As of today we are out of the SpermClan interface business. Happy 18th Birthday Son!!!
Today marks the end of the custody and visitation elements of my son's (SS) Custody/Visitation/Support order.
Today is his 18th birthday. Unfortunately through the guilt trip and manipulations of the SpermGrandMa he is with them today rather than being done with them. One more week and his mom (my wife) will liberate him from SpermLand for the final time. With any luck he will never see or speak with them again.
TODAY IS A GREAT DAY!!! I declare unconditional victory over the toothless, moronic vitriolic crap that the SpermIdiot and the SpermClan have subjected my son and my family for the past 16 years.
Now, when SS starts college we/he can bend BioDad over for CS for another 4 years without having our son (my SS) subjected to the toxic dipshit environment of SpermLand.
Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now for reality. He will see them again (though without our participantion in paying for travel) because he will want to see his younger half sibs and give them a break from SpermGrandMas banshee screaming and yelling, SpermGrandPa's hate and contempt for all of his worthless POS son's spawn, and a break from their "father" who non of them will call their father. They all refer to him as "your" father when speaking to each other.
He cares for his sibs and for that ..... I am as proud of him as I can be.
Happy birthday kid-o.
- Rags's blog
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"toothless, moronic vitriolic
"toothless, moronic vitriolic crap" LOL I have always loved your posts Rags. Everytime I see "SpermClan", I crack up! Happy Birthday to your SS, congrats for doing a great job with him
Congratulations Rags! You are
Congratulations Rags! You are a great Father!
This is wonderful news for
This is wonderful news for you!!! Hope you stay and give us advice we all need here and there
Becomming a parent is the
Becomming a parent is the only permanent decison one can make in life these days.
I am his dad whether he is 18 or 80. I will continue to need the S-Talker venue to vent my frustration with parenting and with the undoubtedly continuous dipship influence his SpermClan will have on my son.
S-Talk is not getting rid of me that easily!!!
Best regards.
Congratulations, Rags. You
Congratulations, Rags. You are one stand-up guy!
Congrats to your son! Happy
Congrats to your son! Happy birthday!
Tell your son that an online
Tell your son that an online stranger wishes him a Happy Bday!!!
Congrats Rags! And Happy
Congrats Rags! And Happy Birthday to your son! May you and your family be blessed with many many years of SpermClan-less happiness!
Finally!! Now he can choose
Finally!! Now he can choose when or if he wants to visit any of them. That is so liberating!
I look forward to when my stepson is to that point.
Have a GREAT DAY!!
Congrats ! Rags and Rag's
Congrats ! Rags and Rag's son!
Keep us in the loop with updates!
Congrats Rags and Happy 18th
Congrats Rags and Happy 18th Birthday to Ragson!!!
So happy for you that the official custody/visitation portion is done and overwith!! Whoo hoo!!
You've been a great Dad for many years to SS - and I'm sure you're very proud, regardless of his Spermclan biology/50% makeup.
A StepTalk celebration is in order...
Picture: Milomom pouring Rags' favorite (virtual) drink and passing it to him, pouring herself a large Pina Colada and offering a virtual drink to our fellow Steppers...
I'm new to this site-but
I'm new to this site-but Happy Birthday to your son-and happy freedom day to you!!!! You did it! Gives me insperation it can be done! I think we all look forward to the day of freedom! (Not that we want them to grow up so fast) But FREEDOM from idiots would be a great thing!!
Congratulations Rags! I
Congratulations Rags! I know you will still be dealing with some of the sc's crap, since I also fully believe that your son will do as you say - and continue to be part of their lives due to his half-sibs. But at least now, you will be able to just hear about the antics, and not really have it affect you at all anymore! Congratulations!!
Happy Birthday, to you both -
Happy Birthday, to you both - its a new life, thank the Lord-!!!!
Congrats Rags, and Happy
Congrats Rags, and Happy Birthday to your son. Here's to a successful college career for him, and four more years of support for you. WooooooHooooooo!