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Here’s to a drama free 2011! You won't believe this!

stepgin's picture

My DH and I got in a terrible argument a few days ago after he met with SD32 and she admitted that, not only is she knocked up AGAIN (#5), but this time she married the thug! Oh, and she also dropped out of nursing school. I have said on more than one occasion that this convicted crack dealer isn’t welcome in our home so she deflected all the shady crap she’s been pulling off on to me because she doesn’t feel “comfortable” around me since I don’t want anything to do with the “love of her life and husband.” That was her reason for screwing up our Christmas…. She didn’t want to come over because of how I feel about him. Keep in mind folks that she’s the 4th and maybe 5th woman he’s gotten pregnant since his last release from prison less than 3 years ago.

The thing is, my DH is sooo used to taking up the slack with his two worthless offspring that when he and I discussed it, he went totally on the defensive and I ended up being the bad guy! I couldn’t believe it!!! We both lost our tempers and said some mean things. Even though he is a complete enabler, I’m sure he didn’t like hearing me yelling it. I’ve tried to be nice to his kids and guide them as much as I could, but they are so useless I think there isn’t anything they would listen to.

So I told DH that I was done! I am disengaging completely from them. He wasn’t sure what that meant so I explained that they were his kids, his problem. I would not have anything to do with them that I didn’t have to do. If I run in to them at a family event, I would be polite. That’s it. I’m not babysitting, I’m not financially helping them, I’m not going to run out and get gifts for their kids birthdays and Christmas’s, nothing. Or even remind DH when their birthdays are! I also said I was defriending all of his relatives on facebook (even the ones I like) because I refuse to buy in to their drama ever again.
Meanwhile, SS35 put THIS on his facebook page (I’ve since de-friended him):
"I've come to the realization that I wasn't asked if I wanted to be born. It was thrown at me without my permission, so if I make mistakes, if I slip up and ask for help remember, it was you who chose to make me and put me in this world. I do the best that I can and if you see me as a failure, then you as the teacher need to take a look at your mirror and ask that person what kind of job you did raising me. You were not there and responsible in the young years of our youth then don't be the first ones to condemn us. Life is hard but to have the power with ib we need, we need those who raised us to have the guts to step up and say “my best was not good enough” or, “I was so busy trying to keep us fed and clothes on our back, I couldn’t do what I needed to then. But I'm here for you now and if you’re willing to put in the work then there is no boundary to what I will do to help you succeed, because I love you!”
This guy is 35 years old! Have you ever heard anything so whiny and pathetic in your life??? This little shit has the balls to put this in a public forum after his dad has paid his bills, kept him out of jail, bought him more than one car, paid his child support, and loaned him thousands of dollars over the last few years. And that just since I’ve known him!! I’m so furious, I could just spit! The thing is, DH thinks he’s doing soooo much better now and being more responsible. WTF?? I’m at a loss! But this is the last time I am going to feel this way! Sorry this is so long, but I can’t even talk to my DH about these things now. It’s not worth fighting about. So thanks for letting me vent yet again!


Rags's picture

Wow, two middle aged scumbag idiot Skids. That may be a first. These two are prime cases to justify retroactive birth control.

You may want to post a status on FB something along the lines of "At some point the baggage we inherit from our parents become our problems to solve. So quit whining and solve them."

My dad has a friend who has repeatedly commented that if he had known how his kids were going to turn out that he would have had a vasectomy at 12. I am sure your DH is having similar wishes for his middle aged worthless spawn.

happymostly's picture

oh my gosh! I was about to say your ss is THIRTY FIVE and saying that stuff on facebook??! that sounds like something someone my age and/or younger would say! lol Sounds like a whiny 'man' to me.

purpledaisies's picture

I think I would be tempted to post something about be accountable for your own actions. I mean he is 35 for crying out loud! WOW. I read this to my dh and the face he made made me laugh. He even said that he needs to grow up.

Leigh's picture

Yuck! I think I just threw up a bit in my mouth... there is a poem called the Bottom Line. You should Google and post to his page. It starts:
Face it.
Nobody owes you a living.
What you achieve or fail to achieve in your lifetime
Is directly related to what you do
Or fail to do.
No one chooses his parents or childhood
But you can choose your own direction.
Everyone has problems and obstacles to overcome...
...if you aren't willing to work for your goals
Don't expect others to....

stepgin's picture

Thanks for all the positive feedback! As a step parents to losers like this, you really feel that you have a good grasp on how manipulative they are. But without this site, I really think many of us would doubt our own good judgement after a period of time. Especially when people like my DH get pissed off when you call it like you see it. Smile
I wouldn't love to post something on his facebook, but he's really not worth it! Both of my step adults LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the drama. And that way, they can play the vitim as well. I'm not buying into it anymore!!!
I did show the post to my DH this morning. He couldn't believe it. His response was that he hoped his son worried about his kids that much. Which he doesn't. He's got 5. Gave up rights to one. Never sees another. And only pays child support when he's forced to. A real prize, that one. And yes, Rags, I'm sure his dad wishes he could go back in time and get snipped!!! I sure wish he could!!! If my grown children posted something so inherently disrespectful, I would knock them in to next week! Even at their ages!