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They still haven't learned.

no1smaid's picture

After Orkin came, I had left and went out to run errands. This is not a new practice, my days off I do the grocery shopping, errand running and yes I stopped to get a manicure while I was out. Rarely am I home when the skids get home from school. At about 5pm my cell phone began ringing. The skids had finally managed to walk home after their detention and were apparently upset that I was not home. No, they didn't miss me. They missed access to the house as apparently none of the four of them remembered their house key.

This is almost word for word the conversation:

Me: Hello
Skid#1: Where are you
Me: It doesn't matter where I am. Why are you calling?
Skid#1: Well we can't get in the house and we are tired because you made us walk all day. So you need to come home and let us in.
Me: I see you remembered your cell phone. Did you remember your IPod as well?
Skid#1: Yeah, but you need to come home.
Me: Why? Because all of you again, failed to think and plan and now you expect me to change my plans, to save you from your own irresponsibility?

The Skid hung up on me. So while the nail tech did my right hand, I used my left hand to dial the cell phone company and suspended her cell phone. I would have cancelled it but apparently due to my contract that would have cost almost $300.00. But they suspended it! No incoming or out going calls/ texts/ no internet access until I call back in and release the suspension!

DH will be home within the hour. He can let them in.

On the bright side, my nails look great! And there is a coffee shop right next door to the nail shop and the coffee is pretty good! I do believe I am going to hang out here for awhile as I just can not face going home at the moment.

And I am positive once I make it home DH and I are going to argue. Over his kids. Again.


jenstep's picture

I'm sorry, but your story made me smile. Sure, there's gonna be a war later. But for right now:


I tip my hat to you

purpledaisies's picture

This reminded me of just last night. My dd17 went to my moms and we had to go out, she called to ask where we are b/c she forgot her key?! I told her that she would have to wait in the cold or go back to moms! LOL jeez when will they learn to remember their keys? Not like they don't have one or never had one just that they don't pick it up!

ThatGirl's picture

That's awesome!!!!! Ours had problems remembering the key, too. But they wouldn't wait around outside, they'd either break in (all of our screens and door jambs are now ruined), or go to a friends house and not return until 10 at night.

buttercookie's picture

I love how you handled this and you should have gotten a pedicure too. Not to high jack your thread but my daughter was just like this. When she got her first apartment she forgot her key inside, she had to pay the landlord a $35 fee to get let in. She learned her lesson.

buttercookie's picture

You have to keep us all updated on how this plays out. And you are my hero too.

shootingstarz's picture

Yeah I wouldn't even argue back with your DH. You had every right to do what you did. And if you keep your cool it will only make you be even more of a hero! Wink

glynne's picture

Good for you!

You handled it exactly right. Let them know who is in charge and taught them about responsibility. Kudos!