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If I am the adult why do I feel like a child runs my house!

beebusdriver93's picture

Sad So my stepchild(not really her father and I aren't married)but been the only mother in her life for 2 years....Why is it or should I say how is it that an almost 11 yr old girl could be making my life and home hell! I am the adult here but I feel I have lost control.
Okay seen alot of you say you don't like your stepchild...and I am there. I can't stand to see her walk in a room. She makes me ill to my stomach. She lies so much that when she opens her mouth is she telling the truth for once?! So how did I get to this point...when I met her things were good...she loved me and I loved her...but somewhere I guess her true colors came out...from 8 yrs old till now....she is evil!
She steals, she lies, she says ugly things to people, she has went in her brothers room and taken things, she has texted me from her fathers phone...after I texted him...I didn't even know it wasnt him till someone told it wasnt mean things but it was the point all the same, its never her fault..its everyone else doing this or that not her...example she called a kid a b*tch in school last year...she called my child that while in bed at night...they share a room, she has cut up things not hers...she cuts up her own stuff...she gives things to people to make a friend but doesnt keep them very long because she has to be the leader and the boss...I see bad bad things in her future...but to get her dad to understand he has to do something is like talking to a rock....he says I pick at her...well maybe at this point I honestly do cause she makes me sick...this has boiled for 2 yrs and he hasnt done anything but ground her to her room for a night....with tv...after him and her have a yelling match...i have listened to her come into the room he was in a say ...hey dad look what im wearing to school tomorrow and he said no your not..she said yeah I am he said no your not they are to short she said no they arent I am wearing them...he said no your not she said watch me...and walked back in her room...if she is punished to her room she thinks of 9million things to come out...and he lets send her to take a shower she stays in there forever and after her hair drys its still dirty...who would take a shower and never wash there hair...attention she wants ...EVERYONES attention good or bad...from the nurse at school to the neighbor driving by....she has went as far to go the the nurse at school and say she had lice...omg embarrassing..nothing embarrasses her...she wanted to wear my childs clothes to school because they would be tighter...and skirt would be shorter....and this was at she is almost 11 its getting worse....this isnt a stage....dont say that because I been around a million kids in my life(i work for the public school) and there is just somethign wrong with her....mentally...
also....she isnt his..even though he has raised her since birth..but my thought her mother wasnt right...what if her real father wasnt either and something is get her help...we tried she lied to them...she told them she was hearing voices and it was telling her to kill people and that she was getting up at night and looking at the wall

omg I think I am going to lose my mind....or I gotta run with my child and let him deal with the she devil on his own....and feel for the next woman to take my place!


Willow2010's picture

Ok, I read your other blog and was not going to respond, because I think I would only say things you do not want to hear.

But I thought better and here goes. You make a lot of excuses for your BF. And just hearing the back ground from your other thread, he seems like a man version of BM. It sounds like your DH likes to surround himself with trashy people before you came along.

The child has had 2 terrible parents for her life and now one of them is dead. I hate to tell you but, I do not think this situation will ever get better. Your DH does not seem like he wants to even be a parent. I say you have three choices…

1) leave and raise your own kids.
2) stay and get some kind of extensive counseling for EVERYONE
3) stay and watch this situation get worse and worse.

beebusdriver93's picture

Willow2010...your right I do keep making excuses for him...I am not sure why I do this...I do love him..but is there enough love in this world to continue with this!? This morning I get up for work...have car trouble...kind of security light comes on when you try to start the car then you have to sit and wait for 10mins till the light goes out before it will start. So I go back inside...leaving my daughter in the car to tell him it will not start and his child is in our bathroom using my brushes and things to fix her hair! I held my cool...because the kids have a bathroom of their own with their own things and she waits till she thinks I am gone to go use my stuff with him sitting there letting her and allowing her to do this...made me ill. So I said ummm you have your own things those are mine and I do not want you in here using my things just because I am not here...she says but this is the only brush...blah blah...I cut her off because there is no excuse for him to allow her in our bathroom to use my things...she was up when I left...she didn't ask me because she knew the answer. I wouldnt have let my daughter come in our bathroom and use our things when they each have their own brushes, mirrors etc....So I realized that the last 4 days of hell didnt get through to number....who knows what number
You are right I dont see it changing..because honestly I dont think he sees anything wrong! I am sure when I do bring up this morning to him he will say what was wrong with her using your things she ask me....BUT THEY ARE MY THINGS...SHE DIDNT ASK ME...I dont have many things that I feel that are my own but my personal things are my own...PERIOD

hrtbroke40's picture

Wow..i just keep reading alot of the same behavior...I dealt with this with my SD8 who i have had with us since she was 3. her mom is in prison 1/2 way across the country. She is a crackhead just like her own mother. Left when SD was 2 and I am the only mom she has ever known. I have tried to love this child and she just makes it impossible. I am recently separated from the 2 of them an I have to say my home is so peaceful. I love the peace. She kept things so wound up and upset. She was in total control. My no means no, daddy's no's mean sure go ahead I won't do anything and you know it. The thing I never got was when he shipped her off somewhere for a few days..he became a different person all together. It was like dr.jekyll and mr. hyde. I begged for counselling for us but was told in last conversation I don't believe in it and won't. All I know I just wish I was there to see the ultimate fall of the SD cause the older they get the more evil they get. She is gonna run all over him and I guess he needs to start saving to help keep her out of trouble since nothing is ever her fault either. I had feelings for my SD that i knew was wrong but she truly made me hate her and I dreaded having to deal with are not alone...(((HUGS))) Hang in there but i really don't think it will get better EVER!!!

beebusdriver93's picture

Thanks...I am really seeing the light...I don't see it getting better if he sees nothing is wrong! As for her leaving for a few days....some weekends they go to their uncles...which isnt an all around good place...their mothers brother....their mother was a crackhead pill popping using ho!!! When they go over there to visit and there are no kids...we are 2 different people...the people we were before they came to live with us full time...its sad..their grandmother(moms mom) was a pill popping drunk who died in her early 40;s from that and their mom followed her.......why would he want his child to be like her mother and grandmother....and as I tell him everyday....she is heading down the wrong path and you are leading her there. I think a young lying, conniving, stealing person grows to be that as an adult!
I just seem to think that it might be to late for this 11 she is grounded..she doesnt see anything she does as wrong...and without a dad who teaches her that she isnt gonna learn no matter how much i teach her and i dont want to look back and people look back in a few years and wonder what i did wrong in raising her with him...cause I didnt do it...i couldnt make her a better person because he was always changing it to the way he liked it to shut her big mouth up