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Step brat getting on my last nerve

amanda_anne87's picture

I'm new at this whole step-mom thing. We aren't actually married, but we live together. We get his daughter (who just turned 7) every other weekend. I've tried countless times to get my boyfriend to discipline his child, but have no success with it. In his mind, if he disciplines her, she won't want to come back. He sets no ground rules with her, whatever she wants she gets. I'm to my breaking point. The weekends we have her I try to find something to do just to get away. I sign up to work extra, go shopping, go out with friends, or just take a long drive. When she's not here (which is most of the time) my boyfriend and I are the happiest couple in the world. Anyways, I babysat for 10 years of my life and NEVER had to deal with a child this bratty. Here's some examples of the things that bother me:

*I work night shift and have to sleep during the day. She has no respect for letting me sleep. Therefore I become upset and cranky and yell.

*She is the pickiest eater ever, and my boyfriend basically encourages it. If she doesn't like what we eat for dinner I tell her she can eat what we have or not eat at all. My boyfriend on the other hand will cater to her and let her eat chips and cookies and whatever she wants just so she doesn't go home and complain that daddy doesn't feed her.

*She throws temper tantrums, complete with screaming and crying over the stupidest things. Example...the restaurant we went to last night with my parents for dinner didn't have Pepsi products, they had Coke. She wanted Mt Dew and they didn't have it. She started screaming and crying over this. I was embarrassed because everyone was staring at us. And my boyfriend didn't seem to mind. This happens EVERY time we go out in the point that I won't go anywhere with them if I don't have to.

*My parents even tell me they've never seen a child so dramatic and bratty as her. They always ask me why my boyfriend doesn't discipline her. My dad even said if she was his kid, he'd light her ass on fire to set her straight.

*She terrorizes the cats to no end. No matter how many times my boyfriend and I both yell at her for it, she continues to do it. They're usually friendly and always out. But every time she comes over they hide all weekend because they hate her.

*No matter how many times we tell her to clean up her toys before she goes back to her mom's, she won't do it. I think she gets more out just to spite us.

*No matter how many times I've told her trash goes in the trash can, she still continues to shove trash under the couch, under the bed, in her toy box, anywhere but the trash can. I have to clean the house top to bottom every time she leaves.

*Like I said, I babysat for 10 years. She is by far messier and more accident prone than any child I've ever seen. Again, another reason I have to clean constantly when she's here.

*She refuses to take a bath/shower. It's to the point her mom doesn't care anymore and when she comes here she smells. We have to literally force her into the tub, wash her fast, and deal with screaming, kicking, etc in the process.

*I don't know where it comes from, but I find opened candy stuck everywhere. She hoards it and no matter how many times I've gone through her room when she's gone to find and destroy the sweets, there still ends up more.

*She can't sleep without the TV on. And no matter how many times we turn it down, she turns it up so it's blaring loud.
*She is a major drama queen...worse than the girls I went to high school with.

*She refuses to sleep in her room. She HAS to sleep on the couch or in the living room. Even though we have a TV in her room. She claims that's where she sleeps "at mommy's" and apparently mommy sleeps with her. We've asked about this and it's not true.

*She makes up the most insane lies about what mommy lets her do.

I could go on forever here...but I'm sure no one is still reading this. I feel like I can't put her brattiness to justice by writing about it. Even though my boyfriend and I are so happy when she's not there, I'm afraid she's going to be the end of our relationship. I find myself dreading the weekends she's coming. It's gotten to the point when she's here that we scream at each other over his non-discipline for her. I don't feel comfortable disciplining her, but I do have to enforce some rules. And no matter how mad my boyfriend gets over the things she does, he won't discipline. I'm afraid that she's going to get worse and more manipulative as she gets older. I used to want children, but now I am completely turned off of the idea of kids. I used to love children, but now I can't stand them. I know it's different when they're your own, but I can't fathom the idea of having one anymore. I don't know what to do anymore. We have 11 more years of this until she's 18.

Please help! I need opinions/ideas/anything to help me get through this! I don't want to lose the love of my life...his only flaw is his daughter.


Fairy Stepmother's picture

You're letting this child set the rules. Bad move. Really bad move.

My husband was the same towards my SS when we first got together and my SS was the same age as yours. We had literally the same exact problems that you are. Once I saw how the SS started playing both birth parents like well tuned violins, I put an end to it in our house. As a result, in our home SS behaves beautifully and shows respect for both humans and animals, eats what he should and sleeps where he should. At BM's home, it's the exact opposite.

Giving the kids control soon translates into complete lack of respect towards all adults and believing the world revolves around them.

You have the house, you make the rules. Period. She'll cry and act out, but not for long. Kids love structure. Give her some.

Fairy Stepmother's picture

She's 7 years old..... 7. She shouldn't be making any decision apart from which underwear she wants to wear that day. Honestly, just deal with the child, as a child. She'll refuse to visit? Doesn't her father have a visitation schedule?

This kid's going to wear you right down and rip the family apart, just like the 21 y.o. did. But you're letting it happen. Can't you see that? It's obvious that your original method of child rearing didn't work with the older kid. Why use the same method?

You are an adult. She is a child. End of story. That's how you "work around this". You and her father "man up" and set boundaries. And stick to them. If you don't, you're pretty much screwed.

mystiery's picture

Wow he needs to get control of that and fast. As far as going out with your parents or others, go alone do not take them with you and tell him they will not be invited until she learns how to behave in public. For her not cleaning her room, well give her one warning, it is cleaned by the time she leaves or whatever is left out is to be thrown away by you after she is gone (worked on my skids). As far as the trash under the beds and what not, take the bed frame away and leave just the mattress then there is no where to stuff the trash under there. More seriously you need to tell your boyfriend either A) he gets his child under control or YOU will and no matter how much he fights with you about it you will do it anyways and he can just get over it.

amanda_anne87's picture

I babysat for 10 years. As I got older, I did whole weekends, vacations as a nanny, and even week long sit's while the parents went on vacation. I know kids get annoying, but this brat is beyond what I've ever dealt with.

Fairy Stepmother's picture

I wanted to really examine your issues and disect them.

"My boyfriend on the other hand will cater to her and let her eat chips and cookies and whatever she wants just so she doesn't go home and complain that daddy doesn't feed her."

Tell your boyfriend to man up and be a father.

"She started screaming and crying over this. I was embarrassed because everyone was staring at us. And my boyfriend didn't seem to mind. This happens EVERY time we go out in the point that I won't go anywhere with them if I don't have to."

Remove the child from the restaurant and go home.

"She terrorizes the cats to no end. But every time she comes over they hide all weekend because they hate her."

Cats don't know how to "hate" a child. They hate the lack of calm in their home. Put the child into a time out.

"No matter how many times we tell her to clean up her toys before she goes back to her mom's, she won't do it."

Then you don't get into the car until they are picked up.

"she still continues to shove trash under the couch, under the bed, in her toy box, anywhere but the trash can."

She eats only when supervised and the trash is thrown into the proper receptacle by her when she's done.

"She refuses to take a bath/shower."

Let her stink. It will eventually sink in. Or her mother will cave and teach the child to wash.

"I don't know where it comes from, but I find opened candy stuck everywhere."

Check her overnight bag (or whatever) when she arrives, remove the candy, to be returned to her when she's given back to her mother. Do not keep candy in the house.

"She can't sleep without the TV on. And no matter how many times we turn it down, she turns it up so it's blaring loud."

Remove the tv from her room or put a block on it so that she can not turn it on without adult supervision.

"She refuses to sleep in her room."

Why is she given the opportunity to sleep elsewhere? Put her in her room, return her to her room if she comes out.

"She makes up the most insane lies about what mommy lets her do."

Why do you care? You should be concerned about her behavior at your home and how you can help this very disturbed child become a good human being.

"I don't feel comfortable disciplining her, but I do have to enforce some rules."

It is your home, you are allowed to have rules and enforce them if he isn't. No one should make you uncomfortable in your own home. No one.

wriggsy's picture

I just married my DH in March of 2010 after almost 10 years of dating. I have a BD and SD that are both 13 and a SS who is almost 12. We have had issues from the very beginning with SD and are now getting some fun from SS. I have very different views on how a child should be brought up (much the same way that my parents raised me) and enforce my views with my daughter. I have tried to influence DH, but he really doesn't come through with his parenting. This is the very reason why-even though we are married-I have maintained my own home...separate from his. I am not saying it's for everyone, but it's what works for us. We had planned on not marrying until the kids were all out of the house, but I started getting worried about them never leaving!! (hee hee!) I have gone through all levels of the hated "step monster" disease. I came from a blended family that had it's rocky times, but we stuck together! I'm not sure if it made me naive to how bad a blended family could be. I thought if I just try to show these kids that it's because I love them that I set rules and boundries, that they would understand and we would all ride off into the sunset. Not so much. They have "that" kind of a BM (can't really even call her that since both skids are adopted)--the "friend" not the parent. Not too long ago, she came into my DH house and accused me of abusing SD by constantly calling her "fat"..which I don't do, but it's only one of a million lies told by this damaged girl. She then proceeded to call me every name in the book (scared my own daughter badly enough that she had dialed "911" on her phone "just in case"). DH wasn't home at the time, and BM was gone by the time he got there. However, nothing ever came of it...all the lies that have been told...there is never any reprimand. Half of DH's family thinks I'm a horrible person because of things SD has said...even if they bother to ask me about it...they still end up feeling like they have to be loyal to her, so I'm the bad person.

All that to really should think about moving out on your own and getting your thoughts together about the relationship with your boyfriend. Is that relationship worth the rocky times ahead? Because I can promise you--unless he has a huge change in his ways...the little girl will only get worse. Is that what you want in your life? My own SD is about 6 inches taller than me and outweighs me by about 30 lbs...she has a violent streak in her that matches her BM and there is nothing I can do to make her mind me if I want to send her to her room or anything else. She has told me to "shut up" and since I have heard her call her own BM a b**ch, I can only imagine what she must say about me!! It is my own path to walk and I chose to do so after some very heavy praying...I believe that God put me here for a reason. I don't know if it's to save my DH or to save my skids....I only know that there is a reason.

Pray for guidance...ask for help and be strong! This is your life and you have to make your own choices, but stand strong in those choices!!