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Silly BM

caya506's picture

BM has been quiet since coming upon a new person to torture (read her new boyfriend). However, whenever she sees me around town I get the one finger wave.

Today's was the best yet. I'm sitting at a stoplight, at a busy intersection with 2 other cars in front of me. BM is across the intersection, coming towards me to take the turn across the lane I am in. She sees my car, proceeds to lay on the horn and flip me the bird. Well dummy BM, she wanted to make sure I saw the finger so she laid on the horn, I saw it....and so did all of the other people waiting at the intersection. She got the finger from a few other drivers and a few honks Biggrin . Dumbass. Made yourself look like an idiot.

This is what she just texted to BF:
BM - tell that b*tch to leave me alone!
BF - what are you talking about, YOU flipped HER off!
BM - ahhhhhhhhh!

Okaaaaaaaaaay, someone forgot their meds today!


caya506's picture

I would, but in all seriousness she probably wouldn't get it. Just the other day my BF asked her for SS's insurance cards to take him to the dentist and this is what she replied 'you need the whole card?' :?

DaizyDuke's picture

What a reject! how old is this woman? Definately give her the pageant wave next time.. I love that one!

DaizyDuke's picture

omg wouldn't it be funny if when she was doing this stupid shit, she actually wrecked right in front of you and then had to explain to the cops why the hell she wrecked? (hopefully she wouldn't get hurt of course... right??) lol

caya506's picture

OMG. I would die laughing!!!!

Of course I would hope she was uninjured Blum 3

Lilly's picture

Im glad she got a few back at her.They never seize to amaze me.

Next time, blow her a kiss with a big wave and smile.