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BM blues and DH's sister

priness80's picture

Sad well today has been a something else well first BM takes SS until Sunday morning so he will be with us on Halloween DH dropped of SS because I am tired of BM causing problems and stress, by the way this pregnancy is still not going so good they say one twin is developing more than the other and I am scared anyways later on DH took of work to spend time with me and we go to Kmart to pick out costumes for ourselves and we see BM there getting SS a costume when she knows we already got him one and he is going trick or treating with us anyways I just hope she isn’t doing the usual and trying to keep him longer than what she says so anyways we see her ,and DH tries to take me to another isle before she sees us and tries to start problems so we get or costumes and go then we have an argument on the way home because I asked him if he would help me with my therapy instead of watching basketball and he finally gave in but out of nowhere I just break down crying because I am just tired of all of this stress I tired of seeing BMs face and it seems the more upset I am the more she shows up but anyways while I am breaking down DH's sister calls and says her lease is up and she needs a place to stay while searching for a her first home I agree to be nice but I really don’t want his sister and her DH here because she is always comparing me to BM and treating me like I am incapable she gives me stupid reminders like calling to say make sure SS takes a bath and eats his vitamins she even gave DH stuff for SS on his birthday like we are incapable of parenting then she comes over and cooks my stakes and cleans my bathroom after I already cleaned it and my DH is like thanks sis you got all the spots I couldn’t like he cleans the bathroom when I am the one who cleans everything I am just tired of his family and whenever they are over they always call DH about anything dealing with SS hey bro come feed your son come get your son ready for school when I am clearly the one who does all of that and when DH went to work once and they came over and saw SS watching TV and DH came home and hour later they have the nerve to say " wow you leave your kid home alone with no one watching him" while I was lying in the bed the whole time pregnant with twins but his whole family doesn’t give a rats ass about anything going on with me I only let his sister stay because I knew I would do the same for my sister but I am just tired of this drama I actually had to have my own mother stay over a few hours to take care of me and calm me down also MIL may be moving farther away and DH husband made a comment if my mom moves maybe we should move so we can stay close to family um I don’t think so oh and MIL actually told BM the hospital I am giving birth in can you believe that now what I am I suppose to do I am really thinking of switching hospitals and only telling my family because I really don’t want BM or MIL or any of DH's bitter family members to ruin the day my twins enter this world I really need advice


LizzieA's picture

Hon, does your DH really understand the physical issues you are experiencing? You do not need the stress including having long term houseguests! That man needs a wake up call. Can't they stay somewhere else? Also instruct the hospital who is allowed to visit. No exceptions.

caregiver1127's picture

Princess - keep the hospital but tell them that only who you want in your room - they will keep everyone else away - also give the name and a picture of BM to the staff and they won't let her on the floor - DH needs to understand that you need no stress you could lose the babies - so tell him that your sister can stay for a week but if she starts her shit he needs to speak up or you are going to your parents or a friend so that you can relax - I am praying for you - I am so sorry you have to go through all of this!

Jsmom's picture

Honey you need to take it easy. Just say no to relatives living with you. The most important thing is the health of you and those babies. He needs to say no.

priness80's picture

trying to relax but its so hard with a bittr family member or BM on eery cornerand ive talkd to my DH but he doesnt really stick up to his family becaus he says h doesnt want to start anymore problms or for thm to talk shit about me