UPDATE: Warning - all hell is about to break loose!
DH just left for the infamous birthday party and no more got pulled out of the driveway til my cell rings. My phone displays the town the number is from and in a few seconds the caller i.d. I answered because I thought it was my MIL; it wasn't. It was SD23 -
Me: Hello
SD23: It's right behind the Dollar Store
Me: You dialed my number, I think you meant to dial your father's. He just left a few minutes ago. I'm not with him.
SD3: Why?
Me: Well, SD23, under the circumstances I didn't feel like I should attend.
I called DH & told him verbatim what was said. His only response? "This is going to come back and bite you on the ass."
I helped him pick out 2 cute little outfits and a toy for the kid - bought the gift bag, helped him find a card, wrapped the gifts and this is how he acts? I can't believe either one of them would expect me to attend after the nasty response I got back from SD23 on the email.
DH said he wasn't staying long because he had a poker tournement he was playing this afternoon. I'm sure SD23 will blame me for his early departure and of course, he will allow it. I've discovered that DH is part of the blame as to the ill will between the skids and me.
WTH - I'm showered, dressed and getting ready to head out the door to find something to amuse myself.
UPDATE: DH just returned - he was gone all of about 2 hours, including the 30 minute drive each way. I got the lecture that I should have been there for SD23 & the grandkid, blah, blah, blah; my MIL & DS's aunt said hello, the kid loved her toy, etc etc. Then I noticed a box of $1.00 cherry chocolates on the counter. I asked if he stopped off at Walmart & bought them. He said no that they were a birthday gift from SD23 to him. I stopped dead in my tracks and said you gotta be kidding me - cherry chocolates for a diabetic?! After she attacked me & is blaming me for your poor health & eating habits? (See prev posts re the email attack). What a f*&^ing hypocrite!!
- JMC's blog
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StepAside, you're right. My
StepAside, you're right. My mistake was in caring. DH drags me into this drama with the skids and it always ends up being my fault. I've got to learn to say no and stick with it, although today was a start. DH had been badgering me all week to go with him and I kept saying no,no,no. And I didn't. I think that's why he & SD23 are so shocked I didn't give in - because I usually do.
It's my house - but maybe he
It's my house - but maybe he could to go live with SD23 since she's so perfect.
One small detail I forgot -
One small detail I forgot - BM is not going to the party either. WTH?! This is her 1st grandchild and she's not attending? She rarely attends anything that has to do with her kids, though. The skids hate BM's husband & to my knowledge, he's never attended anything with her, even at her mom's.
I love this! We are not
I love this! We are not obligated, we do it by choice. You are so right! When will everyone else get that?!
We did the counseling thing -
We did the counseling thing - twice. Didn't work. I think when the new year rolls in, it's probably time to cash in my chips, call it a loss & walk away while I still have my sanity. Let the skids have DH back - maybe then he'll appreciate the life we had together.
Oh how I can relate to this
Oh how I can relate to this thread. Wow. It's almost like I could have written it myself except there is no b-day party involved in my life right now. LOL DH was just telling me a couple of days ago that my disengaging is not doing any good. Well, excuse me, but it's doing wonders for me! I'm happier, I have peace in my home FINALLY, and I have no desire whatsoever to go back to the way things were. I tried to talk to DH when I first started disengaging telling him that if he would back me up and stop sucking up to SD20 and letting her talk to him like a piece of sh** she would change a heck of a lot quicker than if it's just ME. After all, I am just the bitch that she believes controlled her daddy for the last 11 years... funny he didn't address that statement with her at all so you KNOW she believes it now. LOL Display a little tough love by telling her that if she continues to talk to this family like she does, she won't be a part of it. But no. "She is my daughter and I will not cut her off" he said. FINE. Don't cut her off. You can go see her at her place, but she is NOT coming here. Even if I'm NOT here because I don't want her negativity in my house. When she's here it just leaves this negative energy that lingers here... probably sounds nuts, but it's true. DH keeps coming at me like I need to fix something and I told him straight up that this is NOT my problem to fix. It's his lack of discipline over the years that has created this monster and if he wants things to be better than he best find some way to parent his 20 year old 3 year old about her attitude.
I find it hilarious that you are getting crap for not going to a b-day party, when DH doesn't even have plans to be there long. I guess poker is a better excuse than the sk treating you like crap??? ROFLMAO You just can't fix crazy and there's no cure for stupid.
The come back to bite you in the ass statement... also hilarious. How is it going to bite you in the ass any worse than it did before when you were doing what was expected of you and you STILL got crap? At least this time you don't have to directly deal with the BS and you are saving your own well-being by not being involved. In my situation, dh has clearly made his kids #1 in his life and I have finally decided to follow his lead by putting MY kids #1 in mine. I now do NOTHING for sk's at all. Christmas... I told dh that my kids are covered (WELL covered) and he can take care of HIS kids. He found out what I was doing for my kids and now he's whining that he doesn't know where he's going to get money for Christmas presents. Sucks for him I guess, but me and my #1 priorities will have a FANTASTIC and PEACEFUL holiday!
I know in my case I don't feel anything biting me in the ass and something tells me that you won't either. 
Wow...mad at you for not
Wow...mad at you for not going to a party!! Oh well..eh? }:)
I have no intentions of getting my SD anything for Christmas or her birthday which is 2 weeks later.
Oh well..eh? }:)
All due to her treatment of me..you treat me like shit, you get shit.
My new mantra in life...like it? }:)
Yeah I have been there. I
Yeah I have been there. I love my step kids and they are great. all my issues are with their father. This last year he has been extremely easy to upset. I am not sure what his deal is or what is up but he needs to figure it out. He was saying it was because of him being jobless. Mind you he has never put in an application(I do all of that) so how did he expect to get a job without trying. Now he has a job and he hates it so who knows. We got into it yesterday and now I am sleeping on the couch not the bed that I bought??? In your situation I think you need to tell him that you don't have to put up with the attitude from a grown women. So as long as she has an attitude then her and you will never get along. She starts acting like a normal person maybe you can get along.
Normal is not a description
Normal is not a description that could ever be used for DH's family. His parents wanted to know why I wasn't there today and no telling what he really told them. FIL told DH that I should try to get along with the skids, basically all the trouble with them was my fault, same old sh*t.
I don't really care anymore, I just want out. It's never going to get any better and I'm tired of making myself miserable. I'm not a bad person and I refuse to be treated like one. My job now is to find a good attorney who can help me keep my house and everything I had before he walzed into this marriage. He keeps telling me his settlement is his money, well I have news for him - I actually had a nice little nest egg put back before he entered the picture. He contributed nothing to our wedding, honeymoon, multiple trips - I did. We've been together a little over 3.5 yrs and he's worked a total of maybe 1 yr max - the rest he's been out on medical leave and/or unemployed. He did draw w/c and u/e comp but it's run out. I on the other hand, have had a serious leg injury for 3 yrs that no doctor can seem to figure out. My next(and last) option is to go to Vanderbilt for consultation/treatment which I haven't done because I'm the only one working right now. DH has turned into a hypochondriac - every day it's a different symtom or disease. This week it's been fibromyalgia - WTH?! (My friend was just diagnosed with it) What he does have is diabetes, high cholestrol, high blood pressure and lazyitis. We're both overweight and need to get it off - his numbers drop significantly when he's eating right and exercising. Granted, I need to get the weight off too for health reasons - and I could if I wasn't so stressed out all the time.
DH's day consists of playing online poker most of the day and looking up places to write down on his u/e comp form, which he won't have to worry about after this week - it's run out. He takes long naps and then won't come to bed when I do. Instead he moses in after I've been asleep for a couple hours and deliberately wakes me up. When my alarm goes off at 5:30 am, he actually has the nerve to bitch me out about it! He cooks but makes such a freakin production of it, it drives me nuts, plus he doesn't cook healthy. Once in a blue moon he will vacuum but refuses to vacuum anywhere but the middle of the rooms - why bother? No help with the laundry or anything else. He won't even clean up the yard - we paid two kids to rake leaves last week.
I could probably deal with some of this, but all of it crashing down around me is too much. I did the Dear Abby test of "would you be better off with him or without him?" and you can guess the result. I just need to summon my willpower to get off my arse and do something about this mess I thought was a marriage.
Sorry I went a little off topic but it was good to get it out. Thanks to all for your responses.