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How to ignore!

Willow2010's picture

UGH! How am I going to handle the next 6 months??!! I was never supposed to be a SM, much less a CSM!! Yea, I know, I knew there was a chance bla,bla,bla. Lol. BUT if you would have known us 1 and ½ years ago, you would have NEVER thought I would be thrust into being a CSM. Trust me on this.

Sorry, went a bit off topic. Anyway…SS goes into military in a little over 6 months!! Yay for me!!!!!! But DH is already showing signs of how he is going to be slobbering worse, all over SS than he already does. DH already brags SOOOO much on SS and it is just going to get worse as his enter date gets here.

The “I love you”’s and “I will miss you”’s are already getting sappy and frequent. So are the plans to make his last few months here memorable. And I can already imagine how much more money will be thrown at him and how I much more I will have to listen to DH talk about how SS is going to save us all from hell on earth because “he” is joining the military.

How do I drown out all of that crazy talk???


Eyes Wide Open's picture

It is sickening, isn't it? The good news for you is, once SS comes back from basic training he will (or at least SHOULD) be a whole new man. You will be impressed with the changes. As long as he a can maintain when he's in the mainstream military, he'll be fine (some of those kids do get into a lot of trouble!).

As far as DH making a fool of himself over this...what 'cha gonna do? :0)

oneoffour's picture

I waved goodbye to my son a year ago as he went into the US Army. Seeing he is a legal resident and not a citizen made it all the more bittersweet. I was so proud but so scared for him.

All those Daddyisms will be yada yada background noise in his head as a DS (Drill Sergent) bellows at him to stop being a lady and get with the programme.

If anything, encourage your s/son to get as fit as he can. And maybe suggest he gets up at 4am and do PT for an hour. That is all in store for him. Concentrate on what he learns and not for the mess his father will become. Yes, he may save the free world. but he will be part of a team and if he cannot operate as part of a team even with people he doesn't like, the military will be a short sharp shock.

If Daddy wants some happy memories, send him off camping with his son. Lots and lots of Man Time ... and you can do what you want to do.

Willow2010's picture

I wish they could go camping for 6 months. LOL. Now don’t get me wrong, I know the military is a great accomplishment and I am proud for SS. But DD is “kind of” starting to downplay anything BUT SS going into military. Example…my son starts college later this year, me and my son were discussing his goals and maybe a major course and DH kept jumping into OUR conversation to point out how much better of an education SS will get in the military and how college is basically a waste of money. Crap like that. Like my kids are not going to be productive adults because they did not join the military, they are JUST going to college.

Next time he starts that I will tell him to bite me!

And I really hope that military does SOMETHING for SS. HE is going to be shell shocked when he goes in. But not sure because I have heard that the branch he is going in is very “soft” and the boot camp is not very hard. But that I honestly do not know.

Willow2010's picture

LOL. Probably. I know a few Marines and they all think they are the ONLY branch that is actually "hard" a far as boot camp goes. I am sure their ego has nothing to do with that! lol

SS is not going into the Marines.

Willow2010's picture

I cried like a baby the day my daughter moved out for college. But it was one day. I was a little mushy a few days before she left, but not 6 months before!! lol

Willow2010's picture

But DD is “kind of” starting to downplay anything BUT SS going into military
This should say DH. It won't let me edit for some reason.

oneoffour's picture

My answer would be "Well some people are good for college and some are good for the military. My wish is for highly successful children from BOTH of us, don't you think honey?" What can he say to that?

"Duh, no. The only way people can be successful is in the military."

"So sweetcheeks, how much time did you do serving your country?"

ddakan's picture

OMG how annoying!

When he does this tell him: "Every old crow thinks his is the blackest!"

Whatever he pays for ss to do, pay for ds to do too! It's only fair!!

I'm thinking you better SHOP SHOP SHOP for your son for college. My dd18 is going to college in the fall too Smile