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Fake-Mom's picture

:jawdrop: Hello, this is my first time to really reach out to other step-parents(sp). I am not sure were to start. Our most recent activity is the 14 yr made cheerleader and has become Perfect(hehe) over night! This child has been with me and mine for 10 yrs. and now nothing i say is right and ever questioned by her father. Why was I good enough for the first 9 years and all of a sudden I am crazy? Help


Willow2010's picture

My DD went thru it at 13. THANK GOD she got out of it pretty quick. Only about 2 years, maybe a little less.

By the way, she is 22 now and we are bff's.

Willow2010's picture

Oh I could tell you some stories! We laugh at it now, but it was horrible.

But, it was the same crap I did to my mom at that age, and the same crap my mom did to her mom at that age and so on and so on. I am pretty sure ALL girls go thru it around 13ish and boys go thru a milder form around 16ish.

I think it would be so much worse in a step situation.

Rags's picture

Welcome to the community. I hope you find it a good place to vent, contribute and pick up some useful advice from others navigating the challenges of blended family life.

I sounds to me that your DH is going through a phase and is having dificulty with the transition of his daughter from child to teen. I would point out to him exactly what you have said here and ask him why you were an effective parent and partner for the first 9yrs but now that SD is 14 and a cheerleader you are not.

Don't accept anything but an answer from him.

IMHO of course.

Best regards,