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Should we ask BM for help during my maternity leave?

SteppingUp's picture

I've been trying to figure out what we're going to do after the baby comes and during my maternity leave, on the mornings we have the stepkids. DF's schedule at work is very random in the mornings. He either works at 5:30, 6, 6:30, 7, or 7:30 with a VERY occassional 8 or 9am in there. That being said, it's VERY rare that he is ever able to be around in the mornings to help out with getting the skids ready, or that his late mornings line up with the ones when we have them.

A normal morning when I have the skids looks like this:
6am: I get up, shower, blow dry hair.
6:30: Wake up skids, SD5 eats breakfast, SS3 gets dressed (with lots of prompts), then SD5 gets dressed, finish getting everyone ready
7:10ish: Out the door, drive to SD5's bus stop and wait for bus
7:25ish: Bus comes, then drop off SS3 at daycare
7:35ish: I make my way to work for 8am.

So while I'm on maternity leave, I'll certainly be doing all this plus having a newborn to tote around at the same time. The baby will have to be packed into his carseat, in the car with us waiting for the bus and then when I bring SS3 to daycare, I'll have to bring baby in with us to get SS3 settled at daycare, then cart baby back to the car to go home. Added bonus: I live in the upper midwest and we will have snow and cold through April (baby is due Feb 28). Whew....doesn't sound like a lot of fun. It will be easier when I get adjusted to my baby's morning routine...and also when I actually have to drop him off at day care to go back to work.

I know moms do it all the time...I've just never done it so would love some advice or tips to make this as smooth as possible!

I'm also considering that maybe BM can pick up the skids at our house in the mornings to bring them to the bus stop and daycare? Just for those first few weeks? Is that totally inappropriate to ask of her? We live within a mile radius of BM and daycare/bus stop, so it definitely wouldn't be an issue for BM to do this logistically....should I even go there though?

I'm kind of thinking it won't hurt to ask, but at the same time I just don't want to ask HER for a favor...although technically we do her a favor every week by taking her daughter SD5 with us when she's not even DF's daughter.

Ideas on how to bring this up?


Asher10's picture

Stress is relative Echo.What is stressful for her may not be stressful for you and it isn't fair to fault her for that.Everyone has different levels of tolerance to various things.It's wonderful that you have such an iron will but it isn't right to expect the same level of strength from others.Our experiences teach us how to have that neverending supply of will and strength,some of us haven't gone through the lessons and some of us have.It's a learning experience and we all have to be understanding of that.

SteppingUp's picture

As a mother, would you ever volunteer to let someone else raise your child half the week? If you didn't have to? I see your point about weakness although I feel you could have put it a little more sensitively. I'm not their mother. Why is it my responsibility to do all of this while I'm healing and recouperating from the birth of my first child? It will be about 6 weeks of maternity leave that I'd be asking for the help.

I see your point but I have to say I do have a little resentment that we get crapped on by the BM and my DF feeling guilty about raising her daughter. I feel kind of like we've done her a favor for the last 3 years by taking her daughter, SD5, while BM collects child support from SD5's father. All the stuff we do for her and we never ever get a thank you for it. If I really wanted to be a b**** about it, I could say to BM that it's not my responsibility to get HER daughter to the bus stop every morning.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

"As a mother, would you ever volunteer to let someone else raise your child half the week?"


I'm going to stick my neck out and state something I do not think I have shared as of yet on this board.

You have 2 types of BM's.

You have the type who CARE for their children honestly and can't part with them for long because of just being a "mom." How can a real mom just let their kid go anywhere, anytime? Think about it.

2nd- You have the biomoms who really do not care where their kid is at as long as that kid is serving to bring in money and spread bitter revenge.

I was the 1st type of biomom. BM is the 2nd and that pisses the hell out of me.

SteppingUp's picture

Everyone who knows us constantly is baffled by the fact that BM has her daughter going to our house so often....everyone thinks that's the strangest thing a woman/mother would ever do. But those of us here know that like you said, Butterflykisses, that 2nd type of BM runs rampant!

skylarksms's picture

I totally agree. I remember when I would allow my DS to go visit my parents for a week and I would cry a LOT during that week he was gone. And my parents are GREAT!

I have long shook my head at the BMs who are so transparent that the only thing their child(ren) is good for is the paycheck.

overit2's picture

YES indeed...she's gone up to a week at a time w/out seeing her child for us.

I NEED my breaks, and YES I like my EOW (which consists of Sat 1-2pm till Sun 6pm) to unwind, clean, spend time w/bf, whathaveyou.

I also get the urge to get away-I used to travel a lot more. But I never spent more then 3 nights away from my kids. And by that time I'm SO ready to be with them even if I'm enjoying the break. I'll miss them like crazy. I can't imagine a whole week, 5 days all the time like our BM does all the time.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture


I would weep if my BD spent the night at grandma's house...

THIS BM seems like it does not affect her at all? Seriously?

mom2five's picture

Totally agree. I HATE when my kids are away from me. Until my oldest went away to college, I had never been away from my kids for more than a week. Even the kids that I share with my ex. I simply refused to agree to a visitation longer than a week at a time. And luckily, he never fought me on it. Plus, we live in different states, so they only see him a couple of times a year.

When we were non-custodial, my husband's ex wife literally begged us to take the kids for the entire summer every year. The court order only gave us four weeks. And she let us have the kids anytime they were out of school. She knew I was a stay-at-home mom and she saw me as a free baby sitter. Big surprise that we ended up getting custody a few years ago.

I can't stand being away from my kids. I miss them every second they are away. I don't want "me time". I want my kids with me. They grow up and are gone before you know it. That doesn't make me "super mom" just makes me a mommy.

mommylove's picture

I'm definitely BM type #1. With H & I preparing to split I've already started to wonder what things are going to be like when H starts dating again, which I figure would be very soon after the split since H is just not the type of man that can be alone (& I'm sure he'll want to make up for being "deprived" lately.)

Anyway, I know that one thing I take a lot of pride in is being a mother to my children & I would NOT take very kindly to someone overstepping their bounds & trying to play "Mommy" to my kids. Now don't get me wrong, I'm raising my kids with structure & discipline & I would expect my children to treat any adult or authority figure (that is NOT mistreating them) with respect. However, I would have no control over how my H parents the children when they are with him, & since H was/is already a Guilty Daddy who doesn't exercise much parental authority with his two older children, I don't hold out much hope that H will change this behavior when he has two small children to feel guilty about.

So I guess what saying is I fear that one day there may be a SM on here dreading visits from my children every other weekend. The difference is, since I am BM type #1, SM would never have to worry about me "dumping" my kids off on her, & if she (through my X or directly) asked me to take my kids off her hands I would be more than happy to oblige. Smile

DaizyDuke's picture

come on Echo. Stepping up is just asking that DH and BM take some responsibilty for their OWN KIDS so that she can enjoy hers while on maternity leave. Not like she's asking BM to come over and cook dinner, do laundry etc. she's asking that BM be a friggin mother to her own children and just for a short period of time at that.. heaven forbid wouldn't want to "shit on BM's schedule"?? come on

and in response to O/P question... don't "bring it up" as an option! Tell DH that he and/or BM WILL be helping you out for a couple of weeks by taking care of THEIR kids.

mommylove's picture

Uh, HELLO: These are NOT HER kids they are DF's and BM's. Frankly I am in awe that she was even willing to do all that she has, but then her SK's are young so I'm assuming she has developed a much stronger bond with hers than I did with mine!

caregiver1127's picture

Echo really this is your reply to her asking for help - wow climb down off of that pedestal you have put your self up on - she is not being weak she is being a first time mother - so just because she is a SM does not mean that she can't enjoy her time with HER FIRST CHILD - just like the BM she deals with enjoyed her first time with her child.

My mother raised and adopted 18 children and she would never have given an answer like this - you would think with all the kids you have you would have learned compassion but apparently not - you also sound like a BM and only a BM.

meneran's picture

As far as I understood Echo, this is her first child. and she is supposed to enjoy this time with her baby´, period.

Second thing is, as far as I understood, SD5 is not even biologically her husbands daughter.

They are not HER kids. Why shouldnt she ask their mother to do things for them?

mom2five's picture

I would take the five year old to the bus stop. Then come home with the 3 year old and your newborn.

stepmasochist's picture

A lot of daycares won't let you miss that much time. Many of them have waiting lists and the kids are only allowed so many absences a year or they get the boot.

Not only that, if I were the OP I'd want to be alone with the newborn for those first few weeks and not chasing down a toddler which is exhausting in itself.

mom2five's picture

I would guess that you could continue to pay but not take the kid, right?

My kids have never been in a daycare center (and never will), so I'll admit I don't know much about policy. But I would think that as long as they get their money, they are ok with kids being out.

My thought was simply why take a child to daycare if you don't absolutely have to?

overit2's picture

It's not her child!! I don't fault her for wanting to spend some time w/her own newborn for a few weeks! They do enough for this lady. The 3yr old is NOT her responsibility, I think she does plenty by getting them ready for school as it is! She has the right to use the leave as she wants to.

The mother/father decide about daycare for the 3yr old-not her.

SteppingUp's picture

Yes, stepmasochist -- I'd definitely want to do things like, um, SLEEP when my baby sleeps during the day Smile Having the SS3 there all day with me would not be relaxing at all. I love the kid but no thank you! I'll be breastfeeding too and they say not to pump for the first two weeks to ensure that the baby doesn't get nipple confusion and that you have successful breastfeeding. Which means I will be the one waking up at night to feed the baby...which means I'll definitely need to sleep during the day. SS3 is not the type of kid to be able to sit down, he's very hyper.

However, if DF is able to bring SD5 to the bus stop (or if BM volunteers her services) then I probably would just kind of wake up, hang out with SS3 at home until whatever time seems best to bring him to daycare. It's a private daycare so she would'nt mind that I'm sure.

meneran's picture

I agree with you on some points Echo. Having a child by no means makes you disabled. It does sound so easy to pack a newborn and just go for a quick drive etc, but do understand it is her first child, and it is her number one priority at that. She does not yet know how to handle the entire situation, and afterall, her child will be the one screaming at night, she will be getting up feeding etc, and she most probably will be exausted. She never had a baby of her own before, so she should get at least couple of weeks off time from having to do everything for skids. But her husband should handle that situation.

If I was her, I would not ask BM, I would let my husband deal with that though.

On the other hand, I do not know if her skids are full time with them, or just couple a days a week?

SteppingUp's picture

We have 50/50 visitation with SS3. His older sister whom I refer to as SD5 comes along during the weekdays that we have her brother.

aggravated1's picture

Oh please. This is ridiculous. She specifically asked for tips on how to make this easier, as this is her first baby and she wanted to make things as uncomplicated as possible. Yippee for you that you squatted in a rice paddy, dropped your kids, and kept on rolling. I wouldn't suck up SHIT.
Her DH and the BM need to take care of this. Period. Sorry, but I don't subscribe to the martyr mentality.

Asher10's picture

omg there is now diet coke all over my table from me laughing and spitting everywhere! 'Yippee for you that you squatted in a rice paddy, dropped your kids, and kept on rolling.'

caregiver1127's picture

Thank you A1 - I swear to god with some of the comments on this blog I am hearing an echo of blendedfam - I guess it is so hard to hide your insensitivity - these are not your children - and I swear with Echo's comments it is almost as if she never had a child - let your DH and the skids mom worry about the skids schedule - you are going to be dealing with your baby and all that entails and you and YOUR CHILD deserve this time much like your BM got her time with her children.

purpledaisies's picture

When I saw echos name I thought she was someone I knew on another board but reading her comments here I don't think she is. I agree with don't worry about the skids and let her dh do it. You will be tired with your own baby. Your dh should realize that with you getting up and he won't be that you need a brake for a while.

SteppingUp's picture

I agree with the whole "I signed up for this" mentality. I know that. I'm not living in a non-reality. And I love the skids, but I'm not going to lie about the fact that there's some resentment about the whole SD5/BM situation.

The history short and sweet is that when DF and BM started dating, SD5 was only a few months old, no bio dad involved. For 2 years now bio dad is back in the picture. But we still take SD5 the same amount of time we take DF and BM's son, my SS3 (which is about 50/50). Like I said, we don't even get as much as a "thank you" from BM for giving her her freedom to go out and get drunk 3 nights a week.

BM is kind of touch-and-go with things...not sure what her response will be. She could go either way!

overit2's picture

I don't blame you for feeling this way at's hard enough being a step-parent...add to that the fact it isn't hers or for those that have suspicious they aren't...makes matters much harder. does the BD of the girl now see her and have visitation also? that kind of arrangement works out GREAT for mom huh?
And honestly-the ONLY reason you probably started 50/50 is because YOU are there to pick up the slack...what would she do if you weren't and your H couldn't do the school drive thing?

I hate slacker moms...thats how our BM is.

SteppingUp's picture

You make a GREAT point. If I were not in the picture, something would have changed...DF cannot be there in the mornings to get SD5 to the bus stop...things would certainly have changed with SD5 starting school if I hadn't been there to take her.

And yes, BM's situation works out quite well for her. In a two week period, these are the nights she sees her daughter:

So, out of 14 days, she actually only sees her daughter 5 times (only 10 nights a month), because she is going to either our house or to her bioligical father's house. Yet she has "primary custody" so she gets the CS of course.

overit2's picture

:jawdrop: }:) Gosh that enfuriates me!!! Our BM does the same damn thing!! Between my bf, his parents, the TWO sets of grandparents from BM's side, and "friends" from school she pawns her off on all the time, about the same as yours...and YES she also collects CS from bf.

Piece of shit parents exist...they get the kids as cash flow and don't care one bit. I wish they were run over by a bus. A BIG one!

Asher10's picture

"It will be easier when I get adjusted to my baby's morning routine...and also when I actually have to drop him off at day care to go back to work. I know moms do it all the time...I've just never done it so would love some advice or tips to make this as smooth as possible!"

This is a direct quote from her.Stop acting like she's some whining petulant ninny Echo because she isn't.You're acting like she's asking sooooo much of BM and you're acting like she is portraying herself as completely incapable of functioning.I see a woman expressing her fears and worries to what should be a safe space of women who could give her advice and guidance instead of telling her to suck it up and stop being a baby.

Sia's picture

Stepping, I agree that asking for help is NOT wrong!!! They're her kids, hence she SHOULD be helping out, even if for a short while. You don't know how this labor will one does. What if you have to have a c-section? You wont be able to lift much, let alone drive for at least 6 wks.
What does DH say about it? I would have no problem asking BM for help with her own kids. I never had that luxury as BM was always institutionalized.

DaizyDuke's picture

omg Sia, don't scare her! I had a C-section and was able to drive after 2 weeks and would have been fine to drive sooner. Heck I was at the mall walking around with BS in his Baby Bjorn exactly 1 week after he was born. Granted not at my usual pace and I was a little sore afterwards, but recovering from a c-section is not THAT bad!

SteppingUp's picture

I haven't really brought up asking BM for help with DF, but he's going to try to work out with his boss if he can have more of a set schedule to be able to help out when we have the skids. He constantly feels bad that I have to do all the running around/morning stuff without his help and I know that bothers him. If he can be around in the mornings for a couple of weeks that would be my favorite choice, obviously Smile I just know it's really hard for his workplace to set to a schedule like that so I'm not banking on that happening.

shootingstarz's picture

I would defenitely ask BM. They are her kids afterall, right? She can take care of them so you can enjoy your new baby. It's only fair. Having a newborn is stressul enough and you need to enjoy it without the extra stress of HER kids.

You deserve alone time with YOUR child.

iloveit's picture

I agree with Daisy Duke...this is your first baby and it is absolutely a special time for both you and DH but..largely for you because the bond you have with your baby as a mother is far different than between dad and baby. The first few months are crucial for you to build that relationship with your child and I would be dammed if I had to miss out on this experience because I was carting other people's kids all over the map. I know that's a little extreme to say and maybe sounds harsh but you deserve to spend time with baby and like rottensweatpea said, rest because you're going to need it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking anyone to help with their own children. It is beyond me that DH or BM could ask you to care for your newborn and raise their kids with a smile on your face like you are thrilled to do it and it's a simple task! Have you spoken to DH about how you feel about having this newborn with very little help from him or BM?

Oh and this other child is not DH's?? I think it would be ok to inform BM that it is just not convenient for you to watch the child in the afternoons etc anymore...your baby gets first priority in my opinion. You have no legal committment to this child as far as I can understand that so she needs to step up and find alternative care for this child. I'm sorry but baby is in, unrelated child is out!

SteppingUp's picture

I understand your point in that it is my DF's time with the kids. As stated in a different reply, my first desire is to have my DF be able to change his work schedule a little for a few weeks so that he can help out...I'd much rather that than start my day by seeing BM's face 2-3 days a week Smile

However, court ordered time only applies to SS3 since he is the biological child of my DF, and as some suggested here, I could technically just keep him until we were ready to leave the house for the morning, then take him to day care. BM pays for day care from the CS money so I can't see us keeping SS3 all day long really while BM's paying daycare to have him.

overit2's picture

Whatever happened to parenting your own kids? Not my court ordered time not my problem?
What kind of shit mother would do that anyways?
Sm is NOT responsible for them-particularly the 5yr old.
I can't even fathom as a BM, having kids only 50/50 and then refusing to pick up the slack to parent/do for MY OWN children.

overit2's picture

oK...SO the kids are the BM's problem and inconvenience...gotcha.

LOOK-the problem is the CO is in place to allow the kids sufficient time w/the other parent. NOT to make it easier on the parent that doesn't have them at the moment. You don't hang up your parenting hat and responsibilities because a piece of paper says they are spending time w/dad.

I agree in that if it's his time he should find a solution for it first. And if it were for a trivial reason (have a dinner, meeting, gym class) that's bs..and that IS the parent that has the kids at the time responsibility to find other arrangements.

NOW...if we all acted as decent human beings-having a child IS a big deal and if you are a decent person you would not have a problem parenting your own kids. But yes, it's her Dh's responsibility to see if HE can make arrangements himself first, and then second ask the BM. Between them they brought these kids in the world, nobody else. they are responsible.

My ex never follows the CO-it bugs me yes because my kids don't get the time they should w/him...and if he works Sat am, it SHOULD be his responsibility to find a sitter for that half day and still pick the kids up Friday. On the spring/summer breaks he should take them and find sitter or summer camp arrangements JUST LIKE I DO. He doesn't....I, the other parent pick up HIS slack because they are my kids. Have been for years. And he's a strictly EOW parent-nothing more.

Then you have the opposite end..which is what my bf deals with-there is standard visitation and he's w/her 50pct almost and w/NO prior notice and for stupid reasons that come up spur of the moment-THAT is inconsiderate. Asking the biological mother to transport her own kids for a few weeks is NOT an illogical request given the big even ocurring (birth of a child).

overit2's picture

Ok, now I see clearly the kind of mom you chose to be...totally not my thing but hey..whatever works.

Get your shit together? Having a child? I guess even though my exh was abusive and horrid, I've healed enough to know that if he were expecting a child and needed me to take MY children for some time while he cared for his newborn I wouldn't hesitate...but that's me...I"m not bitter or spiteful w/my ex. More then that I care about my kids...I wouldn't want my children to be placed in a situation that could be stressful like that and would want to make it easier on them also.

caregiver1127's picture

We are not talking about baby number 4 for OP - we are talking about her first baby - those "previous commitments" were not made by her - they were made by BM and her DH - surely you can remember the first child you had and how hard it was to adjust and if you can't then I feel bad for you - when you had your first child that is all that you dealt with imaSmom not skids - so she is not trying to be unreasonable but she should be expected to have a little time with just her and her baby - all you BM's out there had that right - am I right - I think I am right.

When I had DD5 - SS was 12 at the time and came to the hospital room got in the bed with me and starting raising it as high as he could - now I was one day post C-section and it annoyed the fuck out of me (in fact I am getting pissed right now) because when his mother had him there was no little asshole 12 year old jumping up on the bed and annoying her - so try to look at this from a SM's point of view.

mom2five's picture

I gotta say, imaSmom. That's one of the most disturbing posts I've ever read on this site.

I cannot relate to anything you just posted at all. I would never in a million years have even entertained the possibility of forcing my ex to take the kids for visitation. I knew that I had to let them go, but I didn't like it. And the times he couldn't take them for one reason or another, I was thrilled! I hate being away from my children for even one day. My ex only sees the kids a couple of times a year, and even that's too much for me.

overit2's picture

I'm not sure you realize this but this statement
"He knows WE had kids together before he got someone else pregnant so he needs to figure out how to manage ALL his kids."

Says a LOT about you-and not in a positive way.

caregiver1127's picture


stepmasochist's picture

I don't agree with DH or the OP shoving SD5 out of their lives now that a biokid came along.

But I think depending on whether or not BM is a whackjob - it is very reasonable to have DH ask her to shuttle her own kids around for a brief period of time.

Asher10's picture

I just don't think it's helpful to belittle her abilities the way you've been doing in your posts.she is obviously nervous and scared about her new baby as anyone would be, we aren't all born with automatic knowledge of what to do with a newborn and how much work they actually require.she is expressing fears and asking for advice.not attacks on how weak she appears.i personally don't think she should ask bm for help.i think she should talk to the skids dad and ask him for help.
Different people require different levels of help for things they perceive as stressful.As far as empowering women,there are women who effectively alienate themselves from their spouse by refusing to ask for help because they don't want to appear weak.I like being empowered but some people take it to extremes.It's ok to ask for help with things you just have to make sure you ask the right people,ie.the father of the children.

overit2's picture

I agree, Echo...I think your response is unwarranted, out of line and over the top for what REASONABLE nervousness the OP expressed.

Frustrated New Wife's picture

I agree completely with Asher and overit2. Echo's response was rude and hateful for no legitimate reason. OP has understandable nervousness over having her first child. It is not unreasonable for the BM to help with HER OWN CHILDREN! I guess you didn't need any help AT ALL (no phone calls, noone coming over to help, etc) when you had your first child? That is highly doubtful.

on the fence's picture

I think it's very appropriate that DH should ask at work if he can adjust his schedule for a few weeks because his wife just delivered his child. It is up to him to try to help. It's his baby, too. Even if all the kids were yours together, I don't feel that would be unreasonable and most employers will make some allowances for paternity- if not paternity leave, at least a little flex for a few weeks.

Tell DH that you need him to help and let him decide how that will work. If he wants to enlist help from BM, fine, but his kids are there on his time and it's not her responsibility at that point. I'm sure she'd be happy to tell you that, too. DH just needs to know you need some help and figure out what HE is going to do to help you.

SteppingUp's picture

I specifically stated in a different response that my first option will be to have DF change his work schedule around. We just aren't sure how much they'll be able to do for him.

SusiQ's picture

Stepping - I totally agree with you - those 6 weeks are your time to bond with you new baby. I just had DD 5 months ago and thankfully my dad would stop in every morning and take my DS 3 to day care. We kept DS home for the first week or so and then go him back on the same schedule. In the long run, I think it was the right thing to do. Do you have any friends or family in the area you could ask before you ask BM - maybe a mom who also waits at the bus stop could swing by and pick SD up or maybe you could even offer it up to her dad (I think I remember he is or is trying to be in the picture) As for dropping of SS at daycare - maybe you could ask someone there if they would mind meeting you at the door for curbside drop off if you can't find assitance with SS - then you wouldn't have to lug the car seat in and out.

As for being a mom and not asking for help because we just do it - yeah down the road we look back and say yeah I did it and I did it all by myself but I think for most of us, if we could have had some help we wouldn't have turned it down.

SteppingUp's picture

Thank you, SusiQ! I appreciate the advice. Neither I nor DF have any family at all in the area or I would of course rather ask for their help than BM's! Smile And I agree with you...I'm obviously not demanding people help me because I'm so weak or something. I am typically a very do-it-myself person and definitely would normally just suck it up. I thought I'd get people's opinions on here on asking for BM's help those mornings if DF can't work anything out. I like your suggestions of having someone meet us at the door/curbside so I can have baby stay in the car.

SteppingUp's picture

Thank you for the actual ideas and tips! It sounds like you have a very smooth-running household Smile We do pick out our clothes the night before but we could definitely use some of your tips as well.

mom2five's picture

You can do it regardless of whether or not you get help. Of course, help is always welcome! But unless you know BM is willing, I wouldn't even ask. To me, it wouldn't be worth the drama. My story:

My kids were something like 12(BS), 8(SS), 7(BD), and 5(SD) when our youngest was born. He was born in June, so all the kids were home from school. We moved across country 2 weeks before my son was born. My DH left the country about 6 days after his birth.

I was alone. In a new state. With five kids, one of them a newborn. And no help. No way would I have asked my stepkids mother. She would have seen it as a sign of weakness and used it against us somehow.

Here's what I had going for me that you don't....experience. I had already been there. done that...a few times. That really helps.

But I didn't have my husband around to help me at all. I didn't have any family or friends around...we had just moved. And school was out. We don't do daycare, so that was never an option.

If you can get someone to help you....GREAT! But if you can' can do it!!! And it will be fun!

overit2's picture

I don't know why this post is striking a nerve...but OP...welcome to the world of competitive motherhood.

All over, in plain starts during pregnancy-women compeat, attack, accuse, belittle others choices, "perceived" weaknesses, experience, lacktherof, never stops.

Moms have to "one-up" eachother all the time- some are making it very clear that you not owning up and taking this all on makes you a weak/bad mother/woman. F that. We ALL have limitations. We all try to prove to the world and others how much superwomen we are and can do all this and that with NO help and we're such martyrs. WHY?

People for centuries relied on all KINDS of help amongst communities/families/mothers. This day and age and American culture of EXTREME independence, do it all, don't need anyone is BS....why do YOU think we have so many women cracking down, breakdowns, antidepressants, bitter, unhappy. You also have more divorce, and broken homes. I really think this relates somewhat to that extreme independence we celebrate from infancy on up. If people had more support of family/friends and community while raising families I think things would be different. But we insist on doing everything on our own, then we grow resentful, bitter, tired, nag, we stop wanting sex, our husbands grow harsh with us, and there's the cycle. Asking for help from ANYONE with motherhood OR stepmotherhood should not ever be seen as weakness!!! It's called being HUMAN. We are NOT bionic women w/no emotions and have human physical limits.

I'm a strong proponent of it takes a village though-the more support parents have through family/community the better marriage and family they have and happier children all around.

We try to do it all and prove to the world and other moms we are bigger/better/more organized/better people/parents and be damned you need an ounce of empathy/compassion or help in heading to new motherhood, or multiple motherhood, or stepmomhood.

I remember very well being a new mom, I was scared, didn't know what to do, you are sleep deprived, you are busy bonding and trying to rest. It is NOT wrong of you to ask you DH to handle whatever situation he needs to do with his own children...even if that means asking the kids other parent to be responsible for a few more days a week if he can't get the work flexibility.

ENJOY your time w/baby-you shouldn't have to keep the 3yr old w/you during the day. There is a REASON we are a first time mom and all that you learn from that.

I remember finally feeling some confidence and i got preggo w/my second, terrified again. Was coming home to no help w/an infant and 19mo old. SCARY! I made it and felt more confident also with my second by far.., but the lack of support and help facilitated the road to post partum depression that lasted almost 2 yrs.


SteppingUp's picture

Thank you, overit2. I am trying to not take their harsh words too sensitively (although at first reading it made me want to cry).I know everyone comes from different places, and I know that when it comes down to it, those people don't KNOW ME. I could sit and write about myself and all I've been through to try to get them to understand or conqer with me...but it doesn't matter. If they did know me, they'd know this whole post is me being worried and wanting to be able to plan for what will happen in those first uncertain days, weeks, and months of being a NEW mother. It's not that I'm asking for a handout. I can handle my own crap and have full faith in myself that I can do it...that is not the issue. I know that I will be just fine if I have to lug my baby in and out of daycare, etc. I'm just thinking that if DF can't change work schedule, and that if BM is willing to help it would make that transition time much easier, and probably easier on the skids too since they feed off of stress...

Thank you for your supportive words!

skylarksms's picture

I totally agree with you overit2. I remember when I got released from the hospital after having DS20, they handed him to me and gave me my discharge papers. I sat there thinking, "You are just GIVING him to me to take home??!? Don't you guys have an owner's manual or something?!??"

Having your first child is a stressful, terrifying, joyful experience.

overit2's picture

LOL, me too! I was just thinking, they are letting me go home w/him?
Unfortunately for me he had jaundice and had to be under the bili the first time I went home I had to go home alone w/out my baby. Gosh that was the most awful feeling in the world. My mom chuckled and said honey, he's fine...YOU need to get in as much sleep as you can tonight. We went up the next morning, he was discharged that afternoon (with the light sleeve and him looking like a glow worm for days haha!)

I didn't know which end was up...what do I DO w/him? Smile

overit2's picture

No KIDDING!!! My kid read at...stood up at...walked at...weaned from paci, got out of diapers...on and on. It's never ending. I'm glad some moms thing they don't need any me time to regroup or recharge like the rest of us mortal beings that have needed help and time outs w/assistance from a supportive community. ESPECIALLY immediately following birth.

OH....I saw a documentary once about this tribe and how they tended to new mothers. Here they are "way behind light ages from civilization and modernization"...yet THEY had it right. I remember tearing up because I wish I had such a wonderful post partum experience. The women were swift (relatives) to care for the mom, the baby, chores, the other family members. The mom did nothing but rest and bond with the baby-stay warm, have warm meals and drinks and massages for both mom and infant. They older members supported the nursing relationship and talked smoothly and with kindness and warmth and support. They taught her mothering skills and bonding practices. It was AMAZING to watch. Yet we think we have the domain on modern/happy women. Pfftt.

I suggest reading this-then see if you think you should even feel a twinge of guilt for asking the kids OWN MOTHER and FATHER to help watch her kids during this time. Hopefully the other posters here accusing you of weakness will read it also and take that same message to heart.

It's not suprising to me we have the rates of PPD we have but it makes sense.

Asher10's picture

but wait!if we ask for help and need the village then we aren't REAL women!We're weak little wimps if we need help with something as simple and uncomplicated as caring for a newborn! Geesh people are you trying to get Steppings 'i am woman hear me roar' card taken from her by suggesting it's actually OK to ask for help???ugh you are all so wrong!she should NOT ask for help.she should scramble around shuffling her newborn around in the middle of February and she should do it with a smile until she cracks and murders someone Smile THAT would make her a REAL woman dont ya know.

Blum 3

Rags's picture

See if a shuttle service is available in your area. When my SS-18 was ~8-10yo he would go to after school care for 1-2hrs until either his Mom or I could pick him up after we got off of work. The shuttle would pick him up after school then take him to Kid Space where we would pick him up. Kid Space is a drop him day care that was near our home so we did not have to contract for expensive day care and could use it and pay for it when we needed it rather than pay a ton of money for care we often did not use.

If I remember correctly it cost us about $50/mo for the shuttle service.

You may be able to go with a few months of this until you settle in to the new baby routine and then when you are comfortable you can go back to you more regular routine.

Congrats on the new baby.

Best regards,

SteppingUp's picture

Rags, thanks for trying to think of an option here but really...with me and DF and BM all living within one mile from day care and the bus stop that I drop off SD at it's not really the type of thing we'd use a shuttle or anything for. And actually, there's a bus that comes three houses down from ours that I don't "get" why SD can't get on that one in the morning. Maybe I'll check into that....

mommylove's picture

Wow. Well let me see if I can deflect a bit of the hostility you are getting:

When I had BS1, my second child, it was summer and the children were out of school and BM had the nerve to ask H if I could watch SD (then 10) while I was on maternity leave. Now this was not a small child but I still just flat out told H that I didn't want to - period. Yes, I had a c-section but that wasn't it. At the end of the day I just didn't want to with all of the "issues" I already had with my "responsibilities" where the SKs were concerned vs. the lack thereof with the SK's own parents. Of course I don't have a motherly love or bond with with SD so maybe that made the decision easier for me? Besides, I was paying for my own BS (then 4) to go daycare during that period, so why on earth would I want to take on somebody else kid?!

On a seperate note, my BS6 is not my H's biological son, but H & I got together when BS6 was only 10 months so H has been the only "Dad" that BS6 has ever known. I will admit that I DO EXPECT H to care for BS6 as his own because he CHOSE to take on that role after I EXPLICITLY stated this as REQUIREMENT to be with me before we even became a couple. (Yes, I was that apparently RARE mother that ADMITS that I was looking for a Daddy for my child because the bio father wasn't around.) So you see, the difference here, was that the same agreement was not made when it came to my H's children. His children were older (8 & 14yo) and already had relationships with their BMs no matter how worthless or half-*ssed their BMs were, so I was never "Mom" for them. Yet despite all this, H has really only been "Dad" in name only to my BS6 because I have done all of the providing financially (with zero CS $ from bio 4 of the 6 years), all while I have not only been providing financially for MY children INCLUDING the 1 of have now WITH H, but also for H and for SKs when they were living in and visiting my home as well, with no little assistance from H and none from the BMs.

So yeah, I guess what I'm saying is I felt I had every right to decline taking care of SD when I was maternity leave. That was MY time, with MY child, in MY home, on MY dime! (Yeah, this one kinda rubbed me the wrong way and turned into my own little vent I guess. Sorry. lol!)

Anyway in response to your post, no, I don't think it's unreasonable for you to ask for help taking care of these children during your maternity leave, I just think the person you should be asking is your H, and if your H needs the BM's help then he should be the one asking her, as BM would really not helping YOU out, she would be helping your H out, and it's not like she is helping take care of YOUR children she is helping take care of HER own children - isn't that what a parent is SUPPOSED to do?!

SteppingUp's picture

Thanks! This topic sure has stirred some stuff up with people Smile

I totally agree with your final statement, and it's what I was planning to do. I wasn't going to be THE ONE to ask BM for the would definitely come (if at all) only if DF can't arrange something with work...and then HE would be asking! Smile

ddakan's picture

When you ask for help from BM, you are setting yourself up for a fall. You give her a position of power over you and although it may not matter now, it will be thrown in your face later. Do what you can to maintain your normal schedule WITHOUT involving BM. If you involve her, you just show her you can't handle it yourself.