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Who cares that I have feelings too!!

tryingtomakeit's picture

I am a very simple person. I like a clean house, I like to take care of the things that I have and I dont ask or do much of anything that is out of my means. I love surprises especially when i do not expect a thing. I do not get many of these because for some reason my husband and step children dont seem to plan things that well.

THis is random will see where I am going. I do have a fasination with maltese dogs. I have had two of them. The first one died of old age and the second still lives with my mother because I got married and instead of messing the dog up I let her stay with my mom.

My husband and I have talked about getting a dog, but I know they are a cost, but so are cook-off's that my husband likes to participate in, dip that he chews, and beer that he drinks. Now dont get me wrong I am sure that I do things too that are costly.

I had agreed that we did not need a dog....unless I found a maltese or the mother of my other maltese had another litter.

Well, my mother calls my husband yesterday to tell him that the mother of the maletese had puppies...which means they are sisters. She thought that this would be a good Christmas present for me and that he, my husband would like to get it for me.

He laughs about it and then not 5 minutes later calls me and asks me about it which I dont have a clue about it.....hense a Christmas present....surpise!!!

I call my mom and she is not upset but hurt that he TOLD ME. I think her wole thing was either he gets for you or she is going to get it for us for christmas.

I know we are about to have a baby, but I will be the one taking care of it. I will be the one doing everything for it,

I jsut wanted a surpise and now I know all about it. I am always doing and giving for everyone else and it seems like no one cares.

I think it will be so funny if my mom gets that dog for us....he may hate, but what ever. I dont ask for much.

What do yall think....I know this doesnt have much to do with step...but yea if the step kid wanted it we would have have two of them!


AnonymousMe's picture

From what I've noticed, men aren't the most thoughtful creatures. Some are, but most aren't. It's unfortunate that he blew your surprise but maybe he has something else planned?! Like, 2 dogs?! I'm pulling for straws here, but I hope you get that puppy. It sure seems to be pretty important to you!

tryingtomakeit's picture

Dont think that I have not thought of this. But, I can tell you right off hand that he is not thinking of me and the baby and responsiblity here. He is thinking about:

1.) Money
2.) Cutting into HIS social life
3.) Cutting into HIS social life

I understand completely about responsiblity and know that a dog is a big one and a baby is a even bigger big that I KNOW I will not have a social life.

tryingtomakeit's picture

Money I can see...but, we are FINE...this is not or should not be a issue. HE is jsut a tight butt! haha

Social life...he thinks a dog is like a sitting and stuff. He obviously has never had a little dog and know they can travel with or stay with my mom who has two other dogs. See I have it all worked out. haha

Asher10's picture

I think it's thoughtful that he asked you first. It shows that he puts value in your feelings and opinions about things. I'm sure he was between a rock and hard place. 1.he doesn't tell you anything so he can surprise you and then a year from now you're complaining about dog mess and baby stuff being piled onto you. OR 2.he could ruin the surprise by talking to you about it first since it's a huge commitment and not one he should agree to without being on the same page as you.

I think he did the right thing by asking. He can surprise you some other way with a smaller gift at some point or by greeting you at the door wrapped in nothing but a red bow and a smile. now THAT is a way better surprise than a dog!

tryingtomakeit's picture

See thats where people are missing the point.

HE DIDNT ASK ME! maybe I dindt make myself clear. He laughed at it. He called me to ask me if I knew about it. Sorry if I did not clear that up.

He assumed that it was to much money and too much time. I have had two of these dogs and know the responsiblity they are. If I didnt think I could do it....i would not be upset....we yeah I would. Cause he knows I LOVE them and it is something nice for a change!

Asher10's picture

oh...i'm sorry then i misunderstood Sad well if he just assumed for you that the answer was no, that's really rude. No naked red bow for him! Sad
I'm sorry he's being a butthead

tryingtomakeit's picture

Yeah...he though I had planned to have my mom call him. I DIDNT HAVE A CLUE. I was shocked when he asked me if he knew that my mom had called him about a puppy!


SillyGilly's picture

I hope your mom gets your your Xmas puppy. It sounds like not only do you know what you are getting into but you have spent a lot of time thinking about getting one, and really want one. Let us know if you get a special package under the tree!

burnet's picture

I know how your mother feels. Every time I wanted to surprise my kids, my first wife would tell them first. Then, they were expecting it.