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So a week has passed

007Lostit's picture

One week since she "ran away"...I am back to taking her to work. How? I hate it. I have to put a stop to this insanity.

I come here and read and it gives me back some perspective. I read on one post that we should not feel responsible for these kids behavior etc. I forget that. That if she is off lying to perfect strangers about me, and how horrible I am, then that is HER behavior, and it is lies. If these people choose to believe it then so be it. That is there problem. It is very hard to let it go, surprisingly. A person doesn't like to be talked bad about and lied about.

I like the idea that no, I am not her parent. IF she feels I cause her all these problems then I should take myself out of the equation and let dad parent her. Problem there is he practically begs me to take her to work. Why? It is not my problem. It is just a horrible guilty mess, that I am stuck in. I have to make him understand...sometimes i feel like i do, and then no...he is back to his old thinking. Now it is, well if she asks you to take her to work then it is ok. As if that was the only problem....did he not hear me explain the full extent of the issues in our fighting??

It is so frustrating.

She is being sugary sweet to me. I can just about shiver and cringe when she is. I swear. How does a kid go from "my stepmom is so horrible I can't live at home any longer" to "I love you so much". What the hell?! I think it is because her dad told her I was going to put myself out there again to her. Which I NEVER agreed to or said I would do. In fact I told him the exact opposite! That I do not trust her, I can not put myself through the bull shit with her again...and he says that? When I discussed this with him, he never bothered to correct his mistake in telling her that. I think he just wants things to be "normal" here, or what he thinks is normal. Only problem is, that super sucks for me and does not work for me. I have done that for him for way to long and I am no longer happy at all.


aug2010's picture

I was a stepchild and I'll be the first to admit I had my issues with my SM it worked both ways. Ya I had an attitude (as most kids do) but if she told me to do something I did it. My dad at one point told me i was a compulsive liar( in the 6th grade). I got grounded all the time. But I obeyed (with the exception that i was grounded from the tv and I was home sick one day and couldn't help but watch the odessey with armand asante). On her end she'd bitch about me saying to my father, "uh your daughter and I were out shopping today and she said 'oh what a cute shirt' why does she always want me to buy her things?" My dad would have to say "did she actually say "buy this for me?" of course "well no". Also I would get the guilt trip about my mother and child support. I decided I was better off getting along with her by not living with her. I love her very much. But I can say that our relationship got better as I've grown up and moved out.

ddakan's picture

Wow, at least she is working. I think dad just wants everyone to get along and forget about anytime anyone was mad and everyone shut up and give him peace....LOL.

If she is going to be disrespectful to you, you can fix it. If she's disrespectful, tell her, when you talk like that, I find it hard to do anything for you, like take you to work. If you want me to help you, then you have to be respectful.....PERIOD.