OT - Are childbirth classes necessary or helpful?
DH and I are expecting twins late in the fall. The only childbirth classes offered at our hospital take place while we are both working. I asked my doc if the classes were necessary, and he didn't really give me a straight answer. I am considering purchasing a video online, but I wanted to ask around first to see if any of you have ever gone through childbirth classes, and if they were indeed necessary or helpful. Do any of you know of any online resources we can purchase so we don't have to miss work one day a week for three weeks? Since we are having twins, our chances of C-Section are greatly increased, but I think I would feel better if I had some knowledge of what's going to happen. I'm a little scared, I don't have any kids now, and DH's kids are all grown, so he doesn't really remember too much about labor and delivery. Any insight would be helpful, as I am growing more nervous by the day.
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I didn't have any classes
I didn't have any classes with either if my kids. I think the main important thing u can do is to make sure you know everything to expect. Don't go into labor with romantic ideas because you will be more likely to be disappointed and be more scared which can stress both you and the babies which could make things worse. There is tons of information online so just readup on everything you can come across and you will do fine.
I never had one and the kids
I never had one and the kids came out fine. Like the other poster put it read up and know what to expect. If you want to go by all means go but don't feel forced to
I did not attend any
I did not attend any childbirth classes before I had BS4 and BS2. I did most of my research online or at the library so I still felt prepared. The best books I read were: What to Expect When You're Expecting and A Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy: What the Dr.'s Won't Tell You. The GFriend's Guide will tell you everything you don't want to know but need to know!
Best of luck to you with the twins!
I attended them but to be
I attended them but to be honest I had read so much on my own that by the time I took the class I knew more than the instructor.
I felt it was a total waste of time.
i didnt go for either dd3 or
i didnt go for either dd3 or ds5months...i had them both natural with no drugs (i'm proud of that
) and i was fine. i did read what to expect when you're expecting, alot of internet research and talked to my mom and sister and friends. my mom however, had taken clases (way back in the day) with me and she recommended it but i just wasnt feeling it. good luck!!
I requested a C-Section right
I requested a C-Section right from the start - I don't like pain and have a bad back so I never had to go because I knew I would not be going through it. I have to say it was the greatest experience I have ever had having the C-section - no pain except for the incision which DD is going to be 5 this Fall and I can't remember it at all. Most of my friends that have had twins have had C-Sections. My sister had natural and she did not go and she was fine.
My girlfriend's daughter is having a baby and my girlfriend went with her to a few when hubby could not go and it was a great experience for both of them.
Yes, the boom Girlfriend's
Yes, the boom Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy was great! I did childbirth class before the first but it wasn't necessary. The only thing you learn are breathing techniques, but in all honesty for me that flew out the door when labor started! Plus I knew I wanted an epidural and once that kicks in you don't really need to know breathing techniques! Everything else they taught in class I read in books anyway. Congrats on twins!!!
I know! Once the
I know! Once the anesthisiologists walked in the room it was heaven! I loved my last guy. He gave me a strong dose- loved it! I actually enjoyed the experience after the epi.