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Never Try to Teach a Pig To Sing....

LizGrace65's picture

Robert Heinlein said "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig."

This can be interpreted to mean that there's no point in trying to carry on an interaction that's impossible - there's nothing to be gained on either side.

Not that I care if I annoy the pig - but I don't care to waste my time trying to discourse rationally with anyone who is in fact, at the end of the day, not constrained by the bounds of rationality, be it my SS, or another poster on this forum.

Anybody with me? (grin)



anabihibik's picture

I just spit tea on my screen and had it come out my nose. I'd still be laughing if it didn't sting a little. Wink

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

Just re-read “Animal Farm” a few nights ago and yall got me thinking
about Napoleon the Pig who harnessed the ignorance of the sheep
and was able to use it to his advantage.
NEVER underestimate the power of the pigs.

I just try real hard to refrain from becoming a lamb in the pen… dig?