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I'm Back!

wriggsy's picture

Hello's been a little over 5 weeks since I have logged in (I had surgery and just didn't log in from home!) First, I hope everyone's Christmas season is going wonderfully...getting all your "To Do's" done and able to enjoy some time off. I have been back to work for 3 days and will be on vacation for a week after today, so it's been a little easier coming back to work because of the short week.

For those wondering, my surgery (hysterecotmy) went very problems during the surgery or recovery, so I expect to be released to "full activity level" at next weeks checkup. Even kept my ovaries--so no hormones!!

Things with the skids are going right about the same as last time I blogged. Their grades continue to suck out loud and (unfortunately) DH did as I expected...completely backed out of whatever discipline he threatened when the failing report cards came in. (Both skids failed 2 classes each...but DH saw this as an improvement from them failing 4 classes each on the last report card). We did have SS12 tested for Dyslexia and we just found out that he is, in fact, dyslexic. He will start special classes in the next semester and while we are excited that this might help his attitude towards school--he is on track to fail the first sememster miserably. This means that he will have to pull some kind of miracle grades in the next semster to keep from failing the 6th grade. And I'm more than a little pissed at our school district that my SS in the 6th grade and we are just finding out he is dyslexic!! Oh well...guess we will just roll with it and maybe things will get better.

As it's getting closer to Christmas, SDstb14 behavior has gotten a little better towards me. She stayed at AM's for most of my recovery period (only home 3 nights in the whole 5 weeks that I was recovering), but she still is a little nicer. Sadly, this is a pattern that she goes through around December ("Christmas=lots of gifts, so I'd better be nice since Wriggsy is the one that does the shopping") and January ("Birthday=more gifts...still better be nice"). Generally, after her birthday in mid-January, her behavior hits the rocks and she is back to her usual snotty self. Every year, I hold out hope that she changes and maintains the nicer behavior and I will probably hold out hope again this year...we shall see.

Other than that...everything else is pretty much the same...good to be back at work (kinda) and good to back online with my fellow ST'ers...

Merry Christmas/Happy Hannukah to all!