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sunflower3's picture

Why do MIL, BM & DH keep believing bratass,snotty and crybaby SD, who will be 16, is the victim. I have recently told my MIL that I will not do anything for SD. I am so glad that she was not given a choice to come back to IL, she is now in FL with BM. I just cannot stand her or the sight of her. She blames me of course for her being in FL and messing up her whole life. DH and I have been together since she was 2. She lived with us for the last 3 years, and they were hell. I don't trust her and will not leave mine and DH's bio kids with her. I think she will crack and do something terrible to them. She has threatened me and has left makrs on my soon to be 8 yr old and has thrown her on the bed and shut the door and not let her out. BM has said some awful things to her that supposedly I said which they said I put in an email. The email they sent did not even come close to what BM said I said. I think SD nees some serious help. She plays everyone against each other. I had given DH an ultimatum the end of the summer that she could come back to IL, but that I was not staying nor was my kids. SD is so sure she will stay next summer when she visits, but little does she know, she is not welcome in my house. I made sure DH knew that again last night. He also knows that I will not buy her a B-day gift nor any Christmas pressents. I don't even want to wish her a happy birthday. Is that so wrong of me? Why can I not get her or the situation out of my mind. It is too strssful. I don't regret marrying my DH, I regret marrying someone who already had a child.


StillSearching's picture

I know how you feel sunflower, my BFs daughter just turned 17 and she can be pretty disrespectful to me but when I talk to BF about it he just says it is my fault I feel that way. I just don't understand it.

tofurkey's picture

sunflower, I would be at my wit's end with the situation if I were you too. Your SD does not sound like a nice person. So when are people going to see situations like this for what they are? I.e. -- not blaming it on a SM not liking her skids, but rather having distaste for someone who is just not a good person and someone you don't want you or your kids to be around because they are like poison? Just because they are skids does not mean they should get a free pass to act like aholes.

hopeoneday's picture

I understand how you feel. SO's DD14 is so disrespectful and some people think she is just a kid and doesn't know any better. At 14, she knows better. For one thing, she thought she was pregnant at 13! If she is old enough to have intercourse, then she is old enough to know better then act disrespectfully towards adults.

I can't stand to be around her and will be glad when she is 18 and out of the picture.

But I try to look on the positive side and think maybe she is around to show me how not to raise DD1.

SMto5's picture

I hate when the in-laws say "they are just kids" ....we are talking about 16, 18, and 19 year olds.When do they start taking responsibility for their actions?? And when you say it's BM fault they are so disrespectful and she has poor parenting DH's fault for walking out.Leaving BM with the burden of being a single mother trying to raise kids on her own. OH PLEASE!!!