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She's 19, where's the rent money?

not_snow_white's picture

a friend of mine has a 19yr old SD who recently came to live with them.the dad bought the girl a car and my friend found her a job as well as helped with getting the girl enrolled in online college classes.
So basically the girl has been living there for free with no responsibilities other than paying her car insurance and she's supposed to be saving her money to prepare to move out in the next year or so.
Well apparently my friend has been viewing the girls online banking acct and realized that over the past year the girl has only put into savings less than 25% of her paycheck! The rest is just being spent on whatever she wants AND she let her online classes lapse because she doesn't want to finish school right now.

On top of all these things,she treats my friends home like a hotel.coming and going as she pleases.She barely speaks to her dad when he's home and she always has an attitude of entitlement.
I told my friend she should be charging this girl rent. If she isn't going to save her money and try to better herself by continuing her online classes then she shouldn't get to live for free anymore.

Do you think she should be charged rent? Why or Why not?


Willow2010's picture

Out rule is that you can live at home (rent free) after HS graduation, IF you go to college full time and work at least part time. If you do not do BOTH of those then you can not even live in our home as an adult.

LizzieA's picture

Which part did she object to? The complaining one, LOL? Sounds great to me. I made DD move out after college graduation. No way was she going to live at home as an adult. No need to.

PrincessFiona's picture

I think AD has some really great rules. And they are totally reasonable for any 'adult' child who wishes to live at home.

I hope to be able to help my kids as long as I am able to give them a good start in life. However that does not mean at any expense or if they are being disrepectful to me, DH or our home, or if they take advantage of my generosity.

I might suggest that a rent amount be set. Then take half as real rent and half to secretly put away in a savings account to give the child when they finally contribute enought on their own to move out.

JustAnotherSM's picture

Yes, SD should be paying rent. If the Dad/SM don't actually need it to keep the bills paid, then they should keep that money in an interest-bearing account and give it back to SD when she is ready to move out in 12 months. This will help ensure that she actually does leave! Smile

SS18 is currently living with me and DH. DH got him a job and his only expenses are car insurance and cell phone. He doesn't pay rent but he's always broke and doesn't help out around the house as much as I think he should. This is also supposed to be a temporary situation, but when the skids have it this easy there is not much incentive for them to leave.

buttercookie's picture

The girl doesn't deserve privacy living under someone elses roof and mooching. She wants privacy she needs to get a job and move out

stepmasochist's picture

Yep, give her the rules AD suggested and if she can't or doesn't want to stay in school full time and get a part time job, she needs to be working full time and paying rent. As suggested, that rent can be saved to get her out on her own in a year.

A great way to keep a parent or a stepparent out of your business as an adult child would be to move out - IMO.

Pantera's picture

I was able to live at home after 18 rent free as long as I showed respect for my parents, followed thier rules, and had to have a full time job or go to school. I also had to buy my own food, medicine, ect.