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My kid is so screwed.

Rags's picture

My SS has been at my parents working on his driver’s license since Christmas. Dad has given him the full meal deal driver’s course and SS has been with a driving instructor. The instructor told SS yesterday that he would test on Thursday and told him that he would need his Social Security card to take the drivers test and get his license. So my dad asked him today if he was ready to test and if there was anything he would need. SS told dad that he needed his SS card and that he thought he had it but didn't. He never said a word about it until dad asked and when dad asked why SS had not said anything SS said that he thought he had it.

Dad asked if he checked and the kid said not until today.

This kid could not wipe his ass without direct supervision.

We have to overnight the SS card to mom and dads and he will test on Tuesday.

Dad is at the end of his rope with the kid. As everyone who knows him says, dad said SS is polite, well behaved and a pleasure to be around but will absolutely not do anything unless someone does it with him. He has almost no attention span and if he gets anything but praise he gets belligerent. This is particularly frustrating for dad while trying to teach the kid to drive. Dad gives him feedback and the little shit gets nasty with him.

My mom is of course on her usual “he is a good kid; at least he is not doing drugs or robbing convenience stores”. If my brother or I had done the crap that my Skid does she would have killed us. Now being a polite, well behaved worthless POS is enough? WTF MOM?

The SS card was the final straw for my wife. She called SS and ripped him a new one for losing his SS card. She had given him his card and instructed him to put it in his wallet. We found it in his room this evening under a pile of crap.

To confirm the final straw, we just received a bank statement for SS's bank account. It was overdrawn due to, wait for it, wait for it, a payment to Blizzard which just happens to be the company that publishes World of WarCrack. The BS story was that SS bought a month of WoW for his half sister. I dissected his laptop this evening and SURPRISE! his account was re-activated on the same day he "bought a month for his sister". He actually asked his mom if he could buy her a month of WoW for Christmas. My wife asked him if that was a good idea since WoW had screwed up his own boarding school opportunity and "what about your two half bros?" Blank stare from the kid. He did not think out the scam that far.

His mom told him tonight that there is no more waiting for a driver’s license to get the right job in the Air Force and he better call his recruiter and take any job that gets him in immediately.

That kid has finally lost the support of the woman who has been dedicated to providing a good life and opportunities for him since she was 16yo.

He better get his ass in the AF now even if his job is shoveling frozen bear shit off of runways at Adak AF base in Alaska.

My dad finished our conversation about SS with "I am worried about your wife. She has dedicated her life to this kid and he does not care enough about anything to try at all. Her heart must be broken".

This kid has managed to alienate everyone who gives a shit about him. The only reason he is not on the SpermIdiot's couch or SpermGrandMa's couch is that they don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of and he knows it. It is hard to get someone else to support you when they cannot support themselves.

I am done with his taking advantage of me, my wife and my parents.

As soon as he is back home with his DL I am dragging his worthless ass back to his recruiter and making him sign whatever job is on the recruiter’s desk regardless of what it is and where it is.

WE ARE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ddakan's picture

I feel ya! If only this kid would make a decent effort with the opportunities you give him, he could be in such a better place right now!!

Heaven knows all the crap we put up with over the years. With all the support and help we offer, you'd think we would finally earn our reward. Yours is coming when this kid goes! I truly believe that the air force will give this kid a new lease on life.

It will make you and your wife so happy to put him into a program that will make him a better person. I can't imagine how happy you two will be when he finally ships out!! You will probably have more fun than a barrel of monkeys.

Hopefully, when his brain is fully developed, he can look back and appreciate what you have done for him and your relationship can move forward.

When my ss17 left my house, it was up there with one of my favorite days too. We went back to having peace and happiness almost immediately.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Lost it? He threw it away. Royally pissed it away.
It's such a shame because some of us actually know what it's like to grow up without a person like that. What a little ingrate.

Well you guys are doing the only thing that will help him, which is to drop him and let him scrabble his own way. Good luck, Rags!

Rags's picture


I will take that bet. 50StepBucks to the one who's kid gets in to the AF first. Mine will be in ASAP if I have to beat him over the head and sneak him on base in a garbage dumpster.

Best regards,