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Well it's official...

1sttimestepmom's picture

I am pregnant! I had my first ultrasound yesterday and I could see its little heartbeat. I have to admit that while I am insanely excited I am very worried about how things will work out with SD and DH and I with a new baby. SD is very self centered and narcistic. Although she has not physically injured another child at school or daycare in months so I am hopeful. At least DH and I have finally gotten on the same page about SD's discipline and a schedule. Wish me luck!


stronggirl's picture

YEA.....Congrats and I know that you will figure out a way to so enjoy being a Mommy and dealing with the is not easy BUT IT IS SO WORTH IT...if I could have done it physically I would have had lots of babies.

GoldenTiger's picture

OHHHHHH! Yay! Congrats!

I'd just like to say that right now, I WISH I had your problem & concerns about a new little baby! Biggrin I'm in the middle of our 4th IVF cycle in 3 years & am hoping to end up worrying about such things.

So if nothing else, I hope it helps to know someone out there wishes they were in your shoes.

Enjoy every minute of pregnancy & raising your new baby. It goes by so quickly, there's no time to let anyone else's negativity steal those precious moments away.

Congrats again & Good Luck!

1sttimestepmom's picture

I'm so sorry to hear that. I do know a lot of people who have been down that path and it is heartbreaking and unfortunate, but both of the families I still keep in touch with have had babies in the last 2 years so I hope it works out the same for you Smile I am very fortunate to be fertile and I do not take that for granted. I hope all works out for you.