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Dear BM, You filthy, disgusting creature.

LaMareOssa's picture

Dear BM,

I want you to know how much I despise you. I hate you. I actually HATE you with a deep passion. You disgust me. Everything you do and say is either fake or a lie. You're a loser, and you always will be. You're a very sick, immature, little girl. You have a lot of growing up to do.

Get a job. Get a life. How long have you been in "school"? 14 years now? You could have had a doctorate TWICE, you simple bitch. You're not a lawyer, you're not a real estate agent, you're not a paralegal, you dumb bitch. You're a loser. A lazy, classless and jobless welfare mother. You will ALWAYS be where you are right now. At home, living in your parents "downstairs" or "basement" or what ever you choose to call it.

What are you going to do when your old, crazy parents die? Who will wipe your ass? Who is going to pay your way through life? You will NOT make it on your looks and coniving smile alone. There is going to come a day when you find a wonderful, caring man. Then there will also come the day you show him the real you. The crazed, psychotic you and you are going to try to run him over, or bite him, or slap him...just like you do to every man you have ever had. And guess what happens this time? He is not going to just stand there. He is not going to forgive you like the rest have. He is going to show you the real him. The real crazed psychopath that he is. Just like you.

BM, Your story does not have a happy ending. You will NOT have the fairy tale ending like you think you will. Do you know why?????

Do you really want to know why, you evil, vengeful bitch?
Heres why;
KARMA is a meaner bitch than you.



LaMareOssa's picture

Yes, I know. It's a very hateful, mean letter. I just had to say it outloud. I had to let someone out there know how I really feel about this woman. Biggrin

LaMareOssa's picture

You're right. 5 years of misery having to deal with the after effects of her antics. It pisses me off. The real reason? She is a horrible excuse for a mother and human being. She is not a good person. She is selfish and greedy and a typical psycho BM. The things she has done and said to and in front of her children are heart breaking. I'm tired of her. I'm tired of seeing more and more of BM in SD. She is rubbing off on her like bacteria. :sick:

Cdngirl's picture

Keep your chin up, because dreams do come true. I know it happened to my DH ex. In the divorce of all 3 of her previous husbands she claimed them to all be alcoholic ans spousal abusers. Now, her current fiance/BF is actually that. They met in rehab and he has a sever drinking problem and when she gets mad and starts physically attacking him, he hits her right back. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in spousal violence, but when the bitch keeps accusing others it is just nice that Karma decided to turn her lies to the truth.

Lovepets's picture

Blum 3 I love this! "Get a job. Get a life. How long have you been in "school"? 14 years now? You could have had a doctorate TWICE, you simple bitch. You're not a lawyer, you're not a real estate agent, you're not a paralegal, you dumb bitch. You're a loser. A lazy, classless and jobless welfare mother. You will ALWAYS be where you are right now." OMG, this is the BM in my life, boo! I love your writing style! I needed this Smile Thank you!

Anon2009's picture

I'm sorry you and your SD have to deal with this BM Sad

BM in my case does nothing all day except date pedophiles. So suffice it to say the kids do not live with her anymore Smile

I know you said SD has a brother. Is his dad in his life? He and DH might want to compare notes. I hope your DH is successful in getting custody of SD.

LaMareOssa's picture

Yes, SD has a brother and a sister. Their father is not one bit involved and atually has no desire to be. It's sad really because the main reason is his hatred for BM. DH has tried to get help from their father in the beginning of his custody battle. Their father hates BM and it was so obvious to the judge that he only wanted custody of his children to hurt BM. Sad Needless to say, their fathers behavior did not help DH and his case at allllll. Sad

KittieKat's picture

Kudos to you, I am on the same boat...These BM that claim to be the effen mother of the year and their not...the sad part is they don't realize the effect it will have on the Skids...My SD's BM is a piece of work...and like you I seriously hate her, i don't like to use that word very much because its a strong and powerful word but I can honestly say if I saw her lying on the street begging for help i would look past her and maybe spit on her. that's how much i hate her. I ask God everyday to take this feeling outta my heart but its too strong...this woman has made my life a living hell...and when I finally stepped up and shut her a$$ up she stopped. I think its because she has a man now, as long as she has a man she leaves us alone...unfortunately she also leaves my SD alone, home alone to take care of her sister...these women they will get what's coming to them...but I loved you're letter, i shall share this with BM!!!