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BM and Dr's!

Willow2010's picture

BM has always taken SS to the DR for stupid crap. On a monthly, and sometimes weekly basis. It is almost like she wants something to be wrong with the boy and then gets disappointed over and over when he is just fine. She took him one time because his nipples swelled up. He was 13 at the time. The DR told her to take the boy home and that he is just going thru puberty.

Anyway…SS came to us 7ish months ago. When he got here he had DH take him to the DR at least 4 times in the first 2 months. He ended up with 7 prescriptions that he never even used. He really liked going to the DR. DH told him that he needed to suck it up before running to the Dr every few weeks.

So after that, SS has not complained about anything in months. He has not really complained about not feeling good or anything. He used to have to go lay down all the time, due to headache, backache, earache ect,ect,ect. It was something every few days. He has not done that in months either.

He went to see BM a few days ago and all that went to pot. Grrrr. This is only the second time he has went to visit her since he got here. She called before SS got home and told DH that SS had a headache when he was there and need an MRI.

DH told her that he already got an MRI when he first came to us and all is fine. (She should remember that, because when DH told her the MRA came back a ok, she was almost upset about it. And that he has not had a headache in a long time. BM did not like that.) But now SS is pushing DH to get him all kinds of test because he had a headache when he was at BM’s

Are a lot of BMs like this. It is almost like she gets disappointed that SS is not UN healthy. Weird.


JustAnotherSM's picture

My BM was like this. She and her mom (SS's grandma) would take him to the dr every time he had a cough, sore throat, looked pale, etc. The amount of dr bills and prescription meds was ridiculous. BM also convinced (IMO) SS that he had headaches and allergy problems, although tests found nothing. SS had a spinal tap when he was 9 (his neck is sore - he might have meningitis!) and an appendectomy when he was 11 (he had bad gas and was in a lot of pain so the dr had to do something about it!). I think BM does it for several reasons:
1) attention - from dr's, friends/family, biodad, concerned strangers in the grocery store, etc.
2) supermom status - DH doesn't take him to the dr. but BM *ALWAYS* takes care of her son
3) stupidity - a cough is sometimes just a cold, a bleeding belly button might just be caused by someone picking at it instead of an infection

Are there things at BM's house that could contribute to his headaches at her place? Is she or someone else smoking in the house? Is there mold? Lots of dust? Those things can contribute to headaches. Of course, kids can also get headaches from listening to their BM fill their heads with stupid ideas. Wink

AlexandraL's picture

Yes, the BM that used to be in my life was this way as well. I am guessing she still is...SD says she checks her lymph nodes and checks her temp daily, regardless of whether the child is ill.

Any illness, real or perceived, is considered to be potentially life threatening...a headache is a brain tumor, swollen glands are cancer, you get the idea. I think it is part of her mental illness. The sad thing is she never takes the REAL things seriously, go figure.

I effing hate hypchondriacs...she's really damaging her daughter too...the kid loves the attention she gets for being's bizarre.

Check this article out:

This is BM and SD to a T.