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for sally, update on sir breaks-a-lot

Tuff Noogies's picture

no improvement, no update, no changes, no nothing.

he's still puking and *run*ning (pun intended) to the bathroom. we almost had to cancel family vacation due to this, but thankfully doubling up on the stomach meds got him to handle the ride and the actual vacay. he's paying for it now as he's back to regularly prescribed doses.

his shoulder is no better, he cant even carry a gallon of milk up from the car, and barely from the fridge to the counter. he'd had a second mri done a few months ago read by an objective surgeon who cited a new tear and possible nerve damage. workman's comp sent him to another doctor who was a total jack@$$ and didnt even look at the 2nd mri. turns out he's about to start practice for the very doctor who did the original surgery - of course he's not going to second-guess his BOSS' work! now they're trying to get the nerve damage tested.

the injury happened JANUARY 2015 for crying out loud. FIX IT ALREADY.

he's also not doing well inside. he's severely depressed and it's making his other issues worse. he quit going to the right doctor for that, as they stopped working w/ our insurance and sent us a 3000.00 bill. our family doctor is keeping him on his previously prescribed meds, but even before all this crap they only helped marginally. he knows he needs the right type of doctor, he just has no motivation to do anything. thanks sally for asking for an update on him, i am going to send him (*again*) info on another dr. i found, so he can sched an appt.

ETA - no more broken feet, the broken ribs are healing but still painful. the edema has mostly gone away for the most part, which is good, but his back and knees have been awful (degenerative). so in general, yeah, his having lots of fun.....


Tuff Noogies's picture

sounds good to me!!! i mean seriously, something's GOT to give. he just feels so d@mn miserable all the d@mn time and NOTHING is working. aaarrrggghhhh.