorrow

stepmom-at20's picture

I am getting married tomorrow and i am nervous as hell it really is only starting to sink in now.


iloveit's picture

My feeling is that there is a difference between pre-wedding jitters (as in omg the flowers aren't here or omg the DJ is late) and feeling like you are not doing thing in marrying this man. Which one of these are you feeling right now?

stepmom-at20's picture

what i am feeling is not a bad thing it just more omg the time has actually arrived.

iloveit's picture

Well then I think that's very normal! Good for you, this is exciting! Congratulations to you!! All that planning and organizing and now it's finally here. So what will you do with your time now that the wedding will be over after tomorrow? Smile Some of my friends were really depressed because they weren't planning something anymore!