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what is it about skid that irritates you...

dakotamom's picture

What is it that gets to you about your skid???

My main issues are they cant' do shit for themselves (15 and 17), ss15 is hygenically challanged and is DH's shadow when around.


PrincessFiona's picture

Biggest irritation.........common courtesy, speak when spoken to.

I am tired of excuses being made for why I am ignored as if I dont' exist, but again hand is out when money is being spent.

oilandwater's picture

I hear you on this one, all three of my skids do this. And the excuses UUUUGGGHHH! I only confronted my DH about it one time and he said, "Haven't you ever tried to say something and no sound came out." Give me a break! He must think I'm a F'n idiot.

PrincessFiona's picture

I get lots of excuses, at least when I used to point it out. Now I just let it go and don't try to interact. Funny as soon as I stopped trying it caused a big blowup, I'm not treating her good ! No I'm not but I'm treating her just like she treats me.

Oh the excuses....
--She's just shy
--She's just a kid
--She doesn't know how to act
--it's just the way her BM teachers her

none of it hold water with me. THose are things as a parent you teach a child little by little as they grow up, starting with toddlers.

Willow2010's picture

SS lies ALLLLLL the time. I mean it is really really weird!! He can change his story at least 4 times in the same conversation. And it is all just bullshit. Not even something that should be lied about. If his mouth is moving he is lying. GRRRR…typical conversation….

SS…I went out for lunch today.
Me…I thought your HS is closed campus.
SS…not anymore.
Me…yes it is.
SS… Well not for seniors.
Me…Yes it is.
SS…They let us leave for lunch on Tuesdays.
Me…no they don’t.
SS…yes they do…..OH…THAT’S RIGHT. I forgot. We are not supposed to leave campus for lunch.


I kid you not, that is how 95% of any conversation goes with that boy. And it is usually not even over stuff that you would think he would have a reason to lie about.

Eagle Eye's picture

My SS13 lies about most things and of course denies it when the story changes the next day. He wont shower or brush his teeth unless he is told to! Yuck!!

JJO's picture

The fact that she thinks that she is the boss of everyone. A 5yo Goddess if you wish. And that she has no manners.

Example: "What are you doing there??"....(experiments on little girls.. come closer..)
"Where is my dad?"...(I ate him for breakfast).....
"Where is my shoe?"....(up my b...).
"Why cant I decide ?" ....(because you are 5!!!)....
"No .. I am not going, I HAVE PLANS!!"..........
" I said : NO"....(and I said yes).....
Blum 3

starfish's picture


DaizyDuke's picture

My SS11 won't shower or brush his teeth without being told to do so and I've NEVER seen the kid wash his hands! Bleeeeck!

He also can't get something to wear out of his dresser without pawing through every item and then leaving the whole thing in a big wadded up mess. I refuse to fold his laundry anymore, I just thow it in the drawer, if he doesn't like wrinkled clothes??? Oh well!

Whenever he is over he will get a bottle of water and take like 2 sips out of it and then leave the bottle on the coffee table. Then like two days later when he is there (water bottle is still on coffee table) he'll get a NEW bottle and take two sips and leave THAT one on the coffee table... until I finally bitch to hubby and then either he drinks the leftovers or throws them out. UGH!

dakotamom's picture

ss15 seems to prefer dirty clothes when with us because i will NOT wash their laundry anymore. i'm tired of washing/folding for them to do the wadded up in a drawer shit. Dh can do it if he wants to. i just cringe when ss15 is there for a week and no laundry has been done that i know of and he isn't asking for things to be washed. he doens't have that many clothes at our house...they all go to bm land and never return, it's like the bottomless pit!
ss17 on the other hand is thankfully capable of cleaning his clothes and will do so on his own but he doesn't take care of ss15's stuff because he thinks he's gross also.

dakotamom's picture

I've started noticing skin prints on the bathroom mirror. Finally one day i caught ss15 resting his forehead on the mirror above the sink. i asked him what he was doing...."i forgot" i told him he could brush his teeth as he was standing there he said "no it wasn't that" i said whatever and get your greasy head off my mirror and get the windex.
i don't think matters what it is....ss15 just rubs me the wrong way about everything and that DH gets so defensive about him makes me do the happy dance when ss15 won't be around. 3 more years.....please go quickly!!!!

Persephone's picture

That they are conscienceless "takers". Not just with us, with everyone.

Last night DH and I were talking about SD leaving for college next week; I asked him what, if any, fears he had for her. His response: Is that she is a taker without remorse and it repulses him. His fear is that because she has been allowed to become this.. society will be very rough on her.

Tx mommy of 3's picture hungry, greedy, feels entitled to things, ungrateful, has no respect for dh, and has no goals in life. I know he's only 12 but at that age if someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I had many answers. 'i don't know' is his response. He's growing up to be very spoiled and lazy.

dakotamom's picture

****He's growing up to be very spoiled and lazy.******

is this the way society is going to be because of skids having no rules or parents not wanting to deal with them????
help us!!!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Scary, huh? My bil (dh's brother) is 20. Parents divorced when bil was 3 I think. Ss is prob going to end up like bil because they were raised the same way. Bil barely graduated high school, still has NO goals, doesn't know how to manage money, spends on stupid things but can't pay bills, and is not in college/school of any type. He doesn't want to work in the food industry, retail or any other job yet wants to make 'a lot' of money....with nothing but a high school diploma and NO work experience. He has quit every job he's had. He is also very immature and acts like he's 16. Never learned how to take care of things or the value of money. He moved out with friends but before he moved out he was shocked how much rent was and gas! Unfortunately dh and i see ss falling in thesame path. Can you imagine all these kids in the future 'ruling' our country?!

dakotamom's picture

OMG!!!! did you go to my house instead of yours?!?!?! Same shit different house and ages for me!!! irritates the hell out of me. i just stoped cleaning up after them. DH said he'd clean up after them and guess what - hasn't done a damn thing.....he was proud when ss17 put water on top of his plate so that the food didn't get stuck to it. after plates/cups/bowls/glasses/silverware sat in the sink for almost 2 weeks i put them in the broken dishwasher. i'm afraid to even open that thing up to see what the dishes have grown. i could just do the dishes, but that's what broke me and DH said he'd do it so i don't care. how can people live in filth like that?!?! DH always bitched that was how BM lived her life and he hated it...well guess what you're letting your sperm creations live that same way and this time it's in my house!!!! BULLSHIT!!!!
i think i've thrown away more of their stuff because i quit caring and if they went back to BM and stuff was left out - into the trash it went. it wasn't my money that bought it i don't care.

MadeMyBed's picture

Hmmmmm...the fact that they are both BOYS (10 &16) and AFRAID of bugs and also afraid to get dirty. Guess who is always having to remove a spider from the house? And God forbid they get any dirt on their sneakers.....which leads me to God forbid they actually GO OUTSIDE once in a while. Oh the horror!

dakotamom's picture

oh hell - i'd buy a patio set and my happy ass would be out there all day and night they're on visit!!!

jojo68's picture

Number one thing that bothers me is BF daughter has absolutely no respect which covers a lot of ground and the fact that she is ten and acts like she's five is a very close second.

grayskies's picture

this will feel very good because i have never ever said all of these things before........

what irritates me about ss17:

*lying, lazy, and manipulative (will burst into tears if even questioned about anything, DH sees the tears, SS is off the hook)
*does not shower unless you make him
*will sleep in his clothes, and will wear same dirty clothes to school without showering
*refuses to eat unless you cook for him. yes, thats right, even though i have TAUGHT him to make the simplest of meals, he won't eat a thing unless its made for him. he is very very thin for his height and will tell people that there just isn't any food in the house, which is not true at all
*has never ever done a nice thing for DH on his birthday, Christmas, father's day, etc
*has a million excuses why he can't or won't get a job
*does not want to get his driver's license since its easier for everyone else to drive him around all the time
*has very long hair that he does not brush or take care of, therefore it is in the kitchen sink, fridge, bathrooms, etc
*is impossible to watch a movie with, as he has to complain or argue about it the whole time
*hoardes his birthday and Christmas money, but does not bring it with him when he goes out with friends-he tells them he has no money so they pay for him for everything. i have caught him doing this several times, and reminded him to go get his own money to use. his friends say "oh no, mrs. grayskies, he doesnt have to do that, we'll pay for him!".
*refused for years to get off of the computer and do anything with DH and i, unless it was something for him. now that he spent 6 weeks with BM, is walking around the house saying how GREAT she is that she taught him SO MANY things and how AWESOME life is without being on the computer so much
*eats by shoving as much food in his mouth as possible, then proceeds to choke and spit out of food on the plate
*does this sneaky crap where he will use the bathroom, wash his hands, and then leave the water in the sink running. i find water all over the floor, he says he wasn't in there.
*will try to take desserts away from you, even if you're already eating them. ex: i made lemon bars one day, and had the last one on a little plate to have with a movie. ss decided he wanted it, got a fork, and tried to take it right off of my plate. he does this to DH too, who of course, lets him have it every time.
*cannot play board or video games with him because he is ultra competitive, will brag about how he's going to win and will cry if he loses

grayskies's picture

i really REALLY hope you don't have to ever deal with it. the sad thing, all of the things on my list could have been worked with, or taught differently, or prevented if DH had been more interested in being a parent and less interested in being a best buddy.

rinkrats5's picture


- lazy, manipulative,demanding,entitled,controlling,selfish,loud,
- she stomps all over the house like an elephant
- copies everything SD18 does
- follows DH like a puppy
- thinks she can come and go as she pleases and doesnt knock
- says "whatever" every other word
- does not shower enough
- never eats...but is chubby?
- looks exactly like BM
- act exactly like BM

-allows her sister and BM to control her
-doesnt shower enough - her hair is always greasy
-says "whatever" every other word
-also comes and goes as she pleases
-expect DH to drop everything to do her bidding even if it mean he has to take unpaid time off work

hismineandours's picture

Umm-lemme think-how about everything? Truthfully there is very little that doesnt annoy me. Here's a list
Being ignored and completely disregarded
Bedwetting and not cleaning up after self (he's 12)
Acting one way when dh is in the room and a completely different way when he's not
doesn't shower/brush teeth
He's loud
He farts excessively
His farts make people throw up (literally)
He thinks he has to eat all the time
He thinks his mom's house is nicer than ours
He follows dh around when he's here
He tells on me to his bm and dh
He tells on my children constantly-even when he initiates it yet doesnt mention anything he's done wrong
He talks about me to my own children
He says "freaking" all the time
He uses dh and I for material things, vacations, xmas-has said he doesnt want to be here unless we've got something fun going on
He never takes responsibility or apologizes for anything unless dh demands it
He breaks stuff
He steals stuff
This is my list for today-I am sure I can come up with some more tomorrow

SammyJo58's picture

SD25, married with two kids

* thinks she is a Princess who can do no wrong (even though she was kicked out of her mom's home by her mom and step-dad, then kicked out of our home by her father), and I'm the wicked Step-Mom who is a Bitch, consequently treats me with ignorance and disrespect, and does anything she can to undermine my marriage and DELIBERATELY hurt me
* lies to me and/or her father to avoid looking bad
* is using the grandchildren as weapons.

That last one was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Any mother who chooses to teach her children about hate instead of love does not belong in my life.

dakotamom's picture

I think it's great to vent!!!
something came up for me yesterday that made me think...just what is it about them that just irritates the crap out of me...what can't i get over, is it petty...the answer was the same for all of us which was funny. every thread i read there was something in all of them that i could agree with. i think the biggest is respect and all the others stem from it.
i hope it was good for everyone!!!!