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hrtbroke40's picture

As you all know Dh is now an ex and has been gone for over a week with no contact. Yesterday he came to get the rest of his things and left a note asking for SD's nintendo ds back. I bought her this for Christmas and she lost it. well, i found it while moving and told her I would not give it back it if I found it. Everytime we told her to look for it she would get mad and pout about looking. She thought that was our job. So now I don't know whether to give it back to her or keep it. The thing cost me 140. What would you guys do?


caregiver1127's picture

I know every instinct is telling you to keep it to teach her a lesson - but give it back - what I am wondering is how your ex knew that you found the game - did you tell him?

BTW - how are you doing with everything - are you taking some time each day for just you even if it is a cup of hot tea? Keep your chin up - things will get better - am praying for you.


Gosh... giving that back would be hard for me too. After all, you spent your money on it and then it was you that found it again. But... I guess in the end I would give it back just because I wouldn't want to have to look at it and think about her.

Triggerfishgal's picture

Just learned that lesson myself, about not purchasing for another man's kids. After getting FSS8 a DVD player that he was 300% ungrateful for, I decided that I won't be buying him presents for Christmas. It didn't bother me at first, because I know he was hoping he would get a train set, but now the total rudeness of it pisses me off. His dad had to prod him into thanking me 3 times, and he barely even glanced at it, once he unwrapped it, saw it wasn't a train, and said "oh, i thought it would be something I would like." Eff that crap at Christmas time.

I agree with everyone else. Give it back to them, and mail it. I understand the desire to teach her a lesson, and be spiteful about it, I really do. But be the bigger person and move on. *hugs*

Jsmom's picture

I disagree. Sell it on Craiglist. Let him buy her one. Once bitten twice shy with these kids.

Why should she get it back? She lost it and there are consequences for that. She will get Daddy to buy her a new one. Trust me, he will.

hrtbroke40's picture

In a week and a half she has aquired a cell phone and new bicycle that I know of!! Daddy is buying happiness!

starfish's picture

my first thought was to sell it on craigslist.... but i like the idea of donating to a children's hospital..

no, it's not your place to teach her any lessons, but it is also not your place to do her any favors!

good luck, things will get easier! Smile

stormabruin's picture

It could show up in the mail in time for a Christmas gift. LOL! Of course, I'm kidding. I think you should give it back, only because if I'd moved out of a place & someone found something that belonged to or'd be mine & I'd like to have it back.

hismineandours's picture

How could they sue her when the child lost it? I just wouldnt respond in anyway. I would not be inclined to return it. It wasnt important enough for her to look for while you all were together-why the heck is it important now? You bought it, you and dh both agreed that it would not be returned to her, so at that moment, IMO owenership reverted back to you!

wriggsy's picture

I'm with the donating it to a childrens shelter. Personally, I have spent almost $100 on a charm braclet for SD one Christmas, just because my daughter and I both had one and she loved them. So, to do that "bonding" thing, I went out and got a bracelet and put some thought into a few nice charms. I was so happy to give it to her. She wore it on Christmas. It went with her to her mothers. I didn't see it for maybe 6 months (at this time..she was at dad's more than at mom's) I started asking her to bring it home. She never did. I went looking through her room and found it in one of her purses. It only had one charm left on it and it was pulled out of shape. This is the thanks I get? I didn't let her know that I had it and kept asking her to be sure to get it from her mom's. After a time, when I was along for the "pick up", as soon as she got in the car, I asked her if she had the bracelet. She said no, it was in her jewelry box, so I asked her to go back in a get it. She immediately said that she hadn't been able to find it...she had thought it was in her box, but it wasn't. I just kept my mouth shut. To this day..almost 2 years later, I still have it and she still does not know. I will never give it back and will more than likely just give it to my daughter when she grows into it.

I would rather throw it away than give it back to her....

mom2five's picture

I would give it back. I can understand why you don't want to. But I think if you keep it, you'll end up feeling crappy about the decision later. There is no down side for you in giving it back to her.

hrtbroke40's picture

I am really torn about it...I probably will give it back to just say...I am NOT the evil stepmother even though you think she IS Cinderella!!!