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Countdown begins

DaeganX's picture

On the advice of llorraine23, I'm starting a countdown.

15SD leaves on January 7th.

Today is December 28th. She leaves in 10 days. 10 long days.

I was alone in the house with 15SD and 16SS (good guy) for 2 hours. All was quiet because she was downstairs. Then she came up and wanted to play.

I'm so tired of her, I screwed up and got in a stupid pointless fight just because right now, every word out of her mouth bugs me.

It didn't get too out of hand, but now I feel like an asshole. I'm supposed to be the adult, I'm supposed to be able to keep control of myself while she's an idiot. And this time I couldn't.

And now I'm in a fight with my DW because she's upset that I'm not investing enough in her, that I'm doing things wrong, that I should help out so that we can find out more about what's going on at her BF's house so that Childrens' Services can get her out of there.

I don't care any more. I don't care where she is, or if she's okay. I just want her out of my house. I want my vacation back. I want peace and quiet again.

Fight is still continuing with DW. Lecturing, more. 15SD is just oblivious, as usual. And now she's pissed at her BM because of an accident that she made, that she broke one of our speakers.

10 long days. I need some way to get away from the noise and the frustration.


kay's picture

JUst sent mine back and boy do I feel comfortable in my home again. We give away way to much power to the kids that really do not appreaciate us!

DaeganX's picture

Lucky you, Kay!

I'm so tired of hearing her disrespect everyone in this household.

At least she's gone downstairs now.

DaeganX's picture

Blender, can you explain that to my DW? She wants me to put up with all 15SD's shit (or not respond as I'd like, which is shut her out completely) so that Childrens' Services have nothing to hold against us.

I'm sick of it. I don't deserve this, DW doesn't deserve this, our family doesn't deserve this.

And yet I'm supposed to sit by and take it all in.