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The Chronicles of Crazy: Chapter 2

Fading's picture

From now on all of my BM rants will be deemed The Chronicles of Crazy...hehehe.

Whoany, DH just sent me a text saying that BM tried calling him 40 TIMES WHILE HE WAS AT WORK!!! Why? Well when he finally answered one of her calls (when he got off the clock) she was upset and bawling because....*drumroll please*.....She might lose her job and SF doesn't make enough money! (She might lose her job because she has been working there since Jan 3 2010 and has taken 20 'sick' days already). DH said that she was insinuating that he should come back to her and support her lard ass while she sits and does nothing all day. I.E. "DH things were so much EASIER with you and I miss those days" "DH remember how HAPPY WE were when we were together". Hahahahaha, happy my ass. He was miserable! Anyways she was ranting about how they can't pay to get SF's car fixed up after the vandalism, blah blah blah blah blah.

Get motivated and keep a damn job you dumb broad and maybe you'd be able to afford all the crap you THINK you need.

Now I'm not dissing on stay at home moms. BM was NOT a stay at home MOM. She was at home, yes, the kids were home, yes, BUT HER MOTHER BABYSITS THEM WHILST BM SITS ON HER BUM SMOKING AND PLAYING COMPUTER GAMES! So yea...

Bm just needs to go back to the sewer she crawled out of...


Tryn2MakeIt's picture

Chronicles of Crazy!! Too funny! I am going to have use that on our BM when FH tell me the crazy crap she pulls! He'll love it!

3bk1sd's picture

I didn't think that you were dissing "stay at home moms" but HELLO if you can't pay the bills than I guess you can't stay at home, isn't that just common sense? I see this same type of phone call in our near future. BM is currently working but we have info that her job is ending April 1 (not sure if she knows or not). That gives her a month to find a new boyfriend to shack up with.

folkmom's picture


anita...sigh's picture

Alright Fading...

We ALL know you where the one who vandalized the car. BM said so. Doesn't that automatically make "YOU OWE HER".. hahaha.

Denial's picture

"DH things were so much EASIER with you and I miss those days" "DH remember how HAPPY WE were when we were together"

She misses the money and the stuff. SHE was happier when they were together because of the money and the stuff.

And I agree with Anita...Sigh - we all know you vandalized her car from your cubicle (you're just that good!) - because she said so.

Fading's picture

I am really going to have to figure out how I pulled off that '2 places at one time' thing. It could be really useful...

*: (=’:’ ):*

"I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work." -Thomas Edison

Denial's picture

I wish I could too. Our BM called my DH the day after our son was born - and indicated that I showed up at her work place the previous day threatening her.

Huh . . . the day before, I was having an emergency C-section. They started at 7:30 am and I was doped on morphine the rest of the day.

These women really need to think before they speak. When it comes to BM and SS - we know they are lying when they open their mouths.