When it rains it pours...
As if it wasn't bad enough that my husband died 24 days ago....
His father, has broken into our house at least twice. There may have been more times, but I've only caught it twice. I can't call the police, because there are no witnesses and they wouldn't be able to do anything anyways because of that fact. He admitted to the first time, but he wouldn't own up to it any subsequent time. He is pathological and scary. I hate this man...
I spent nearly $100 to try to keep this man OUT of our home. I spent countless hours trying to install all this crap, which was a lovely reminder of how my husband is gone. This was not my area of expertise. This is what HE took care of and could have done it in like 20 minutes too probably. It made me sad...
Both me and my mother-in-law received a call today. From a woman my husband unfortunately dated 8-9 years ago. This woman was a stripper, she is a liar, she is a cheater, she is a conartist. As is her whole unfortunate family.
When they dated, she slept around on him. She was crazy. She had herpes and didn't tell him for months. She would just refuse to let him touch her or see her naked every so often for about a week. She caused an accident while he was driving, by jerking the wheel of the car when they were driving about 80 mph. They rolled...several times. She's lucky she didn't kill them.
My husband's family believes she and her brother are responsible for attacking and therefore causing my husband's brain injury when he was 20 years old. They believe they thought they'd killed him, so they bolted. He ended up with a metal plate in his head, memory problems, his drinking intensified, problems holding a job, problems with words. Who knows how many of his other issues were intensified by this one event in his life.
After they officially broke up for the last time, she called to tell him she was pregnant and it was his. He asked for a paternity test (given her history for sleeping around). She refused. They went their separate ways. Rumor had it that she tried to pin the kid on a bunch of different guys. No one bit. She resurfaced a couple years later. Again, he asked for a paternity test. She refused. Same pattern repeated a few more times. She never once called his family about this supposed child that was my husbands. She never once complied to a paternity test. We thought she wasn't really sure.
Fast forward to January or February of this year. We run into her mother. She insults my husband. Tells him he looks old. Also tells him, that the kid isn't his. She said this several times.
Fast forward again to today...
My father-in-law takes a phone call from her. She wanted to speak to my mother-in-law but she was busy. According to my father-in-law, she just wanted to know what happened, if he said anything about her before he died, wanted my mother-in-law to call her back.
Message from her at my house. She went on and on about how much she loved him, how she's glad she has a 'piece of him' because she has his daughter, she tried to compare our situations because I'm pregnant, mentioned that she knew we were married, said that she was just trying to get a hold of my mother-in-law because she thought maybe she'd want to have a relationship with her granddaughter.
She is only after money. If it was really about a "granddaughter" knowing her "grandmother", why not before my husband died? Why not take the damn paternity test forever and a day ago? You think that just because he's gone forever that you can worm your way into this family? Think again.
This family is crazy. It feels like waiting just to see how far she will go to get something and benefit from my husband's death. MY husband. MY love. MY everything. MINE! Not hers. Not her daughter's father. He was not anything to her. And he hated her. Absolutely hated her. So did his mom. She has said several times and I quote "I don't even care if that kid IS {insert husband's name}. I don't want anything to do with them." Fat chance of a relationship there.
I wish they would all just leave me alone and just let me grieve. Let me be able to focus on the pain. Of knowing I'm not going to be able to see him, hug him, kiss him, talk to him, just be with him ever again. Stop messing with my life and causing more stress and more hardships. Stop breaking into our house. Stop trying to tie yourself to my husband and my family. Just stop. You don't matter. Only he mattered. And he's gone.
- lastchance's blog
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I am so sorry This is an
I am so sorry
This is an unreasonable mess you have been left with. I wish too that they would leave you alone to grieve; however, some people have no class.
Be strong. Life does get better. I wish you peace.
OH God... I am so sorry....
OH God... I am so sorry.... you must be going through HELL.
As for the Father...who is breaking into your house.... go talk to every one of your neighbors. Ask them if they see anything suspicious..... to call the POLICE and then YOUR cell phone immediately. (You may even want to tell them who is doing it... that's up to you.)
Do NOT talk to this woman who claims to have his "love" child....EVER AGAIN. TELL HER TO GO POUND SAND!
Ask your MIL to do the same.
Sending good thoughts your way.... and hoping you have the opportunity to grieve and then.... enjoy your pregnancy. You have a wonderful experience coming your way, and know your loving husband will be forever looking over the both of you with loving eyes.
Take care.
oh my gosh im so sorry about
oh my gosh im so sorry about that stupid woman. She is a stupid bitch for trying to do this to your family in your time of sorrow. Im so sorry
Oh my gosh.... that is just
Oh my gosh.... that is just insane. Why on earth is your FIL breaking in to your house? Do you have anyone that could come stay with you for a while to either deter him or to be a witness? That is just horrible. I would think that his parents would understand the pain you're going through and would want to be sources of support and comfort, but your FIL sounds like a whackjob.
As for the exfling, tell her to get lost... I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all this.
I think we are all SO sorry
I think we are all SO sorry to hear about all of this. I can't even imagine what you are going through. I can tell you - you NEED to tell everyone you need your time to grieve and figure things out. You are allowed to have your space. NO ONE can tell you no. Turn off your phone. Ignore everyone for two weeks. Keep your head up and get your head together.
:'( Wow! There are no
Wow! There are no words... except maybe "restraining order"??
Have nothing to do with this
Have nothing to do with this woman. She is toxic.
If this was really your husband's child, she would have submitted to a pat test a long time ago. If your in laws are thinking of having anything to do with the illegitamate child, let them know that a pat test can STILL be done using a mouth swab and either a sample from a sib of his or from his parents to determine if she's telling the truth, which SHE IS NOT!
Unless there is a pat test, she cannot get any money from you, or from his estate. She can't even get his social security.
Take some time for you and let this idiot flap in the breeze all she wants. If you weren't friends before there's no reason to be friends now, and what she's doing in the midst of your grief is destructive and evil.
I am so sorry.... people are
I am so sorry.... people are just so damn selfish and we all know that the prospect of free money to a career loser is going to bring them sniffing around no matter what the reason.
The good news is that I'm pretty sure that if she IS just looking for money (i.e SS survivor benefits for said child) that SS will require a paternity test and then she'll be SOL and she can stop playing her stupid games and leave you alone. Until then, I would ignore her and have your in-laws do the same. You and your family have no reason or obligation to entertain her rantings.
surround your self with good friend and family that can offer you support during this time, and keep coming here... again if you need anything feel free to PM me!
FIL-He is a psychopath. MIL
FIL-He is a psychopath. MIL divorced him when DH was 2 or 3 years old because he was an abusive drug abusing POS. He spent all of DH's life in and out of prison for assaulting women and other people. He is selfish and he is horrible. He broke into our house the first time because he "wanted to feel DH". Took some of DH's things and who knows what he riffled through. Sat down on our couch and watched our frickin' TV.
I have changed all the locks, new locks on both the sheds, put a chain and a lock on the lawn mower, put metal rods in all the windows so that he can't open them without breaking them, and put a latch on the dog door. I am going to go to Home Depot today though and buy a piece of wood to reinforce the dog door though. I don't think he'll go to the lengths of breaking the door, but if he can't get in with all these other measures we've done, he might get pissed and do just that.
MIL-wants nothing to do with this woman or her kid. She HATES her. Absolutely hates her. Before DH died she has told me several times when this bitches name got brought up that "I don't even care if that kid IS DH's." She gives them the willies. Oh and this woman's brother...slashed my tires 3 years ago. We let him stay with us because his wife kicked him out. Didn't find out until later that she 'kicked him out' because he punched her in the face knocking her two front teeth out. Oh and, this POS, when he was staying with us, took pictures of us sleeping naked. I hate them all.