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my step kids

fedupwithdispesrect's picture

:? k... I have a step son who does nothing all day but lay on his back side playing games. while i know this is normal its also annoying. when hes told to clean his room he goes to a friends house for a couple days while we are gone to work. he calls the other 2 teenage girls here (1 is my daughter the other my step daughter) wh***s,sl**s. bi****s etc. My husband wont say anything to them but 1 of the girls called him gay & my husband flipped retarded! Then after everything i do for this boy (i give him rides back & forth to friends that dont even live a quarter mile away, give him $ for doing nothing, cook dinner every nite, take him & his 2 friends on camping trips, buy the food, pick them up etc....)so when he was told to weedeat the yard (believe me i would buy a goat to do it but the goat would starve!) the yard is REAL small so he left for 3 days. he came back 1 day then as he was leaving he said "tell dad to put the weedeater on the porch & have it ready for me. I will be back at 6 & i will weedeat. At 8 pm he comes through the door and i ask him (nicely) why werent you here at 6 like you aid you wer? he said "why you being a big b?" i damn near smacked him in his mouth! but instead him and my husband got into a shouting fight. Needless to say the boy has never apologized! his dad has never made him Sad this boy still asks to use my phone and wants to ride in my car and i dont want him to do it! how can i make this stop???? my husband and i argue over this often! how do i make it stop??????

Kes's picture

Firstly I would stop giving him money, stop driving him around, stop taking him on camping trips, stop letting him use your phone. You don't say how old he is, but obviously old enough to go off on his own for days. Tell him why you have stopped doing these things, and that these are privileges he has to earn by behaving decently and contributing to the household by helping out sometimes. If he is over 16 I would start making plans to eject him from your house for good as soon as he turns 18. He sounds vile.

Zoie's picture

I would do nothing for this kid and I mean nothing..he wants to eat he can make his own meals but her damn well better clean up after himself because if he doesnt he will not be eating again.

Now the biggest issue I have is the terrible names he is calling your DD and SD as well as the name he called you.OMG I would have told him to get the hell out and never come back. I will never...never tolerate that kind of disrespect in my home..sorry I just wont.

You DH has to step up here he cannot let his son continue on this destructive path. They need to have a serious conversation about what is going on with this kid..Maybe Dad needs to spend some quality time with his son and find out why he is so angry...


simifan's picture

Tell him no, he'll have to do for himself you're to busy being "a big b" every time he asks for something.