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antidrama's picture

Getting ready to leave for Daytona on Friday morning. We were SUPPOSED to have SD on Thursday evening but now she wants to switch to tonight instead. Apparently her older sister (not DH's) is coming over Thursday night. Poor kid idolizes that girl, but damn....she is a H.O.T.T. MESS. She is always making promises to SD and she gets so excited and then doesn't follow through which just breaks SD's heart. The funny thing is she is only a couple of years younger than I am (yes DH is considerably older than me). She's 25 and I'm 28. Ohhhhh but the differences!!!

Her: At 25 she's a "retired" pot-head stripper who doesn't keep a job for more than a couple weeks (by choice--or so she says) yet miraculously has all latest and greatest phones, clothes, cards, etc. She finally got her GED last year (good for her) because she dropped out of HS the day she hit 16. She has guy friends who are in love with her but she only uses them for money and a place to stay. He rents a house for her (which is in the WORST part of town). She makes poor choices, lies, is completely irresponsible, and tries to cheat the "system" constantly.

Me: At just three years older I have 2 degrees, have been to 18 different countries and at one point was fluent in another language (it's all gone away now that I don't use it anymore). I have had the same job for 4 years, have 2 titles, my own office (with windows!!!) and have great influence over the company. I am married and have no drama in my life other than BM. I'm actually more accomplished than BM is and she HATES it.

Anywho--sorry for the sidetrack on Sister (which is what SD calls her). Having SD tonight instead of tomorrow night means we can get an earlier start to our Va-MF'ing-cation. WOOT!


wriggsy's picture

Nothing really to say other's funny that my DH spells hot the same way H.O.T.T. to get across just how hot it really is outside!!!