"You know what you got into when you married him/her"
We've either said it or heard it. Some form of, "you knew what he/she had beforetou married him/her." my dh has even started saying it to me- that I knew he had ss before we got married. And it is true. I knew he had a son. But what exactly does that mean? To me it means, yes, I knew he had a son. I knew his son visited him sometimes. I knew he paid child support. And that is all I knew. Then we got married. I don't think by marrying dh that I meant I would automatically love his child or even take care of his child when he didn't feel like it. I don't think it means I have to engage with his child if I don't want to. I don't think it makes me ss 'mom' all of a sudden. Dh thinks it means I signed up to play 'mom' to ss, that I should love ss like I love our bios, that I automatically should handle all things ss/cs/bm related since I am his wife. I don't agree. So what does "you know what he had before you married him" mean to you? How did marriage change (or did it) your relationship with your dh and/or skids? When you hear that phrase or say it, what does it mean? Once we marry do we automatically gain these extra responsibilities? Anyway, just rambling. I keep bearing variations of this phrase and don't get it. Just because I knew dh had a son doesn't mean I knew EVERYTHING that came along with it. So am I still responsible for all the baggage dh came with?
- Tx mommy of 3's blog
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Consider this: He ALSO knew
Consider this: He ALSO knew what he was getting into when he married someone who wasn't the mother of his child(ren)
DH has said that before, "You knew this before we got married" number 1, no, actually I didn't know it, I was 19, with a baby, and had never been in a relationship before, how the hell was I supposed to know.
In theory, yes, in practice absolutely not. And by the way, (I tell him) you knew you were marrying someone who wasn't the mother of your child.
Oh and by the way, "Show me the legal document that shows I married your children. I married YOU, not your child, yes I knew I was going to have to deal with her, but I got married to be your WIFE first and foremost, not to be someone's stepmother"
"Oh and by the way, "Show me
"Oh and by the way, "Show me the legal document that shows I married your children. I married YOU, not your child, yes I knew I was going to have to deal with her, but I got married to be your WIFE first and foremost, not to be someone's stepmother""
Gia, may I please quote you on this? I'd love to have a plaque made with this on it!
go ahead. lol
yes yes yes! you just said
yes yes yes! you just said everything i have been feeling but have never been able to express since meeting DH. Thank you!
Oh how I hate that phrase!
Oh how I hate that phrase! And yes, I knew he had kids but I sure as hell didn't know they were demon spawn. My DH & his family tried to pass the girls off as sweet, decent, human beings that never caused problems - I found out too late that these hell's angels were the biggest troublemakers on the face of the planet! There for a while I questioned if it was ME who was the problem - imagine my shock & surprise when all the dirty, ugly little secrets popped out after we were married. Turns out both lil darlings had been "problem" children way before I ever met DH. Maybe that's why he rarely dated or had any relationships before I came along. Like P.T. Barnum once said, there's a sucker born every minute.
Yep, there were incidents
Yep, there were incidents with the girls along that line too. Imagine my horror when DH was describing the younger sd chasing her sister around with a freakin butcher knife on multiple occassions trying to stab her! And I would want them in my home because?
DH said that to me a time or
DH said that to me a time or two over the past 10+ years and my standard answer is "Yes, I knew that, just like you knew I could be a real b!tch!"
I friggin HATE that phrase
I friggin HATE that phrase and my DH has said it in referral to my lividity about BM dramatic stupid ass bullshit... Yeah, just because I knew that he had not one but TWO BM pyscho's when I married him does NOT mean that I have to like it, does NOT mean that I have to stand by and take the crap they like to dole out without having a say or without giving it back, does NOT mean that I have to bite my tongue and deal with it!
It's such a ridiculous statment I swear if he or anyone else for that matter ever said that to my face again I would probably throttle them and would be happy to sit my ass in jail just to prove the point!
Here is what I didn't know: I
Here is what I didn't know:
I didn't know that DH would guilt parent SD
I didn't know that BM would alientate SD from DH and me
I didn't know that because of the above SD would become selfish and manipulative and never mature.
I didn't know that DH would still be enabling SD at 28 years old
I didn't know that SD would try to alienate DH from me by lies and manipulation.
I didn't know that I would never be #1 in DH's life because he has to "take care" of SD for the rest of her life.
How dumb am I?????
BM found one. 37, never
BM found one. 37, never married, no kids, on his own, a good provider with a good job.
Of course, he's whackadoo religious. But since she's a whackadoo hypocrite, I figure they're well matched.
You're entirely right - I
You're entirely right - I knew when I said it that this guy (who is actually nice, too) had a very VERY limited dating pool that no REALLY sane person would dip her toes into.
Well now you're just being
Well now you're just being picky
See, this is where my
See, this is where my situation differs. I did know what I was getting into... or had some idea at least. I knew hubby wanted me to take care of his kids the way I took care of my own. And I didn't have a problem with it. As a matter of fact, I remember before we got married, my dad said, "You want someone to take care of you, and he wants someone to take care of his kids..." and he was completely right. I didn't want to have to work until my kids were in school (that of course was NOT why I married dh, but it was why I didn't mind acting as "mom" to sk's). DH had no problem being the only one working. So I went in with my eyes wide open as far as that was concerned. And while we were dating I got along great with his kids. They adored me... or seemed to. They weren't upset when we got married or anything.
The problems didn't start until we'd been together a month or so. I was used to having my alone time at night when my kids would go to sleep (at normal "kid's go to bed hours"). Well, he was allowing his kids to stay up however late they wanted to which would usually end up being midnight or 1am... they were 8 and 11!! They would sit up and laugh and horse around and fight and basically just drive me out of my flipping mind! SO... I decided to talk to dh about setting bedtimes for them. When I mentioned that I was having problems because I was used to having some alone time to myself each night to unwind after dealing with children all day long and would it be possible for us to have the kids go to bed he got pissed off, looked me straight in the face and said, "I am NOT going to alienate MY kids just because you and your kids moved in!" Well, if I would have had a brain in my 26 year old head, I would have ran for the damn hills because for the last 11 years all I have ever heard is how I have made his kid's lives miserable... how all I ever did was get them in trouble... blah blah blah... boo freakin' hoo.
So even when you do know what you are getting yourself into, you STILL don't know what you are getting yourself into!! As naturalmom said, we can't predict the future. I could have handled the everyday kid problems with my sk's. I deal with those with my own kids and I EXPECT them. However, I did not sign up for all of the disrespect and attitude after my sk's became adults despite all of the things I did for them. I have already told myself, I will NEVER play mommy to anyone else's kids ever again... if they want someone to take care of their kids, HIRE A DAYCARE cuz I ain't doing it!!
I'm liking all your responses
I'm liking all your responses to those who have had this said to them! I will try them on dh! I guess I was just naive too when marrying dh. NO divorce in our family. NO experience with any blended family type stuff. I learned after marriage! Call me stupid but I never considered bm issues, cs issues, knew NOTHING about the cs system, knew nothing about visitation schedules or anything. When dh and I dated I wouldn't see him when he had ss or he'd leave ss with his mom (now mil). Now he has these expectations... And remember for me ss just started visiting regularly again after 2-3 years of no visiting so overnight dh wants me to love this kid and treat him like our bios....you knew what I came with when we married. Right. I knew you dumped your kid off all the time and hardly saw him. I didn't know he expected ME to be primary caregiver when ss visited & didn't know dh would be a lousy parent to ss. I knew dh had a kid didn't know he'd act like one every time ss comes over. Men. Yuck.
Ok, so as I'm checking on
Ok, so as I'm checking on this, dh emails me. He was planning on pickin up ss Friday and staying with mil. The bios and I would go into town and meet them on Sunday and spend Thanksgiving week visiting MIL and my parents. Yesterday dh says his friend has an extra ticket to a football game on Saturday (in ss/mil town) and invited dh. So dh was going to go and leave ss with mil during the game. Or buy tickets for ss and dh's youngest brother to go together. Fine. The email I just got says that dh and his friend are going to he game and he's leaving ss with me. He and his friend are going to drie 2 hrs, spend at least 4 hours at the game plus whatever else they decide to do then drive 2 hours back. Fine if he didn't have ss! He TELLS me I am watching ss. Then gets mad when I don't agree. Sorry, watching ss while dh works is fine. Watching ss while dh goes out with a buddy is NOT ok. I email him back and his response..."you knew what I had when you married me". AAAHHHH! He has been using this line a lot lately. (roll my eyes) Anyway, the irony...
Please do. He hangs out (at
Please do. He hangs out (at work) with a bunch of male chauvenists and comes home with that attitude some days. This is one of those days!
Yea, don't get me started!
Yea, don't get me started! Once we got married things completely changed! All of a sudden he wanted to have ss regularly and for the full 30 days inthe summer (never did before). All of a sudden I was doing an ocasional pickup from bm, dealing with bm and talking to her more than dh did. I wondered when I signed up for all that. I really do think dh liked beingarried at first because he could look like a great dad by keeping his visitation weekends yet not jar to be responsible for him. I am a sahm too so that makes it easier for him to just let me have ss. If dh works I'm fine with watching ss on a sat. Don't enjoy it but don't fuss about it. I stopped 'babysitting' ss so he could go out years ago when he insisted we have ss a full month in the summer yet worked 12 hr shifts come home pass out then go out on the weekends with friends. So the fact that dh TOLD me is absurd. He doesn't do that. Plus he knows how I feel about dumping ss on me to go with friends. Not my visit. He should make arrangements with a real babysitter, take ss with him or not go. Dh knew if he asked I would've said no. That is why he 'told' me. He hasn't brought itbup since so we'll see what happens. Like I told him, I knew he had a kid but I didn't know I'D be he one responsible for him.
When i hear "you knew he had
When i hear "you knew he had kids" my comment is "well he knew I didn't"
Until you are up close and personal with the situation you have no clue about guilt parenting , or how BM feel she has a continual right to control, or how kids are not taught appropriate behavior .....etc. None of this you really know until you are knee deep in it.
I think this question is idiotic because when divorced people get married you like to think they know what they are getting into right?? well some times until you live with and marry a guy or gal you dont realize certain dynamics...so this same question could easily apply to those that are divorced too.
UGH! Whoever came up with
UGH! Whoever came up with that line needs a swift kick in the ass! I've had that line pulled on me before and it's b.s. If you haven't been in a blended family situation before, you have noooooooo idea how difficult it can be until you are living it. Hell, I went in to the situation thinking that I was an adult, DH was an adult, BM was an adult, so the situation would be do-able because everyone was an adult and could be mature about the situation. YEAH RIGHT, so wrong....you can't dream up half the crazy, rediculous, wtf mooments you will experience in a blended family situation. Then you are in love with this man, but hate the skid situation, so what do you do? It's not so easy as a simple "just walk away" when you have years invested into a relationship. I think atleast in my situation that yes I knew that DH had a kid by his ex gf, BUT I chose to block out as much as the b.s. as possible. As that adds up over time, it's hard to not have it spill over.
I hate this saying! Yes, I
I hate this saying! Yes, I knew that DH had 2 sons that he had about 30% of the time.
Here is what I didn't know:
- That he would bow to every wish from BM
- That him and BM were BFFs
- That he would let the stepkids become spoiled, entitled brats
- That the stepkids would not have any rules or chores in our house
Did you know see his
Did you know see his interactions w/her before you married? Did he keep them hidden from you or was not enough time spent observing this?
I mean when we spend wknds together w/our kids I see how he interacts w/the girl, what his expectations are or aren't..and how he deals w/his ex-wife-recently it was to change his phone n and not give it to her
Did they do a bait and switch?? Act disciplined or put an act of who they were and turned when they married? Or was it a matter of not enough time during waking hours w/the kids involved or hearing him interact w/his ex?
I think his lack of
I think his lack of discipline has gotten worse as the kids have gotten older. Although they used to be much more pleasant to be around and then they reached the "teen years". And it doesn't help that BM buys them whatever they want and has a maid, gardener, etc. They have zero responsibility.
As far as the ex-wife, I had no idea how much they were communicating. I did spend time with the boys while we were dating but I didn't really pay much attention to when DH had them and when he didn't. Him and BM are constant "negotiating" the schedule, changing things up, etc. It is really annoying. Bm says jump and he says "How high?" I didn't know that until much later.
You know a part of me wonders
You know a part of me wonders if your dh's went for women that didn't know better...because they wouldn't have said yes to marrying them otherwise. It's understandable that if you haven't been married before or divorced you would be more naive to the circumstances of blended families-or if you haven't been in one. I have never been in a blended family-but after my divorce I did a LOT of homework because i knew that was possible years down the road.
The way it sounds from some of the dh's here-their situations changed w/out them making their SO (you) aware that it could change-like you were to assume it could. AND in reality-for someone who has been divorced/had kids-you DO know it can change in an instant and that man with kids means man with kids-regardless of the current custody arrangement/visitation.
To me a man w/kids means even if he sees them once a month that I could become full time parent. And I would want to observe and be around many interactions and days/nights together to watch them parent.
SO i don't think it's so much fault of your own for now knowing these things-but of your dh's using "trickery" or downplaying the importance/time a skid or ex can take in your life. I also wonder how long you dated? how many interactions did you see w/your dh and his kids or his drama w/his ex before marriage?
I've been taking my time watching my bf and his interactions w/his ex...she is neglectful of the girl and also controlling with him. Or tries to be. I know she has custody for $ -I know if she was ok w/out it she would send the girl to live w/him in a heartbeat-I know if we marry it's VERY likely the girl will want to live with us.
I know very well that he WANTS (not expects) me to be a good role motherly figure to his daughter. Well-here I am the not yet SM even and I was the one that went w/him to her school lunch-the mom hasn't ever been to one.????
My exh hasn't been to lunch w/my boys ever either at school-yet my bf went to doughnuts w/dad with them.
I want (not expect) him to have a active role in my boys lives-and he does. He's picked them up while i'm running late-he cooks for us, he tends to them at the table or fixing things, he talks w/them-he's there almost daily and every evening amidst the chaos of bedtime, homework, me yelling trying to get everyone down for the night
lol. I don't expect him to stay around-he knows what he's in for-i've reminded him numerous times that their dad is a deadbeat. He's seen it-I've seen it from his ex-wife. He feels how much the kids want a dad aroudn and look to him for guidance and fatherly affection and time.
We are both FULLY aware that taking on this relationship means taking on the whole LOT of us. We also know that our time alone as a couple we have a lot less stress and complications and it would be so much easier sure. But that's not our reality-and we slowly but steadily kept making choices and commitments towards becoming a family unit.
I'm well aware his ex can pick up her tactics and what she does will likely interfere in our lives at times. I know it's possible the girl will want to live w/us. He knows he's likely going to be taking on a big fatherly role with my sons. No naivete there. Hence we're walking towards this slow-watching, soaking in, deciding whether we can move forward...
BUT-we both have exe's-we both have kids so there's a mutual understanding that a blended family is NOT a picnic. It's not just marrying eachother and riding off into the sunset.
Marrying him would mean it's possible we both would/could become fulltime parents to his girl-and he would be fulltime to mine. I also know I'd have to accept his loving, wonderful smelly snarling bulldog into my house that already has a dog and cat...and two kids-possibly three if she moved with us. We know it's going to be madness
Hence why we are in absolutely no rush to marry.
I've had kids, so does he, we've been married-there's no next deadline to reach other then enjoy what we have now and wait and see what the future brings. I know we love eachother and want to always be together and talk of growing old together. So if someone uses that phrase-you know when you got married what it would be like? I can say absolutely, hands down. YES. I did!