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Proud of DH

wriggsy's picture

Just a quick blog to say that I am proud of my DH! I have been blogging about his kids failing multiple subjects the first six weeks of school and his lack of consequence for it, but he told them going forward..."things would be different".

Yesterday, it was homework time and DD, DH and I were out on the back porch. I was helping DD with Science and DH was checking over all three kids Math homework. SD comes to the door and pretty much demanded that DH come help her study for her History test (basically giving her a word and she gives the meaning). Anyhow...DH told her he would be in to help her in a minute and for her to go look over her worksheet. Less than 5 minutes later, she came back outside and informed DH that AM was on her way to pick them (SD and SS) up for the night. Knowing that SD hasn't studied yet, DH told SD to call AM and tell her to wait because homework was still being done. SD tried to aruge, but DH said that she has to study here (vs at AM's house) before SD can go to AM's. Of course, she stormed off because she didn't get her way, but I wanted to high five DH! I was so proud of him!

Baby steps....yep...they're happening!


wriggsy's picture

I even told him this morning how proud I was that he followed through on what he told the kids!!! Positive reinforcement isn't just for kids!!!

wriggsy's picture

Adoptive Mother since both skids were adopted during DH's previous unholy union with Satans exWife....