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DH wants me to "try" harder with SS13................

Eagle Eye's picture

I told my DH the other night about my relationship with SS13. I told him the only relationship we have is SS being sassy or totally ignoring me. He said he had noticed that we hadn't been talking and it does bother him. Sad He wants me to try harder to start conversations with SS, to ask questions about his life so to speak. I told him that just because he loves me doesn't mean SS has to love me too and his response was "yes but he has to be respectful." Smile

I want to give some examples so everyone here knows what I am talking about:

I wake up SS every morning. I knock on his door and he grunts "up"

I take him to school and give him lunch $$. No "goodbye" no "thank you"

I get home at 5, DH is gone for work, SS isn't home. SS arrives home at 9 each night and has to knock on door to get in. I open door and ask where have you been? I get a look. I know he was at neighbors but it is a school night.

DH asks me to meet SS at school after he spent weekend w/BM so I can get his stuff. He is late so I call he answers "Ya?" I say, hello and he repeats "Ya?" but with an annoying tone!!

When DH is off work I see SS more. I usually make dinner and every single time SS wrinkles his nose at my food and says he doesnt like it. By now I'm used to it so I say nothing.

I tell him to clean his room. He picks up clothes off floor and calls it done. (on the floor there is trash, food wrappers, used kleenex,papers and whatever else)

Its been 5 days since he showered and brushed his teeth.

Last time he got in trouble for being rude to me DH was at work and sent him a text to apologize to me. Of course he didn't so next day DH confronts SS in front of me and says why havent you said you were sorry. SS says I dont know....I'll do it later and walks off. I was shocked! It was another 2 days before he apologized!

Ladies tell me why I should try harder with this kid. I know I'm the adult but I feel like it would be a fake attempt and really just pointless!! I have enough going on with myself and I dont want to have to feel pressured to make a relationship work! What do you think?


Eagle Eye's picture

I have a BD13 who lives with me full time and I do not get this type of behavior from her. She knows better than to treat me that way and she certainly doesnt treat my DH like that.

I dont feel the need to ask SS to choose any part of dinner. To me that seems like I am giving him the ok to snub my food. I no longer say anything but I certainly don't go out of my way to make something different for him. My BD eats what I make or doesnt eat. Seems reasonable to me.

I wish I could turn up the music in the mornings. My DH gets home and is in bed about 30 min before I get up so there is a lot of tip toeing around. Sad It gets old but he needs his rest.

I do take it to heart and that is my problem. I wish I didn't but I sure get my feelings hurt a lot by my SS.

stronggirl's picture

my husband is trying to get temporary custody of his son who will is 16 because of educational neglect and quite frankly I AM FREAKING OUT....I know it will be better for SS16 who is never going to graduate at the rate he is going but everything that I read here I know is going to happen to me.....DH needs to AGREE with your are the one that is home with SS so you make the rules and he needs to back you up!

hismineandours's picture

Um, yeah, that's not normal behavior no matter what others would have you believe. I have a dd that age, a ss 12.5 and a son 11.5. The only one that treats me like that is ss. I would never in a million years be ok with my kid being gone every evening at a neighbor's house without asking. If any of my kids want a ride to school, something picked up for them, then they either can ask nicely or it's not happening. I tend to be somewhat lenient on the rooms, but when I want it done-it either happens or the sit there without privileges. Your ss acts the way he does because he can. You still do stuff for him even if he's rude to you. If he doesnt like your cooking-you can make enough for you and dh and tell him to fend for himself. I wouldnt give him lunch money until he asked nicely for it. If he answers the phone with attitude then I would tell him you will let him go until he has better phone manners or is in a better mood then I would drive home with his stuff and let bm come pick it up.
It frustrates me to no end that people call this kid's behavior normal. No, it's rude and disrespectful. People think it is normal because so many kids act this way today. So many kids act this way because parents give them the message that it is ok and "normal" teen behavior. We are raising such an entitled youth and then call it normal when they act like asses. I never acted any of these ways to my mom and dad(not that I was perfect trust me)but I wasnt rude and disrespectful to my parents-and if my kids try that one on me they'll be spending some lonely, boring time in their room and doing without.
And while I said that ss treats me like that-he doesnt treat me that bad. I dont do all those things for him because he used to treat me that bad. He still isnt great to me-but if dh asked him to apologize he would never let him get away with "I'll do it later". If he wont eat my food I tell him its his choice to eat or not-but if he's not gonna eat he can leave the table. If he cant appreciate what I do do-I stop doing it. He wets his bed everynight-I used to strip his bed and wash his sheets and clothes everyday he was here. He would not do it independently, would argue if asked to do it himself-if I tried to give him tips on helping him with bladder control he would yell at me that he had absolutely no control over it and I should stop talking to him. So I no longer do it. First thing when he gets up I tell him to do it-if he tries not to I send him back to his room to sit there until he decides it is a good idea for him to do it.
You have no control over this child is the problem. You either HAVE to establish control or tell dh to get himself a new "babysitter"

Eagle Eye's picture

I agree! I don't think this is normal teenage behavior! I would never have been allowed to grunt at my mother! Or any adult for that matter. I ate what I was served or I didn't eat. I had daily chores that had to be done to my mothers expecatations. I hated it but I understand it!

I do realize that DH needs to enforce the rules more but I don't think he is concerned with the cleaniness of the house. I do most of the cleaning, I mean all of the cleaning!! Who am I trying to fool. LOL

Life is easier when SS isn't around so I guess thats why I don't press for him to come home. Right or wrong that's how I feel. I dont want to be a royal bitch to SS but that is the only feeling I have left! Sad I have no control over him and no fight left!

oneoffour's picture

This worked for my ssons lack of manners.
When I drove him to school he looked almost comatose. So I said "Hey, if you don't say Thank you and goodbye in an acceptable manner when you get out of the car I will step out of the car and yell at the top of my voice "Bye sweetie! I love you too! See you after school with your milk and cookies ready! Love you!"

He thought I was kidding. He got out of the car and sloped off with his pants hanging out. I put the car in 'park' and opened the door. By this time he was walking with some friends. I yelled.."Bye sweetie!.... "That is as far as I got. He turned and RAN into the building. It has never happened again.

Buy some rubber gloves and one of those things they sell for people who cannot pick things up ... clampy thing ...Go into his room and do the Big Black Bag Pickup. And EVERYTHING not in its place goes in the bag. The bag goes in the garage.

The not coming home until 9pm is totally uinacceptable. If he isn't there when you get home, call your husband. And continue to do so every 15 mins until he tells you to stop. And then tell him you have no idea where his son is, he wants you to care more about him yet it is REALLY hard to do when he isn't there. So he better come home and help you find him or does he want you to call the police and report him as a runaway?

See if this all works. And as usual, it sounds like DH is handing over the parenting to you and has no expectations of his son apart from breathing and occupying space and expectations that by magic you will all get along.

secondplace's picture

Yep Crayon, children think they are superior to elders because more than half of them are from broken homes, and they've been told that "the children have to come first", so they live their lives that way. They have to be "first" in every situation.

Drives me nuts too!